Chapter 14

Ashley's P.O.V

Jeff grabbed my hand again as we walked through the deep woods. I blushed every time that he looked down at me to see if I was okay. I don't know what it was about him that intrigued me so much. And then I remembered my dream. It was us holding hands like we were at the wedding. He smiled at me just like he did in the dream. I'm beginning to feel light headed. So light-. Before I could finish my thoughts I fell into a great sleep. I blacked out.

Jeff's P.O.V

Just as I was about to start up a conversation with Ashley, he face turned as pale as mine as she dropped on the ground. I quickly picked her up bridal style and kept walking. We must have just passed the force-field to the under realm. Slenderman decided to come up with something that whenever a human walked through, they will automatically pass out. Now the problem with that is it alerts everyone there. So as soon as the house was visible, everyone came running out to see what had happened.

In a blink of an eye, Sally, BEN, Slenderman, Jack, Masky, and Hoodie all were standing in front of us as they breathed down on her.

"Can I play with her Jeffy?" Sally begged

"She can come up to my room if she wants." BEN said smirking.

"I want her kidneys." Jack calmingly said.

"We can carve her up!" Masky shouted as Hoodie nodded his head in agreement.

"Children stop this now. Everyone else besides Jeff go inside." Slenderman said and immediately there were moan and sighs from everyone.

As everyone cleared the yard, Slendy asked,"What are you planning to do with her Jeff?" I sighed. Why did I save her life and keep her? What was it about her that I just couldn't kill her for?

"Slendy," I sighed, "I think I might be in love with this girl."

(CLIFFHANGERR Sorry guy but imam update a lot more.  I have school and all so its harder so make sure to vote,comment,and follow! Don't forget to smile today!! -Smile Dog)
