Just Like The Stars

Written on a whim.

This is a romance story from someone(me) having no experience and does not know what romance is.

Criticisms are welcome, as long as they're constructive.

Enjoy reading. :)

I'm sorry. I appreciate your feelings but... I can't go out with you.

I said to Paul. We've been classmates since freshmen year but we didn't belong to the same circle of friends, we didn't interact very much. He's smart (always belonging to the honors list) and kind but I don't know him further than that.

Uhm... I'll be going now. See you tomorrow.

I muttered. Then I ran towards the school gate.

Wow. That was the third this month, am I right? You're so cruel, Fi.

I jokingly punched him on the side.

Shut up, Zion. It's not as though I like being confessed to. Besides... never mind.

I almost said that it's only him that I liked. Stupid me.

I liked Zion ever since we were kids. We're childhood friends and our mothers are high school best friends. Our houses are literally next to each other, that's why our families are close.

I was always a weird kid. Or should I say, I was just mature for my age. No one would play with me; rather, I found other kids games too easy, too childish and boring, so I never even attempted to play with them. I read books instead.

Then one day, on my sixth birthday, I met Zion. He lived with his grandparents prior to our meeting. At first, I was wary of him. He seemed kind of intimidating and weak. He was pale and thin and he didn't speak much.

Then, our parents left us to play together, while they chatted with the guests. Well, it was then that I started liking him.

Hey! I've been talking here non-stop and you aren't even listening.

I laughed when he said those words with a childish pout.

Sorry, sorry. I was thinking of something.

I said while wiping the tears that escaped my eyes because of laughing so hard.

You didn't have to laugh that much you know. And what were you thinking of? Or is it "who"? Don't tell me you regret rejecting that Peter or P-something guy?

I laughed again. He's super childish when we're alone together. Far from the usual "Cool Guy" act when other people are around.

You're horrible. You can't even remember Paul's name. I wasn't thinking of him. Cut the jealousy would you?

I joked. Oh, how I wish he really was jealous.

Yeah, I'm jealous, so what.

My cheeks felt hot and so I looked away. Then I heard him laugh. I turned to look at him and saw that he's flushed from laughing so hard and yet, he's still laughing.

You should've seen your face, Fi. That was hilarious!

He said between laughs. I continuously punched his side, strongly this time, and he stopped laughing.

Ow. I'm sorry, stop punching me.

I stopped punching him. He straightened and then we continued walking.

I was talking about your birthday. It's near. I'm excited.

He said, smiling widely.

I smiled back. My birthday... it commemorates our 10 years together. I'm excited, too.


I tied my hair in a loose ponytail grabbed my bag before running down the stairs to the kitchen.

Stop running, Fiona. You'll hurt yourself.

As if on cue, I slipped and I thought I was going to climb down the remaining 5 steps of the stairs with my head, but that was not the case, thankfully.

You're such a klutz, Fi. It's still so early, no need to rush. You make people worry so much, early in the morning.

I blushed as he put me down.


I muttered.

Good morning Fiona. I already made breakfast but I need to run along now. Your Dad forgot something needed for work and so, I'm going to deliver it to him. Bye! Lock the doors when you leave, okay?

Mom said while frantically rushing out.

So... why are you so early?

I asked him.

My parents left last night and they wouldn't be back until your birthday. They're worried about me, so with your parents' permission, I'm staying here until they return. I was already here last night. Oh! You skipped dinner last night so you didn't know.

I couldn't say anything so I just opened the fridge and took some yogurt.

Want some?

I asked him. He smiled and took my offer.


Tomorrow's finally my birthday. I'll turn 16 tomorrow.

You're smiling to yourself again. Stop being creepy, Fi.

I frowned.

I wasn't being creepy. I'm just happy. Hmph!

I turned away from him.

Anyway, go home without me today. I have somewhere to go to.

I remembered what my friend and I were talking about these past few days.

Zion has been acting weird, going somewhere on lunch break and spacing out every now and then.

Mia, her name, said that Zion might be asking some girl out or he might have a girlfriend. I didn't want to believe her but maybe, she's right.

Actually, there's somewhere Mia and I will go to before going home.

