June 21, 2024

Hey guys! I've finished another request!

The request was to draw the children of the Rainbow Friends!

Bluen (Green and Blue parents)

Purane (Orange and Purple Parents)

Cyllow (Yellow and Cyan Parents)

Reokie (Red and Big Lookie Parents)

Here they are, the idea for these little lovelies goes to  2FCreator  !

Below the image, I've also made some little headcanons for them. :)

(I'm also thinking that they should also have independent names that they take on when they're older.)

Bluen (Cerulean when he's older)

-Male (he/him)

-The fuzzy little guy in the center

He's a great leader, and fortunately has all his eyesight intact. This optimistic ball of enthusiasm has many creative ideas, and he is always urging his good friends to come along for the ride. While not all of his ideas may be good ones, he's always willing to take the risk. He's full of courage and sometimes he's just the guy his friends need to stay positive and try new things.

Purane (Heather when she's older)

-The noodley fluff on the left

She seems to have never-ending energy, and loves to zip around. This little one is also very flexible, and loves to wrap around things. She doesn't talk much like either of her parents, but her actions always seem to speak enough. With a sense of kindness that can warm hearts, she is always willing to do a favor for someone just to see them smile.

Cyllow (Aspen when he's older)

-the fluffy Dino on the far right

He has the spirit of his mother. He has a deep-sense of confidence and will fight for his beliefs no matter what. He can be closed off like his father, Yellow, but seems to have a sense of boldness that his father doesn't have. Possibly the most aggressive out of this new generation, he will protect those that he loves with everything that he can give.

Reokie (Coral when she's older)

-The cute little Lookie near the center

(I imagine that she would grow her legs and arms later on, she only looks like a Lookie in her early years)

She, like Red, has very high intellect, and shows signs of having similar leadership abilities. However, she, unlike her father, never lets her emotions guide her actions or way of thinking. She has a massive sweet tooth, but also strives to do her best in order to keep her friends safe. She is often the voice of reason.

Now guys! Question of the day is a little bit different.

Would you want to see more of these guys?

I found that while making these guys, I think the concept is a really cool idea. What I'm wondering is if you guys would be interested in watching these wonderful babies grow up.

I would be sure to keep you updated, and you could even request certain interactions or events. 

Let me know if you would want that, because I could either do this in my art book or start a whole new book, depending on how many are interested in this idea.

With that, may you guys have a wonderful day and I'll see you tomorrow!
