The World of Infinite Blades

"<I am, the bone of my sword,>"

Jaune Arc dreamed of a desolate world, with countless swords as grass, and a lonely hill. The sky was red, showing a sunset. With large gears floating above.

"<Steal is my body,>"

It hurts to breathe the air from this world. But Jaune continue moving forward.

He wanted to see just what is this place. Why were there so blades stabbed on the ground. He ignored his lungs that feels like they were being squeezed and did not halt his steps.

"<and fire is my blood,>"

Then, his perspective changed. He saw an auburn haired young man who dreamed of becoming an ally of justice; a hero.

He saw how much the young man suffered to achieve that goal. He abandoned everyone, and just continue walking forward.

"<I have created, over a thousand blades,>"

He saw the young man grow; stopping wars, helping civilians, and was praised by the masses.

Yet the man did not care for fame nor fortune, he simply wanted to save as much as possible, to become a hero he dreamed to be.

"<Unknown to death,>"

Eventually, people grew fearful of the 'hero'. For no one can understand him. No one can understand a man who wanted nothing but just helping others.

"<Nor known to life,>"

Then finally, a certain event happened that would change the life of the 'hero.'

Confronted by a calamity which had the potential of killing a hundred people before him, he decided to "make a contract" with the World to become a hero capable of producing miracles and become something "more" after his death.

He believed it to be a good deal; having the power to save the people before him, and continue saving more after his death.

"<Have withstood pain to create many weapons,>"

Although he desperately fought to end a war, he was in turn branded as the mastermind behind that war and subsequently executed because of the betrayal of his allies.

Although he died of betrayal, he did not hate mankind.

He smiled at them in his final moments.

"<Yet, those hands will never hold anything,>"

It was after his death that he came to regret ever making a contract with the "world".

His belief that he would continue to save many people after his death did happen.

But it was through being made to clean up after human actions and forced to take many lives to save humanity as a whole, instead of "saving everyone" - protecting humans without having to cause deaths of humans as he would have liked to.

"<So as I pray,>"

After seeing human self-destruction and forced to oppose his own ideals countless times, he began to deny himself and his ideal.

He tried every method to end his miserable existence, but ended up in a failure.

Again. Again. Again and again he was forced to kill against his will, all for the cause of guarding humanity.

Jaune couldn't take it.

He cried. Cried for the pain suffered by the man in red. Cried for the justice he carried. Cried for the people he killed to carry said justice.

And he cried, for the young man who dreamed of an ideal world where everyone can smile, without anyone having to suffer, had died.

"<Unlimited Blade —>"


Jaune Arc opened his eyes, and he was immediately greeted by the sight of the oh so familiar ceiling of his team's dorm.

He looked to the side, he saw his partner, Pyrrha Nikos, looking at him worriedly.

It might be because he was drowsy, but Jaune just realized how unbelievably charming his partner is.

Oh he knows she was pretty, no very pretty. But she never really did enter his eyes because he was all for Weiss.

Long scarlet hair. Emerald green eyes. An athletic and sexy body obtained through years of training. Yes, there are very few that could compete with Pyrrha in terms of beauty.


"Jaune, are you alright?" She asked, "you didn't return back to our room last night, we were worried. And now, you look like you've got a hangover."

"Do I?" Asked Jaune, massaging his forehead, "I'm pretty I just drank some punch last night ...unless someone spiked it, my bet's on Yang."

"Want me to break her legs?"

Jaune knew who would say something like that so casually. He turned his head, and saw a beautiful girl with short orange hair, wearing a white t-shirt and white hot-pants, sitting on a chair and grinning at him.

"Nora," Jaune smiled wryly as he sat up, "no need. I'll prank her back later."

"Whoa, bossman, what happened to your clothes?" Asked Nora.

"My clothes?" Jaune looked at himself, and his eyes widened in surprise.

He was wearing the exact same thing as the 'nameless hero' from his dream, save for the red overcoat. A black skintight sleeveless shirt that emphasizes his ripped muscles that he was sure he didn't have, a black armored pants and boots, with a red waist cape.

"I didn't know you're so ripped!" Nora exclaimed as she zoomed towards him, touching his abs, chest, and arms, "these muscles are beautiful! Why are you hiding them?! You could get any girl with these babies!"

"Haha," Jaune smiled wryly, "...I don't know about that."

Jaune stood up, and clanking noises were immediately heard as they all turned towards it. There, on the floor, a pair of black and white short swords can be seen.

"Okay." Said Lie Ren, the other male of their team. A feminine looking young man with long black hair with a strand of pink on his bangs, and having a pair of magenta eyes, "I think you've been hanging out with Ruby a bit too much."

"Eh? What happened to Crocea Mors bossman?" Asked Nora while poking the pair of short swords.

"Err..." Jaune stared at the swords in shock before he carefully picked them up, "Kanshou and Bakuya."

"Is it yours?" Asked Pyrrha, looking at the pair of swords, "...well, I did notice that you're kind of awkward with Crocea Mors, could this be your main weapons?"

"Huh?—I mean, yeah." Jaune nodded nervously, "they were still being repaired when I joined Beacon so I needed to make do with Crocea Mors, the smith told me that they finished the repairs last night so I came to get it. It's why I didn't return last night, sorry for worrying you."

"You should be," Nora smiled at him, "Pyrrha looks like she was about to flip Beacon upside-down."

"Nora!" Pyrrha glared at her with a blush on her face.

Jaune was still observing the swords.

How? They were Nameless' swords. Or rather, one of his many swords, but definitely his preferred one.

How did he get it?

How did he have the same clothing as him as well?

And why did he suddenly grow muscles overnight?

Also, why does he feel comfortable using it? As if he was born to wield these weapons!

"Hello Jaune~," Nora waved her hand in front of Jaune, snapping him out of his daze.

"Uh, huh? Yes Nora?" Jaune blinked, looking at her.

"You kind of spaced out," said Pyrrha as she approached him, "are you okay?"

"Ah, yeah, just ...just feeling a little dizzy is all. Now I'm sure someone spiked my drink last night, it was Yang, I just knew it." He said, rubbing his forehead, "imma go take a bath. Damn, it's only been two weeks since we got here and I already got a hangover."

He placed his, is it his? weapons on the bed, before he head towards the bathroom to take a bath, under the eyes of his team.
