Finding porchay

Director Pond: It's been weeks and we can't find an actor that fits the role of porchay how is this possible!  It's been weeks since the kinnporsche cast has been looking for new actors, some actors left the project others stayed they've filled the roles of all the missing characters and even added new ones but there's one problem they still need a porchay.
Mile: P' calm down I'm sure we will find someone eventually it just takes time.
Everyone agrees with Mile who plays kinn, Apo with plays Porsche speaks up.
Apo: Mile is right P' Pond it takes time we can't rush it. Apo smiles at mile which makes him smile *these two are so cute*
Just then Ponds assistant rushes in saying "Pond I've found are Porchay he's young,adorable, and he sings he's PERFECT!" Every member is suddenly intrigued Pond motions his assistant to show they video the the team.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*pretend you don't see the cast and barcode is just singing with friends*
Tong: your right he is adorable I have decided he will be my SON! Everyone starts laughing
Bible: he does have a good voice it seems that he's in high school
Build: that true bible he seems young but he would fit the role right? Everyone agrees
Pond: well does seem to have talent and your right build he fits the role perfectly. Alright it's settled wait what's his name! Sun do you know his name? Everyone looks at sun
Sun: Barcode Tinnasit
Pond: alright Sun contact Barcodes parents and ask if we can speak and tell them we saw their sons video and we would love to work with him. All the cast start cheering they are excited to have a younger brother
Bible: hey Jeff what do you think of barcode? Everyone turns to look at Jeff, Jeff then speaks
Jeff: I think it's a good idea he fits the role, but we still have to see if he agrees *i hope he agrees he has a good voice and he kinda cute*
Pond: alright everyone go rest we will contact barcode and will get back to you in the morning. Everyone pays respect and says their goodbyes.
Meanwhile with sun Sun: hello is this Mr and Mrs Tinnasit I'm calling from BOC studio.

So what did you think please give me your feedback follow me on instagram at bl_fan_and_lover
