Beach episode

tis almost the season and I want mango

(non canon)
Ah... Summer, the perfect occasion for a beach day. Exactly what you and John were doing!

"Swim suits?"


"Bath stuff?"


"Extra clothes?"

"Pairs... right?"

"Yeah, yeah. How about food?"

"...Check Check Check!"

"Really? Actual food?"

You check the kitchen and... nope, hell no we are not packing that.

You put the cooked food you prepped in sealed containers and get ready to hit the road.

During what seemed to oddly be the shortest yet longesy road trip in the world, he was staring at you with his beady eyes. Its like the guy contemplated mid world bend if he wanted to keep staring at you driving or check you out in your swim gear.

"Can you?" You ask John Doe after parking the car. "..." He stared at you and grabbed the bag in your hands making sure to brush his fingers on yours. "Wait here" You tell him as you grab everything else. He usually made carrying things feel light, it's pretty convenient not gonna lie.

"...Full" "No shit Joe- D-Doe!" He smiles at the misnickname. "To another beach I guess" You say shrugging as you pick up the cooler but immediately notice like 5 groups leave. "Doe, you promised to stop- THANKS DOE"

Cant argue with that I guess.

Sunny situation A

While putting on your swimsuit you can feel a certain someone just eyeing your very soul. "Doe, privacy please" You say making him turn around. With only his poofy hair and back facing you, you still felt like you were watched. "I swear if you figured out how to shove your eyes in your hair, stop it" You say. He now repectfully looks away, properly.

'Woah 😳' Bro was so in awe, damn Y/n looks so fine *internal lip bite*
"Your turn" You tell walking by oh so casually past him.

He got his skin tingly staring at you.

Sunny situation B

Sitting down on the blanket, you grab a nice can of soda/ box of juice/ bottle of water and taking a nice sip. "This is nice isn't it- Johnothan Doe the 3th DO NOT EAT THE DAMN SAND!" You yell jolting up immediately.

Sunny situation C

You and John were swimming near shallow seas, playing with a few floaties and mostly him staring at you with everything but his eyes and nose submerged under water. Sighing you bring him close and swim around lightly. You were surprised how smiling wider didn't tear his mouth skin.

You just kinda hold them. "You happy?" "Ye..." He says.

Suddenly you hear a loud ominous wave, a shit. "Uh Doe-"

(sounds of water screaming)

"...Bae You good?"


Sunny situation D

You feed him some mango slices, them almost devouring the poor utensil. He stared at you while you lay in the sun. '...Pretty' He thinks as he watches you happily.

Finally, the sun is setting and you are setting up the tent. "Hahh I'm tired" You say with a sigh as you get in the tent with John. Their fingers brush on yours, holding hands as you watch the sunset and he watches you. You steal a quick peck on his lips before you get in your sleeping bag, he crawls after you, huddling up to you. "You tuckered out to you?" "Nah, just... watching" He says blushing.

You get close to him, getting used to the eyes burning into your skin. "Night Doe"


"John put the knife down you're gonna ruin it" You mutter wrapping your arms around him.

Wanted to write this considering I'm actually in the beach during writing this lol.
