Chapter 5

-Daphne's Pov-

When we arrived, they took Bella to the E.R. Once I sat on the stretcher. The double doors burst open as Charlie runs in, face white with terror.

He spots me sitting with Bella, the er doctor looking into her eyes with a pen light.

On the next gurney over, Tyler, the van's driver, lay with a mild head wound. Charlie rushed up. "Bells. Are you alright?" he asked Bella. "Daphne? Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine I wasn't in the accident, only Bella," I said to Charlie, now looking at Bella again.

"I'm fine, dad" she replied "I'm so sorry, Bella. I tried to stop," Tyler told her "It's okay, Tyler," Bella answered.  "You're forgiven Tyler," I added, smiling at Tyler.

"It sure as hell is not okay," Charlie shot back, " Dad, it's not his fault-," Bella started to say.

"We nearly lost you," Charlie sighed. "But you didn't," Bella said back, Charlie looked at her, and hugged her "Head, dad" Bella whined. They are so cute, they're father-daughter bond is adorable.

I frowned at the thought about my father. Charlie glared at Tyler.

"You can kiss your license goodbye, ''Charlie scolded him. "I heard the chief's daughter was here," someone said. We looked up as Dr. Carlisle Cullen approached, he must be Jasper's father.

For reasons. His face was kind but pale, tired.

"Good. Dr. Cullen, ''Charlie sighed. "I've got this one, Jackie," Dr. Cullen said as the ER doctor handed Dr. Cullen the chart and exited.

Dr. Cullen reviewed Bella's chart, then felt the back of her head. "You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion," he told Bella.

"I'm so sorry, Bella I'm really-," Tyler began to say, Charlie abruptly pulled the curtain between us.

"It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way," Bella added. "Edward? Your boy?" Charlie asked Carlisle.

He quickly looked back at the chart, Bella knew he knew something so she pressed.

"It was amazing he got to me so fast, he was nowhere near me," Bella explained.

I could see Carlisle trying to calm down a little before replying. "As long as you're safe" he smiled. "Okay Bella, you may leave as soon as your dad checks you out," he said, leaving.

We exited the treatment area.

"I just have to sign some paperwork. You better call your mom, ''Charlie told Bella, She puts on a shocked yet mad face. "You told her?! She's probably freaking," Bella exclaimed.

Charlie shrugged and hurried off. Bella shook her head and pulled out her cell phone.

I left her to call her mom. I walk down the hall to see Rosalie, Edward, and Carlisle. Rosalie was furious at Edward who stood his ground. Carlisle plays an intermediary.

"This isn't just about you, it's about all of us, even Daphne's family" Rosalie argued as I walked up.

I hugged Rose before turning to Edward. "Edward, as much as I'm thankful that you saved her, Rose is right," I say, Edward, looking at me shocked.

"She mostly will find out sooner, she is already suspicious about our eyes, I told her that my family, we wear contacts but, this just gives her more stuff about us," I told him.

Rose goes to say something then Carlisle stops her as he sees Bella.

"Let's take this to my office," He asked.

Rosalie glared at Edward as she hugs me goodbye and goes off with Carlisle who smiles at me. Edward looks at me, adopting a nonchalant air as Bella approaches, determined.

I stay where I was, listening to them, Bella isn't letting this go and won't.

When it was finished Edward walked away, and gave me a small smile. 'It will be okay'I think, telling Edward as I walk up to Bella and Charlie to take us home.

-Two Weeks Later-

Two weeks have gone by since the accident. Bella's head was doing fine as she drove us to school. I started riding with her after the accident, I just wanted to make sure she was safe.

As we stood in the exact spot of the accident, I looked around for Jasper.

We have been hanging out a lot for the past two weeks. He's like my best friend, besides rose. Behind us on the lawn, several classes congregate, gathering for a field trip.

Mr. Molina was in charge. "Make sure I get your permission slips," he said as Bella looked.

I saw Jasper arrive with Edward, Alice, and Tara. She rides with them to school and rides with Thomas and Abigail, who are with Jessica and them, back home.

I look away from Jasper, noticing Mike trot up to us.

"Look! You're moving. You're alive!" Mike mocked Dr. Frankenstein, making me laugh a little "... yeah, false alarm..." Bella joked, Poorly if you ask me.

"I'm glad you're not dead, 'cause well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you, even though it's like, a month away,"

Mike asked Bella, but she was distracted by Edward. Poor mike. I shook my head at her. "So how would you like to go to prom with me?" he asked me first.

I could see the disgust in Jasper's face when he asked.

"Sorry Mike, I'm not going," I say to Mike with a soft frown. "So what do you think, Bella?" he asked her as she looked at him. "Do you want to go? To prom, with me." she thinks for a second.

"Prom. As in dance. I, uh have to go somewhere," Bella stuttered.

