Meeting bae πŸ€ͺ😻

It was almost Christmas and I decided to stay at a cute Christmas themed hotel, it had nice reviews and looked comfy so I planned to stay there for a week. I had finally arrived and there were Christmas lights everywhere! It gave me a sense of nostalgia and gave me much serotonin.

I was carrying my luggage so busy admiring the lights outside that I haven't even went inside yet, I was staring at a tree that had pretty golden lights wrapped around it and suddenly I felt something bump into me. I almost fell to the floor but strong masculine hands seem to catch me. I opened my eyes and saw a very attractive man. He had black slicked back hair and was wearing a dark coat. He had a cute scruffy beard too, I got so lost in his eyes I hadn't realized I was staring. "What's the matter cutie?" He asked with a smirk. I snapped back into reality and blushed, "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-nothing.." I seemed to stutter. I pushed him away as he was still holding me.

I thanked him and walked towards the hotel, unfortunately for me he was headed the same way and we ended up just walking together. "So, what's your name?" He said seductively. "Y/n, you?" I said tired of his attempts of making me like him. "'re very kind!" He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, slightly blushing, "Well you're very annoying." I spat back. We finally got into the hotel and it was beautiful! There were lights everywhere and it was nice and warm and it looked amazing! I stared in awe as Jeremy kept walking, once he realized I wasn't walking with him he went back for me, grabbed my hand and made me walk with him. "He-Hey! What are you doing?" I screamed at him very flustered. "It's beautiful, and couples usually admire the beautiful stuff together right?" He answered slyly.
I had received my key for my room and went to check it out, it was amazing! It has a big fluffy bed and it had a nice color scheme. I set my stuff down and went back outside because I couldn't spend all day inside even though it was nighttime and I should probably sleep anyway. I had exited the hotel and saw Jeremy waiting for me, I was kind of startled and went up to him. "I knew you would come back out here." He looked down at me. We ended up walking around together and getting something to eat. It was a winter night and it was very cold, I visibly shivered and Jeremy noticed. He took off his heavy dark coat and put it on me, I gasped and looked up at him. He just smirked.
