Part 2

I turned around and glared at Wyatt and he was still laughing a bit.

"Not funny. Don't do that again."

"Oh come on! It was a little funny." He took a deep breath and managed to stop.

"It wasn't! You scared me! I didn't know it was you so i thought whoever had just grabbed me was going to hurt me!" I frowned and stepped away from him before crossing my arms.

"Addison, I would never hurt you. I'm sorry." He came closer to me and grabbed my hand then pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped one arms around my waist and stroked my hair a bit with his other. I noticed him move my hair out of the way and glance at my neck. He looked at where he had playfully bit me and made sure it didn't leave a mark. He looked slightly relived when he saw it didn't and we both let go. We started walking and once we got to the den i put my school stuff down on the floor and my phone started ringing. I answered.


"Hey." It was Zed.

"Whats up," i asked, wondering why he called me.

"Your parents are out of town, right?"


"Would you like my dad and i to come pick you up then drop you off at your house later so you don't have to walk home?"

"That would be amazing," I smiled.

"Great. What time should we come?"

"How about 8?"

"Sure. See you then."

"Yup. I love you."

"I love you too." We hung up. Zed was so sweet and thoughtful. He's always there for me and we're always thinking about each other.

I looked at Wyatt to find him looking down.

"So... What do you want to do first," i asked.

He was silent for a moment then he smiled slightly then looked up at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the moonstone in the center of the den.

"Watch this." He placed his hand on top of my hand then gently pressed it down on the cold, hard crystal. A beautiful beam of lavender colored light formed. I was in awe. Wyatt was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder at my face while I stared at the mesmerizing light. i took my hand off a moment later then turned around and faced him. He leaned forward and got really to me. I leaned back a bit and basically fell on top of the crystal as he reached his arms around me. He looked confused and raised and eyebrow then looked down at the crystal and I saw him drag his finger on it to make a shape. the light formed inside the crystal and it glowed where his finger touched. I turned my head so i could watched as he drew different shapes and patters on it. He stopped then stood up straight and offered a hand. I took it and he pulled me up. He led me over to a bench and we sat down.

"I told you i needed some help with a math problem. Do you think you could help me with it," He asked.

"Sure," I smiled as he pulled his math homework out. 20 minutes later we were done and he put his stuff away then we got up.

"Theres another reason i invited you over. Theres something i want to show you," he said.

"What is it?"

"There are some werewolves who would like to Audition to be on the cheer squad. We made a routine to show you since you're the new captain. Would you like to see it?"

"Sure!" I smiled as he got up. Five other werewolves that i didn't know came over and stood in front of me. Wyatt put on a song then stood in the middle. They did their routine for me. I clapped at the end then got up.

"You liked it?" Wyatt asked.

"I loved it! I responded.

"Great." The other five werewolves left as he went over to me. "I was hoping you could work with me alone for a bit? I want to learn a few new tricks."

"Sure! Do you want to do it right now?" He nodded. "Alright then. What do you want to learn first?"

"How about you teach me how to lift you up like the bases lift the flyers during your routines at the football games?"

"Sure! First your going to want to lift me up by my waist as high as you can."

"Ok." He grabbed my waist and was surprisingly so strong he was able to hold me up above his head.

"Now i will put my hands on your shoulders. Your going to want to toss me up a bit so that you can grab my feet. Then i'll take my hands off so that you can place my feet on your shoulders so i can stand there. Make sure while i stand there you don't let go of my ankles." He nodded slightly then did exactly what i said, perfectly. I stood there for a moment. "Now to get me down you'll let go and i'll carefully let myself fall off while i spin so that you can catch me. Got it?"

"Yup!" He did it perfectly again. As soon as he caught me he held me close to his chest. He was cradling me in his arms and looking down at me. We were both a bit out of breath. Suddenly something white appeared in the corner of my eye. I was about to look to see what it was but i didn't want to break the intense eye contact between Wyatt and I. I heard a loud nose and looked over at it. It was a dog. Zoey's dog. And it was running towards a little girl. Puppy jumped into her lap and started licking her face while she just giggled and held him.

"That's Wanda. She's one of the youngest wolves in the pack. Apparently her and Zoey are very good friends." Said Wyatt. Suddenly Zoey ran up to the two of them and hugged Wanda then petted Puppy. Wait a minute... If Zoey and Puppy are here that means Zed is too and they're here to pick me up. i thought to myself then looked over Wyatt's shoulder to see Zed standing there. He had his arms crossed and was frowning. Wyatt was still holding me really close to him. He slowly put me down as Zed came over to us then grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door. I don't think i have ever seen Zed look so mad at me.

"We're leaving. Now. Come on Zoey." He said with an angry tone as he continued to pull me towards the door and grabbed my stuff then threw my bags over his shoulder.
