Chapter 1

Harwood city, city park

In a peaceful city, civilians were having a good time living their lives, kids running around and playing in playgrounds. Until a portal opened, in the sky, releasing a group of monsters and robots into the city. All of the citizens saw and ran away from the swarm saving themselves, from the terror. One monster was different from the others and was bigger, he had a sword on hand and started to slice around hitting the buildings and destroying places.


He then continued to slice the city into pieces and laughing in enjoyment.

"HEY!" a voice yelled. "BIRD BRAIN!!"

Darkwing turned and saw a group of teenagers and in the middle was a tall blonde man standing middle.

"you really had to come here, uninvited," he said. "no wonder Thrax sent a chicken to do his dirty work"

His team giggled at the joke he had made, but Darkwing grew annoyed.

"well if it isn't the 'POWER RANGERS' the earth's mightiest protectors," he said. "you really think you will beat me?"

"why wouldn't we?" a girl wearing a yellow jacket said. "we have beaten most of Thrax's forces and still won"

Darkwing grew furious and commanded a few of the forces to seize them, as the foot soldiers walk towards the group, the group didn't run or escape the marching soldiers they just stood there.

"guess they need a little convincing," a boy wearing a red jacket said.

"well we better do it now," a girl wearing a pink jacket said. "or they will destroy us"

"Alright," the blonde boy, wearing a silver jacket sighed. "let's do it"

"Ready?" he yelled.

"Ready!" they all said.

Then they grabbed an object that looked like a small tiki and opened its mouth, they grabbed a card that showed a picture of a person wearing colorful armor. Then they all placed their cards inside and held the object while the other handheld the bottom.

"GO GO MEGAFORCE!" they all yelled and closed the mouth making it glow.

(AN: Jaune morph will be similar but will change into Robo knight)

The minions got blinded by the light covered themselves, as the light died down, the group standing in front of them are now morphed into color-coded warriors.

"get ready bird brain...Cause we're bringing the heat!" said the Silver Ranger.


"I don't care what you will still be defeated," Darkwing said. "MINIONS ATTACK!!!"

Then minions ran towards them, so did the power rangers. They fought them with courage and determination, they charged also at them head-on.

Blue and the Black ranger, fought some soldiers and dodged them with their acrobatics, then the blue ranger grabbed his Morpher and placed a card that had a weapon picture on it. He then closed it and summoned a crossbow.

"Shark bowgun," he said, then shot a few of them.

"two can play this game," the Black ranger said, then he did the same thing that his comrade did, he then summoned an ax. "Snake ax!"

He then sliced and kicked the monsters in a fast way.

"as expected from the pupil of the first red ranger," blue said. "you really know how to make your attacks look so smooth, Cole"

"yeah unlike you, Nick" Cole said. "you're basically the son of both blue ninja rangers"

Nick laughed sarcastically at the statement Cole made, then they continued to fight the minions. As the fought grew, Ashely; the Pink Ranger along with Alyssa; the Yellow ranger fought the goons in a team efforted strategy and synchronous manner of attack. Alyssa then grabbed a card from her belt and summoned her weapon.

"Tiger claw!" she said, holding a weapon resembling a tiger fang.

Ashely then followed her and summoned her weapon also.

"Phoenix shot!" She said, holding her firearm.

Alyssa then dashed upon the goons and sliced them, dealing damage to the enemies, while Ashley supported her by shooting down the goons closing in on Alyssa.

"Thanks," Alyssa said.

"no problem," Ashely replied. "we're in this together"

J.J. and the silver ranger then came face to face with Darkwing who was ready to fight, 

"Dragon sword!" he yelled.

J.J. summoned his sword and the silver ranger grabbed his blaster and transformed it into a sword.

"ready?" the silver ranger asked.

"ready," J.J. said.

Then they charged Darkwing, they parried and slashed him simultaneously and didn't land a hit on him. Darkwing tried to slash them with his sword but to no avail, they parried him.

"THAT'S IT!" Darkwing said, then held his blade, charging it as it glowed purple. "DIE RANGERS"

He then released the energy towards the two rangers in front of him, as it neared the two rangers J.J. stepped forward and shielded the silver ranger taking the impact for himself.

