Machinations in Motion

The UA staff held a meeting with Tsukauchi, their police representative, and a representative from the Hero Commission. The Decepticons had escaped, fleeing North. Since Allmight and Endeavour can't leave the area without drawing attention, the military was being mobilized to take them down. However, with the implications of what Megatron said to them, they needed to act in a different direction. That was why... even though the HPSC didn't usually get involved... they had a representative here as well.

Nezu started first. "What we need to discuss is the United States actions in relation to the recent spike of high class villains."

The Hero Commission representative spoke on this. "Based on the exponential increase in villain activity, and the reports from the others we've encountered, they all say the same thing. The US is shipping them over. The Prime Minister plans to speak about this at the UN. It's going to be divisive. And, on top of that, create tensions the world hasn't seen since the Dark Ages."

The Dark Ages. Or, what most people call the Age of Chaos, when quirks just appeared. The breakdown of law and order was terribly destructive for all. Agreeing, Nezu continued, "What concerns me is that they told us so easily..."

The detective spoke up. "Nezu, each time I asked with my quirk, it came back as truth. They're saying they were brought over by government agents."

Toshinori, buffed up as his hero persona, was disturbed by this, backing up his friend's assertions. "And that they were trying to take advantage of my presence as the symbol of peace. I understand Stars & Stripes may be having a tough time... but this is too far."

The white furred mammal sighed, not eager by any of these recent developments... after all, they still don't know what happened to the League of Villains after the USJ incident. It's as if they've gone to ground. "I just hope this doesn't come to war. We'll make our preparations for the worst."

The HPSC representative sighed, and permitted that course of action. Praise be to the little blessings, Nezu mused, for once, our interests are aligned. "Please do."

The rest of the week was calm for Izuku and his two friends. Ochako came over multiple times, refusing to move in because she didn't want a handout in that way. However, the green haired boy insisted because the UA fees were expensive enough, and he just wanted to support her. After badgering from both Izuku and Hizoshi, she relented, moving into there and terminating her rent. 

They all relaxed watching a TV series when they were interrupted. "BREAKING NEWS, JAPAN CALLS OUT THE UNITED STATES FOR SHIPPING VILLAINS TO JAPAN! WATCH HERE!" It then showed the Prime Minister of Japan standing up and speaking, "There is a great issue which has afflicted our nation for some time now. A rise in villains not seen by natural circumstances. Due to our outstanding heroes, we have been able to keep this at bay, but the cause has been found!" She turned to the US representative. "They have told us, under duress of a lie detection quirk, that the US has been shipping villains to our lands in order to make AllMight, the Symbol of peace, deal with them. This is indefensible and reckless. Not to mention, what one would describe as an act of war. Japan will not take this insult for much longer. If your government does not cease what it is doing, we may have to intervene ourselves for our own security."

The US representative responded, cooly, but ultimately, not surprised. "Is that a threat?!"

"No, it is a promise, and only if your government doesn't change."

Ochako couldn't believe it. The world was inching closer to war? But she noticed how impassive Hizoshi was. Izuku ducked out to make a call to his mother. While he was gone, the brunette asked her friend, "You're not... surprised?"
Bitterness leaked into the violette's voice as she replied. "No. A group of villains Stars & Stripes supposedly caught caused mayhem at the Hero Commission building and surrounding area. My parents were caught in the crossfire."

Reflexively, the brunette hugged her friend. It was clear what the result from that encounter was. "I'm sorry."
And just as awkwardly, the violette reciprocated the gesture. "It's ok."

Izuku, when he arrived back in the room, smiled. When they looked back at him, he joined them on the couch. "So... back to the show?"

That evening, after Ochako went to bed, Izuku was dressed in his robes for vigilante/villain work. To be honest, he didn't think he qualified for either, since his power wasn't technically a quirk... but the law wouldn't agree with him on that. He had convened a meeting with his mother, Revan, All For One, who now actually had a face, and Hizoshi.

Izuku started the meeting with everyone by stating the obvious. Anyone who saw the news would know what's next. "Alright, phase 1's almost complete. We'll have to start preparations for phase two... starting with a re-brand. The League of Villains name is really bad for PR, so it would be best if we changed it to something better. Something like the United Earth League."
Everyone besides Izuku spoke at the same time, "Too generic."

Annoyed, he crossed his arms. "Well, we need something to call ourselves."

Inko suggested, "How about the Revan Knights? We owe our training and this whole structure to him."
After consideration, Izuku agreed, "Sure."

