One week has passed and I'm still at Denise's house.

I spent most of the time with Jude talking, watching TV or making fun. I have to say, I feel so comfortable and safe with him. It feels like we've never been apart for such a long time.

"I have to go now", Jude says and comes over to me. He leans over the bed so he can give me a kiss on the forehead.

"When are you coming back?" I ask, turning around in his direction.

"I don't know yet. It might be that we train a bit longer today because the last game is on Sunday and it's very important" he says packing a few things in his bag.

I just nod an watch him.

"But I think it won't be that late" he says again.

"Okay then have fun" I say smiling.

He smiles back and then leaves finally. When he is at training I spent my time with Denise if she's at home. The last week she was working a lot so we didn't do anything special except baking a few biscuits because of Christmas.

In this Moment my phone rings.

"Hello?" I greet Lukas.

And the conversation goes on with a bit small talk.

"We have to talk" he then suddenly says.

I hate it when someone says we have to talk because most of the time it's bad news.

"Okay what is it?" I ask him a bit nervous.

" I was thinking. And I think you have to come back to London and start working again" he says completely serious.

I was thinking too. And I think I have to go back to London. As much as I love it here, with him I have to go back. He doesn't neglect his work because of me either. So why should I?

"Okay. When should I come back?" I ask him eagerly.

"Tomorrow?" He asks me.

Tomorrow? I knew I have to come back but so soon?

"That soon? I don't know if that's possible" I answer standing up from Jude's bed now.

"Yeah. I think if you manage to come tomorrow you'll have Christmas free for a few days" he says again.

That sounds like a good idea again.

"Okay. But are you sure you're not lying to me?" I ask him curiously.

"I swear I'm not lying. You know me. I don't do jokes"

Ah right. I completely forgot.

"Okay then I'm coming back"

"Great. You'll have a big foto shoot tomorrow night in London. Be here at 5pm and I tell you the details.  The flight is already booked, too. See you tomorrow" he says and hangs up.

I stand up to pack my things. Oh wait. I don't even have thing here except my withe dress.

I wore Jude's clothes for the hole week. And I really love them.

Just then I hear the front door open again. I go the stirs downstairs to greet Denise.

"Hey" I say and then see her smiling brightly.
"Wow what happend to you that you're smiling like that?" I ask back.

"I decided to move back to Birmingham" she says waiting for my answer.

"Great. I'm happy for you. But why exactly?"

"Jude doesn't need me here anymore. And he counts to one of the best footballers in the world at the moment. It's a question of time until he changes clubs" she says smiling.

"When are you going?" I ask.

"In a week. I already sold this house", she answers me.

I just nod understandingly.

"I'm going back to London too" I then say.

Her smile disappears a bit now.

"Oh. When and why? Has it something to do with Jude?" she asks nervously.

"No no. He's the reason why I would stay here but I have my work in London and I can't stay here forever" I answer her and she calms down a bit again.

"I understand. You should do what you think is right" she says again smiling.

I nod and she asks me another few questions until she came up with the idea to bake biscuits again.

I said yes and now we're standing in front of 7 baking sheets.

"Who's gonna eat all of these?" I ask a bit laughing.

"I take a few with me to Birmingham and you take them with you tomorrow when you're going back to London" she answers me a bit laughing too.

"You're going back to London?" Jude asks suddenly from behind.

I look at Denise and Denise looks at me until we turn around.

My smile disappears when I see him standing in the kitchen door.

Denise looks back and forth between us until she leaves us alone.

"Yes" I answer.



"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks a bit sadly.

"I just decided when you left. But this decision has nothing to do with you"

"What about Christmas? I thought we'll spend it together" he says a bit disappointed.

"We will. I have a few days of then"

"Okay. We celebrate Christmas in Birmingham but I still want you to come" he says serious.

This evening I have to promise him about 500 times more that I'm coming. I don't know why he wants me there that much.

"What time is it?" I ask Jude as I wake up.

"11pm" he says looking at me.

"Shit" I say and jump up from bed.

"I drive you" he says and stands up too.

"No no. I already called a taxi yesterday. It's probably waiting outside" I say and brush my teeth.

"Okay" he just answers.

When I'm ready I go downstairs to thank Denise for letting me stay here. And when she goes to work a minute later I say goodbye to Jude.

"I think this is the first time we say goodbye to each other in good. The last times we always argued" he says and I have to smile a bit.

He is right.

He comes over to me and hugs me for a long time.

Suddenly we here the taxi driver shouting from outside.

"I think I have to go now" I say similing at him again.

"We see us again soon"

These are my last words before I get into the taxi.