"NNNNNNGGGGHHHH" he grunted holding the impact from the energy slash, then the silver ranger held onto JJ and made him glow amplifying his ability.

"Thanks, brother," JJ said.

"don't thank me yet," the silver ranger said.

The two held the position till Darkwing still released his energy blast, JJ and the Silver ranger were pushed back little by little cringing from the force of the blast.

"JJ! I'll give you a push," the silver ranger said. "you finish him off!"

"NO!" JJ said. "both of us will do it"

Then out of nowhere the other rangers came and suppressed Darkwing, the first two fired some shots at him while the others brawled and parried him. JJ grabbed his blaster and the silver Ranger turned his blade into a blaster, the others were still pushing the monster back and they were getting tired. JJ then placed a dragon head on the blaster and charged it, the silver ranger also charged his weapon and pointed to the monster, alerting the group to stand clear.

"SUPER MEGAFORCE...FINAL BLAST!!" the two rangers yelled.

Then they pulled the trigger releasing a huge energy blast straight into Darkwing, destroying him in the process.

The two rangers fell to the ground feeling tired and happy they had finished the job, they both panted in exhaustion and tired feeling until they're other friends came for them. Ashley went to the silver ranger and checked if he was injured.

"are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm alright," he said. "don't worry about me, I'm fine"

Ashley laid her head upon the silver ranger's chest sighing in relief.

"stop scaring me like that," she said. "you know how I hate to see you get hurt...Jaune"

Then as the two shared a moment, they all unmorphed into their normal selves, revealing Jaune to be the silver ranger.

"Hey, I'm alright...thanks for asking," JJ said sarcastically.

They all laughed until a group of people gathered around and applauded them, cheering.

"Yeah! Go power rangers!!" said a citizen.

"Thanks for saving us!" another said.

The rangers stood up and waved at them, they teleported back to their headquarters called the; MORPHIN BATTLE GRID FORCE (MBGF), it was a command center where all of the power rangers of the past were stationed and other military-grade personnel is working to help the power rangers. It is also the base where the morphing grid, Jaune, and his team arrived at the center where they were immediately sent to the council room. From there as they arrived, they saw a group of people waiting for the rangers, and some guardians were present. Jaune saw and we were confused to know what is happening, JJ then moved in front.

"Dad what's going on?" he asked. "why are the other rangers here and the guardians here today, something the matter?"

The man that JJ called was Tommy Oliver; a veteran ranger and the head of the base.

"We were just about to debrief you guys," he said. "sit,"

The team sat down, and the other rangers and members sat down, Tommy sat down and placed a crystal on the middle of the table. It glowed bright and showed a holographic head, it grew a bit big in the room for it to see all of them.

"Zordon, thanks for coming today," Tommy greeted him. "we can start the briefing"

"thank you, Tommy," he said in a deep voice. "rangers, we have we have been getting information that Tharx's forces have been decreasing slowly"

The young rangers were in shock, while the veterans were calm at the moment.

"what could be the reason for this?" Cole asked.

"We have reasons to believe that Thrax has attained a new species of monsters, under his command," Zordon said. "please show them the image"

Then one person held a folder and grabbed a photo inside, he then slid it on the table and the young rangers took the photo and examined it. In the picture was a clear shot of an oversized wolf and its fur was jet black with while Bones sticking out of the body, and with red lines around it.

"what are we even looking at?" Alyssa asked. "all I'm seeing is a deformed wolf, with white things sticking out of its own body"

"Why did you show us this?" Cole asked. "do we know what kind of monster this is?"

"Grimm," Jaune said.

The rangers looked at him surprised, and somewhat curious to know what kind of monster the picture holds.

"A what?" JJ asked.

"Grimm...Creatures of Grimm," Jaune said. "these creatures have no soul nor mind to think, they just kill...but they do have the ability to sense strong negative emotions, and these things are not from here"

"how do you know all of this?" Ashley asked.

"Cause Jaune here is from that world," Zordon said.

The whole room was surprised to hear that, and all looked at him except JJ and Tommy.

"well, now you know some of it," he said. "but I will have to tell you all about where I'm from"
