Chapter 7 (Finale)

#Taylor's POV#

This has been a wild ride from the day I landed in Seattle. It's kind of confusing, really - from living with fWhip to the so-called 'argument' with Katherine. But I really didn't want it to end.

But of course, everything has to end one day.

On the last full day of my trip, fWhip and I went sightseeing. He drove out quite far away before he stopped the car and we got out. There's no one around, just us. It felt quite romantic, actually.

fWhip put one arm around me. I looked over at the city skyline. The skyscrapers and lush trees stood tall, unlike the houses and buildings in Newfoundland. There are many different types of structures - oval buildings, straight and tall ones, sharp and pointy ones and more! I love it, and I secretly wished my homeland also had skyscrapers like these.

We stood there for a moment, just admiring the extraordinary view. Then fWhip told me: "Gem, I need to ask you a very important question." He took a deep breath, then looked into my eyes. I looked into his glowing hazel eyes when he asked: "Do you want to live with me? Here? In Seattle?"

I looked away. Move here? Away from my family, away from my current non-YouTuber friends? I shuddered. "I...I don't know, fWhip. Look, I'd love to live here with you, but I'll have to leave my family and my friends behind. And... I don't want to choose the wrong choice. What if my parents get mad that I choose my boyfriend over them? What if...." I couldn't take any possibility out of my mind.

I tried not to cry but I couldn't resist, and fWhip comforted me while we huddled together. No one could see us. No one knew. Not even his parents. Not even Syd.

"It's okay. I totally understand, Gem. I'll give you some time, and when you're ready, you can tell me. I won't get mad if you choose to stay in Newfoundland. Even if you do, we can still be partners! Just long distance ones. But you have to promise me one thing." I dared to look at fWhip again when he said that last sentence.

"We will never, ever, cheat on each other. Not like what Syd did to me. Promise?" He finished.

I smiled through my tears and made that promise. 

#fWhip's POV#

She left. Didn't look behind.

I waited at the airport main doors until Gem's out of sight. The last thing she said before we hugged goodbye was: "I'll let you know, fWhip. I'll text you, or maybe call you, but I'll let you know as soon as I decide where I want to live. This is not goodbye." She had smiled then. And then she left.

I'm sad, but happy at the same time. I got a new girlfriend, one who would never have the heart and soul to leave me, but we may have to have a long distance relationship. Which I have never had, let alone Gem has.

But this is my life now. And I'm loving it. 

------THE END-----

A/N: Okayyyyy.... So that's the end of the story! It's been quite short, but I think this story had a lot of up and downs, from Gem going to Seattle, living with fWhip and her 'argument' with Katherine. 

Now I have a very important question. Do you want a sequel? Comment down below! Also, give me ideas for the sequel! 

Thank you all for the amazing comments and the votes and it feels so nice to know that people like my stories and my writing. 

See ya next time!

-Eclipse 🌙
