The Plan

Harry grabbed my arm as he dragged me down to where we were gonna meet them. "You gonna pretend that you love me and that you're gonna break Jay's heart." I glared at him but little did he know that Jay and I took a class just incase if one of us were in danger. Morse code to talk to each other and warn the others. He put his hand around the waist as we walked to them. I felt really nervous about this for I knew that Jay and Harry didn't exactly get along.

We get to an alley way where I see them and Jay looks up and says, "TAIKA!" They all turned around and ran to me and so I had to out my attitude on but the morse code was ready. "What do you want?" Jay looks at me confused and so I use my eyes to show him my feet and he understood it. "What do you mean Taika? Are you ok and why are you with Hook?" I smirked and leaned up to give Harry a kiss which he didn't even expect it. "Why did you just kiss Hook?"

I looked and said, "Hook is more of a man than you ever will be." I punch Jay in the gut but give him a kiss for apology and he nodded. We walked away and Hook said, "Good job. Maybe you can be a good future pirate." I pulled him back and pushed him to the wall and said, "Never ever in my life will I become a pirate and step in the same footsteps as you." I walked away and went back to the ship to start making the plan.

When I got their Uma saw me and walked up and said, "How did it go?" Harry walked up and said, "They believe us and know that you want to meet up with Mal too." Uma smirked and tied me back up and sat me beside Ben and said, "Good. Now you 2 be good beasts and sit like good pets." She walked off with Hook and I looked over to Ben and said, "I used morse code to warn Jay and he knows the other plan and we just need to act the part." He nodded and looked back at Hook and Uma.
