
Today was finally the day! I was on my way to Florida ready to start this new life.



Skyeeez here i come bby :)

- Georgenotfound ill miss you :(
- TommyInnit bad choice the UK is better
- Dreamwastaken i cant wait :)

Finally after what felt like forever the plane finally landed. I met up with Clay and we made our way back to his house. We listened to music, his hand resting on my thigh the whole way back.

"What are you doing!" I screech as he picks me up wedding style while walking into the house.

"Im treating you like a princess, just a little idea of how everything is going to happen from now on." He says finally setting me down and kissing my head.

We spend the rest of the day unpacking all my things, and setting everything up, then too tired to make food we just order pizza and snuggle up in front of the tv watching movies.


"GEORGE!!" I hear Clay scream from his room. I laugh a little and go back to my sandwich. Its been about two months now since I've moved in, and I've learned a lot since then.

For one Clay is gaming all the time. Either streaming on his own, making a video, or joining someone else stream. While he is gaming he doesn't like to be bothered at all. He's not exactly rude about it, just if you try and say anything to him he will completely ignore you, het gets really into it. Another thing is he gets extremely loud when gaming.

Its okay though, he makes up to it by giving me a ton of attention as soon as he's done. Even though he acts all big over the game he's actually the biggest baby I've ever met. Like the other day when it was his match against Technoblade, he came out of his room with a big pouty face and said, 'baby i just lost i need cuddles immediately', while holding his arms out.

Things have been pretty good though. I like the spot that i'm in right now. I have an amazing boyfriend, amazing friends, and my social media platforms are growing rapidly, theres no way anything could change this.

"Skyeeeee!" I get up and walk into the room. He turns and smiles at me as soon as i walk in.

"George wanted to say hi before i got off." I put the headset on and sit on Clays lap.

"Gogy i miss you." is the first thing i say.

"I know i miss you too, you have to come down here soon."

We talk for a few minutes then get off.

"Im gonna go shower real quick then well go get some food okay?" He says while kissing me and walking towards the bathroom.

"Can we get TacoBell!?"

"Of course love." I smile and sit on the bed while i wait.

A few minutes pass and Clays phone goes off a couple of times so i decide to check it. My heart immediately drops as i read through all of the old messages.

Cant wait to see you again love :)
I told Skye that i cant visit this month, so ill be up there around Thursday
Thank you bby

I drop the phone instantly, tears starting to fall down my face. I grab my suitcases and start shoving everything in them.

"Who's ready for... Hey hey whats going on?" I hear Clay behind me but i just ignore him, continuing to stuff my bags.

"What happened?" He says while grabbing my arm. I pull back immediately and stand up so i'm face to face with him.

"How could you Clay? After everything I've done for you. I changed my whole life for you, i moved all the way to Florida, leaving all my friends and family just for you, and you just go and cheat on me!"

"Skye listen.." He says trying to pull me into him.

"Don't fucking touch my Clay!" I say pushing him away.

"How long?" He stays silent. "Clay how long!"

"After the bit on Twitter she reached out to me again, and we just kept talking from there." He finally admits while staring at the floor.

"Oh my god." The tears start streaming faster, i leave my stuff and walk out to my car.

"Skye please."

I slam the door and quickly drive away. I didn't know where i was going, i just had to get away from him.

i'm sorry πŸ‘‰πŸΌπŸ‘ˆπŸΌ