Revan only spoke when they were done. "I'm glad you think so highly of me. Izuku... instead of your alias of Raven, perhaps you should follow your friends' lead by calling yourself... the Revenant. It's more fitting, too."

"Sounds good. A bit more intimidating for those who should be afraid. Those who understand shouldn't be afraid. What's your status, Revan?"

The AI reported to him, "I've run 1642003 simulations on advanced weaponry, perfecting ancient designs to more modern standards. I have some prototypes I can stress test further. All we need is the army to use them. I trust Inko and Hisashi to start recruitment, if they haven't already."
Inko nodded, agreeing with the ancient intelligence. "Yes. Hisashi has already recruited many from the criminal underworld, and he will recruit more. I will start from those self help groups Izuku established. Most of them have a reason to fight for a better world, and I will help guide them. They will want to meet with you soon, Izuku, as they've been asking to see the real leader."

Hizoshi asked next, "What's my role?"
Izuku answered her question, "Become a hero they can trust. This will be the long game. Try to keep yourself and Ochako alive. I'll give you both something so that if our forces run into you, then they'll not attack."

Revan added his own statement after that, "I will come up with something that will be recognized by the Heads Up Displays within the helmet designs. Make sure to keep it on you at all times."

Hizoshi nodded in understanding.

Izuku asked the AI further, "What armaments have you developed?"
And the report he gave did not dissapoint: "I designed your personal shuttle first, but there is also a small fleet of starfighters, unable to traverse hyperspace, and armor and blasters for 100 million soldiers. The weapons range from blaster pistols to long range rifles, to a limited selection of explosives. Production at the northern ice cap facility is going well. Shipments to other Observatory facilities is underway. Hisashi and Inko can start with arming their forces immediately. I would reccomend selecting lieutenants for forces in other parts of the world, however, as it will be harder to control them if you don't have people you can... trust... in charge."

"Good advice. Mom... Dad... perhaps you could assemble the best, most capable people under your command? I would like to review them."

Revan piped up, "You could just go in your shuttle to them at their current locations."

Izuku protested. He really didn't want to leave Japan at the moment. Less because of his own work, but more due to his... apprehension at doing so. He was already dealing with unknowns, but in Japan. A place of comfort and familiarity. "That's true, but I want to make sure I can leave Japan in capable hands..."
Hizoshi spoke up, "Izuku... we're all here. You can leave it to us. Visit AFO's international forces. This is something you need to do."

He rubbed the back of his head, agreeing with the violette. "Right. You're right. I will."

AFO actually spoke up this time. "Before you go off to the other facilities... I have a surprise at my location. Where do you want Kurogiri to pick you up?"

Izuku listed off the first location he could think of, "The Garden Mall."

"Very well. He will await you there."

When Izuku arrived at the place where AFO was resting, he asked quickly, "What is it?"
"Impatient... no matter. Tomura was far more so. In the future, there will come a time where you will need overwhelming strength. Two of my allies will not swear fealty to you until you earn it. The first is the Doctor. He is the one that made the Nomu, which I know you are familiar with. Meanwhile... the other is my most loyal follower. I will input their co-ordinates when I believe you are ready. That is all."

Seriously, that's it? "You didn't want to say this over call?"

The man grimaced, as if wounded that such important things to him weren't considered so by his own flesh and blood, "Well... there are some things that cannot be said with potential heroes there." The ancient villain paused, before continuing, "They may trust you, but did you know that one of Allmight's associates has a lie detection quirk. I am simply giving them... plausable deniability."

He was tired of the ancient man's flowery language. "You don't trust Hizoshi, I'm not an idiot. You know I am not a villain."

"But you think like I do. Which is why I am willing to give you these resources when you have earnt them."

The greenette narrowed his eyes. Nothing ever came for free. Not from this man. "You're just going to give them to me?"
"Recieving their support is not going to be easy. I can tell the age of the hero is ending... and I want to make sure you are the victor..." His smile was sinister, probably through centuries of practice.

"Well, I guess I can say thank you, I guess?" He's hiding something. I won't accept either of his gifts with open arms until I know why he's giving them. I'm onto you. Sighing, Izuku then said his goodbyes. "Anyway, I must be off. I have to get to Hawaii soon. I'll be heading around the world from west to east. See you, I guess..."

Izuku walked out the building, refusing Kurogiri's portal offer. He went to the roof, big enough to summon his ship. It took a few minutes, but it was worth it. An angular design, with a cockpit in the middle. A pilot droid had been provided. The ramp lowered, not landing on the ground exactly.

This was his ship.

His first starship.

He stepped on, and walked inside as the ramp raised, and the ship flew off to its first destination: Hawaii.
