Part 1: A New Beginning

So I'm pretty much no stranger to fanfiction, but this is my first male reader self insert story, so I hope that you will forgive me for any mistakes. Whoever is reading this, since I'm actually brand new to this.

Your description: Your outfit is pretty much black pants, combat boots, any (F/C) jacket with some 'interesting' patches. Your background will be explained eventually.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.  Any RWBY content belong to rooster teeth.

(Y/N): Here at last

A teen boy said as he walked off the ship and onto the grounds for Beacon Academy.  It wasn't exactly all that he expected but he was still impressed by the view. Although the breath taking moment was ruined when a certain blonde boy stumbled past him while nearly vomiting once again.

With a sigh, you decide to help the poor blonde by leading him to the nearest trash can as to which he vomited whatever contents he had left in his stomach.

(Y/N): You alright, buddy?

Blonde Boy: I hope so...

(Y/N): That's good enough to hear, now if you don't mind. I'll be on my way.

The blonde boy looked up to find you but he simply found an empty space instead of you. Sadly, he hast exactly seen your face so he can't exactly find you and properly thank you.

Back With You

After about ten minutes of 'speed walking' around the school to figure out all of the locations. You simply sat down on a bench and began writing down a pre planned schedule for every necessity when you finally settle in to your new home. You thought you heard a distant explosion but you shrugged it off and simply told yourself that it was nothing. For a quick second you stopped writing to think about any new recipes to cook for yourself and any new found friends. Remembering about the orientation you decide to put away your notepad and began walking until you found the blonde boy and a girl in a red cloak. From the looks of it, they were showing each other their weapons.

(Y/N): Oh hey you're the guy that threw up in the ship.

The Blonde boy face palmed as he was once again recognized for vomiting.

Blonde Boy: Not this again...

You laughed at the boy's antics.

(Y/N): Trust me, these things eventually die out

Blonde Boy: You really think so?

(Y/N): Maybe, just don't give anyone a reason to bring back the name, Vomit Boy.

Blonde Boy: Riight...

There was a slight pause until the blonde spoke up again and extended a hand.

Blonde Boy: Name's Jaune

You gladly shook Jaune's hand after his introduction.

(Y/N): (Y/N)

Girl with the red cloak: I'm Ruby!

(Y/N): Ruby? Aren't you the girl at Signal that always had a cookie in every class?

Ruby laughed nervously as she remembered her days back in signal.

Ruby: Well I-

(Y/N): and if I remember correctly, you're a couple of years younger than me. So what are you doing here in beacon?

Ruby: Let's just say a certain criminal was robbing store that I was in and I somewhat chased them away. Then Professor Ozpin sort of asked if I wanted to go here and here I am...

You simply laughed at the girl's shyness as she tried to explain her story.

(Y/N): You don't have to be nervous when talking about a story like that. I think it's great that you were accepted into here. Hell, I have a feeling that you'll surpass some of the others around here.

Ruby slightly blushed at the compliment: I well... Thanks

Jaune: So I kind of hate to ruin the moment but don't we have an orientation to attend?

(Y/N): You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up

Ruby: Are you sure? Do you even know where to go?

(Y/N): Don't worry, I already have myself a full ten minute tour as soon as we landed

Jaune: Alright, if you say so.

After that, Jaune and Ruby ran towards the assembly room, leaving you out in the open. Although you weren't alone.

(Y/N): Whoever you are, you can come out now!

A girl with wavy black hair suddenly emerged from a nearby bush.

Mysterious Girl: So it is you, (Y/N).

After an a short awkward silence, you finally spoke up.

(Y/N): I'm sorry but do I know you?

Part 1 End

So yeah, hopefully you enjoyed that. Just a heads up I will be using certain fighting styles and weapons from other games and such. Just recently I've been playing FF XV and I kind of want to save that style for perhaps another story. For now, it will just be something simple. Also you will be powerful in the majority of these stories, just not overpowered. 

Anyways, until next time!
