Sandy's dome

After Spongebob and Jimmy left the Krusty Krab, they headed straight to sandy's tree dome

"Howdy spongebob, and his friend!" Exclaimed Sandy

"Hi sandy." Said spongebob

"Hi, im Jimmy Nutron." Said Jimmy

"Hiya, Jimmy, so what do you need spongebob?" Asked Sandy

"I want to know what, Jimmy is." Said spongebob

"Hey sandy, you used wrong wiring!" Said jimmy nutron

"What do you mean? " said Sandy

"You used 2 red wires and 1 blue wires for your robot, when you need 1 red wire, 1 purple wire, and a blue wire." Said Jimmy

"And where did you get this information? " said Sandy

"I built this excact robot, it was yesterday!" Exclaimed Jimmy

Spongebob was getting bored "Hey Jimmy,  can we go now?"

"Uh yeah" said Jimmy "gotta blast!"
