A Thorn in My Heart -Toge

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the Tokyo streets as you walked, lost in thought. It had been a long day of dealing with Cursed Spirits, and you were ready to return to Jujutsu High. You had no idea that today would be the day your life took an unexpected turn.
As you turned a corner, you nearly collided with a tall figure, stumbling back with a gasp. Before you stood Toge Inumaki, a fellow sorcerer with a distinctive appearance - his eyes concealed behind dark shades and a scarf tightly wrapped around his face. His presence alone sent shivers down your spine, but it wasn't fear that gripped you. It was curiosity.
Inumaki had always intrigued you. He was known for his unique Cursed Speech, communicating only through words imbued with Cursed Energy. As a result, he rarely spoke, and his mysterious aura had drawn you in from the moment you met him at Jujutsu High

"Sorry," you said, regaining your composure. "I should've been more careful."

Inumaki simply nodded, his unreadable gaze fixed on you.
You couldn't help but feel a connection with him, despite the silence. It was as if there was a world of unspoken words and emotions behind those shades and that scarf. You decided to take a chance.

"Are you hungry?" you asked, gesturing toward a nearby café. "I was about to grab a bite to eat. Would you like to join me?"

Inumaki hesitated for a moment before nodding again, and you led him to the café. The two of you settled at a small table by the window. The waitress handed you menus, and you glanced at Inumaki, unsure of how to proceed. He simply pointed to the menu, signaling that he'd have whatever you ordered.

You couldn't help but smile at his simplicity. "Alright, I'll pick something good for us," you said, studying the menu.

As the evening wore on, you discovered that while Inumaki rarely spoke, he was an excellent listener. He paid close attention to your words, responding with nods, gestures, and the occasional "Delicious" or "Thank you."
Conversation flowed naturally, even without words. You shared stories of your experiences as sorcerers, your dreams, and your favorite foods. It felt like the most effortless and comfortable conversation you'd ever had.
Over time, you began to feel a deep connection with Inumaki. There was something about his quiet strength and unwavering presence that drew you in. You found yourself captivated by his every gesture, every movement of his gloved hands.
As the café started to empty, you noticed that Inumaki's scarf had slipped down slightly, revealing a hint of his mouth. It was the first time you had ever seen his lips, and they were surprisingly soft and inviting.
In a moment of impulse, you reached across the table and gently pushed the scarf down a bit more, revealing his entire mouth. You couldn't explain why you did it, but it felt right.
Inumaki blinked in surprise but didn't resist. You reached out and traced your fingers along the curve of his lips, marveling at the sensation. His mouth curved into a small, appreciative smile, and you couldn't help but lean in.
Your lips met in a soft, lingering kiss. It was a kiss filled with unspoken emotions, a silent declaration of the connection you felt. Inumaki's gloved hand found yours, and he held it tightly as the kiss deepened.
The world outside seemed to disappear as you lost yourself in the moment. It was as if all the words you'd never spoken had found their way into this kiss. It was a language of its own, one that transcended Cursed Speech and spoken words.
When you finally pulled away, you met Inumaki's gaze, and you could see the warmth and affection in his eyes. It was a look that spoke volumes, a look that told you that you had found something precious.
As you left the café hand in hand, you knew that this unexpected encounter with Toge Inumaki had changed everything. You had discovered a love that defied words, a connection that went beyond speech. It was a love that could only be felt in the silence of the heart.

And so, you walked together into the night, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that you had found something truly special in each other's company.
