chapter 3 - the tower

a/n this is my first base :( acacia hills have best grass also this is set before the dark oak and the fence yes my house did not have a roof for a long time 

just another day in the hills this time i saw something from my humble abode, it was made out of stone brick and looked about twenty blocks tall.

I placed a sign questioning who built it and why, it was placed on the tallest tower overlooking all our builds even mine then I spotted it a tree but it wasn't acacia it was dark oak I had seen a forest on my way here but hadn't stopped to pick some up there were also some new buildings they looked like circular wooden cottages maybe I could steal some I thought I could use it in my build so I carefully walked down the hill to the houses then i mined the tree as fast as i could gathered 8 saplings planted 4 of them back .

then someone called my name from behind me it was a boy in jeans and an orange hoodie he also wore some diamond armour. 

"uhh hi who are you?" I said 

"my names danywad, call me Sam but that's not important why are you stealing my tree"

"I was using it for my base, at least I replanted it"

"okay that's fine but do you know the other two"

"yes why are you asking"

"nothing just wondering"

at this point in the conversation I didn't trust Sam but he seemed like a useful ally he had got diamond armour in days, since I first saw the houses, and well I had only managed iron. he also looks like someone you would not want  as an enemy no matter how good at pvp I am(I am not good at pvp but my canonical character is) he is better equipped than me.

Then I thought, it probably wasn't him who built the tower so who was it ; kt or ender, he probably wanted to know about it because as it was towering over everything stating that they were the most powerful and i could sense that he did not like it one bit, nor did I.

"I'm gonna go now but if you ever want a revolution hit me up" I said disappearing off I new that I was not safe. I had to hope that they did not consider me an enemy and that they had underestimated me, it had happened before and it might happen again I thought but if push comes to shove and they think I'm a threat then I need a safe place to hide so I began work.

The base was a cave it was very simple but safe it was held up by wooden supports and had a waterfall entrance.

a/n the base can be seen at the top of chapter 1 

The next day I was getting more wood from my house when I noticed a sign it read -

bob I heard you were interested in the tower, meet us there tomorrow lunch -kt and the bread cult

"what" I said out loud 

then I grabbed the pieces of wood before returning to the other base.

I was smelting some iron when I head footsteps, I turned around drew my sword and pointed it at the person stood at the entrance. "sam" I said "your finally here"

s-"you were expecting me"

b-"it was kind of obvious that you wanted to know more about the others"

s-"so do you have anything"

b-"first things first as much as i hate the fact they basically declared themselves leaders I don't want to betray anyone else."

b-"I've got a meeting with them tomorrow lunch after I'll come here after and we can see about a possible deal"

s-"ok see you then" he said walking out

a/n hope you are enjoying it, just about getting to the exiting bit .