I lied. I immediately stood and ran towards Mia's classroom next door, fearing that Zion will see through my lie.

Be careful!

I heard him shout behind me. I just gave him a thumbs-up without facing him.

Let's follow him.

Says Mia after I told her everything.



She cut me off.


I agreed to her plan.


And so here we are, in front of a jewelry shop where Zion entered together with a girl I don't recognize.

She was beautiful. Long wavy hair, slim figure and a well-endowed front mountains.

Hey! He's getting out of the shop.

I heard Mia say.

I'll go home Mia. I'm sorry, bye.

I said while running away without looking towards the jewelry shop and without looking back and without glancing back at Mia.


Happy birthday!

Mom and Dad said while holding up a cake with 16 candles, smiling happily. I smiled back and blew the candles.

We could've given you a larger party if you only wished to.

My Dad said while Mom was slicing the cake.

This much is fine Dad. I wouldn't be able to relax if you threw me a grand birthday party. But... thank you for being always generous.

I said.

Oh! I forgot something. I'll just go get it, it's inside my car.

Mom suddenly exclaimed. I looked at Dad and he had this "Oh me, too" look in his face.

You can go get what you forgot Dad. I'll prepare the plates while waiting.

I said while smiling.

I lost my balance while reaching up the shelves to get my Mom's favorite tea cups.

Woah. Easy there.

Even without seeing his face I knew it was Zion.

He took the cups out of my hand and placed them on the table.

Happy birthday.

He said while smiling. He had a different kind of smile today. Somewhat nervous and happy and excited? But I don't really know.


He said and then he enclosed my hands in his. I looked at him straight in the eyes.

There's something I need to tell you.

I gulped and looked down. Will he tell me that he found a girlfriend and that he wanted to introduce her to me?

I... I love you.

I froze. Then I felt his hands left mine and then he cupped my face.

I love you Fi. For a long time now.

I stood there gawking.

Hey, say something.

He said.

But... you have a girlfriend.

I said then he laughed.

You're stupid. You know that? I bet you didn't even look at your phone. I saw Mia on my way home. She said some "things". To clear myself, that girl wasn't my girlfriend; she was a stranger that happened to chat with me while I was out buying something for you. And I was going somewhere during lunch breaks because I was talking with my friends who has girlfriends, asking for advice on what to give to you.

He let go of my face and took something out of his pocket.


He said, giving me a red rectangular box. I opened it and saw a really beautiful necklace with a star pendant.

Let me put that on you.

He said then he put it on me while facing me. Then he hugged me tight.

I love you Fi. No one else.

I hugged him back.

I love you, too.

I said then all of a sudden, party poppers popped and I saw Zion's Mom filming us.

Mom! Dad!

Both of us said together.

They're both so cute! Let's get them married already!

My Mom's words which Zion's Mom agreed to without hesitating.

I agree my daughter's cute but, no. They're not to be married until they graduate college.

My Dad said while snatching me from Zion's hug.

Well said! I'll make sure Zion's fit to be the perfect husband for your daughter. So make sure she grows up to be the perfect wife for my son.

Zion's Dad said. Then all of them laughed, excluding me and Zion. But then, carried by the mood, we laughed as well.

But we don't even know if we'll end up with each other.

I voiced out what's been worrying me.

So you're saying that you might find someone other than me? You hurt me, Fi.

He said while placing a palm over where his heart should be, like I shot him there or something.

No! But... you might... find someone else.

I said in a small voice.

I yelped when my Dad pushed me and I landed in Zion's arms.

Stupid! Stop worrying about that. That's impossible. You're the only one I want and need.

I blushed hard and so I hugged Zion to hide my flushing cheeks in his chest.

And we spent the rest of the day, smiling happily.


At night, while alone in my room, I took out the box where Zion gave me the first gift I got from him. The gift he gave me on my sixth birthday.

A book, specifically, about stars. The book itself wasn't really special. The note his six-year-old self wrote the special thing.

Will you stay with me forever? Just like the stars.

Looking back, what he wrote was really romantic. I'm glad that I took his hands back then as I smiled and said 'yes'.