"To Jacksonville. Yeah" Why Jacksonville? It's boring there, my grandparents lived in Jacksonville, theirs not much there. "You can't go another weekend?" Mike asked with hope.

"Non-refundable ticket" Bella answered.

"Maybe you should ask Jessica," I told Mike, looking at her. He followed my eyes way across the lawn to Jessica. She smiled at us as Edward crossed in front of Jessica.

He seemed to be smirking as Jasper glared at Mike.

When we arrived, Jasper walked up to me as I looked around. "Hello, daph," Jasper smiled at me. "Hey, jazz," I replied.

Mr. Molina and a tour guide lead the several dozen kids through the greenhouse. Bella kept an eye on Edward who was up ahead with Alice and Tara.

Mr. Molina demonstrates the compost machine as the students mess around. "... c'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it...," Mr. Molina announced as the machine gurgled and spun.

"Now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of compost tea. This is recycling at its most basic level, hey, don't drink that!"

he chased Tyler as he grabbed the cup and drank it. Gross. "So, you're not going to prom?" Jasper asked me. "Nope, I haven't been to one," I say looking at him.

"Plus don't have a date" I added as we saw Edward talking to Bella.

She slipped and Edward caught her. We got a whiff of her scent, it didn't bother me before, but it did this time, both of us tensed. Jessica suddenly rushes up.

"Guess who just asked me to prom?!" she told me "Mike!"

I smiled, trying not to look tense. "I thought mike was going to ask you or Bella, is it gonna be weird?" Jessica asked me.

"No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together," I replied. "I know, right?" Jessica responds as she rushes to catch up with angela. I catch hers as well.

"Let's go to the buses," I tell Jasper, hooping our arms and walking out. We stood by the bus, talking trying to calm our thirst down, our arms still looped, it just felt right.

Bella headed out to the bus, walking past where everyone was looking at the compost worm box grossing each other out with the slimy creatures. As Bella backed away.

Edward stepped up to her.

I was still talking to Jasper when Alice and Tara came up. "Hey Daphne" Alice smiled, and I smiled back. "Daphne!" I looked for you said my name. I gasped as I saw him.

"Walter!!" I yelled, Tara gasped. I ran to him, hugging him, Tara too.

"Omg!" Tara said as we hugged. "When did you get here?" I asked, letting him go. "I got here a few hours ago" Walter told us. "Omg, you slick bastard" Walter chuckled.

Jasper walked up, Alice behind him.

"The bus is leaving now." She said, looking at Walter. "Walter, Walter Bishop" Alice smiled at him, hugging me and then walking away with Tara. We got on the bus, I sat with Jasper.

Walter sat with Angela, talking with her.

Bella sat down across from us with a huff, I knew Edward must have done something. I talked with Jasper the rest of the way.

-Next Day-

Bella, Walter, and I entered the cafeteria, as Bella glanced over at the Cullen table. Jasper smiles at me as Edward doesn't look at Bella. I smile back. I could tell Bella was mad.

We went to the table where Eric, Jessica, Mike, and Angela sat.

I usually sit with my family and the Cullens, but Bella asked if I would sit with her. We dropped our bags on the chairs. "La Push, baby. You in?" Eric asked us.

"Should I know what that means?" Bella asked.

"La Push beach, on the Quileute rez," Mike explained. "We're all going after school. Big swell coming in '' ''And I don't just surf the internet, ''Eric added.

"Eric, you stood up once," Jessica told him "on a foam board." I laughed at that.

"There's whale watching too. Come with, ''Angela asked us, looking at Walter, Walter smiled. " La Push, baby," Eric said again. "I'll go if you stop saying that," Bella told him then looked at me.

"Are you gonna go daph?" she asked. "Walter?"

"No sorry, we have plans, you can take Milo with you though," I said, looking at Bella for the last part. All the girls' smirked at me. "Do these plans have to do with jasper?" Jessica asks, looking at me.

The boys groaned.

"No! They don't! I'm doing something with my family, I don't only hang out with jasper" I said, flushed. "Okay, if you say so" Jessica says, not believing me.

Third POV

A collection of haphazard shacks and boat docks, connected by wood plank sidewalks.

Waylon Forge, the hippy logger who used to play Santa Claus, was scraping paint off his boat, swigging a pint as he listened to his prehistoric walkman.

His old dog lay next to him as the sounds of the forest and river chirp and buzz.

Waylon sang along to his walkman. Suddenly, the sounds of nature abruptly silenced themselves. The dog raised his head and started to growl. Waylon doesn't notice.

He was singing and working until he looked up and realized the dog was gone.

"Jerry?" Waylon asked as he pulled off the headphones and whistled. No dog. Waylon walked up a walkway and saw a dog's leg sticking out from under a bush.

"Come on, Jerry, you old mutt...," he said as he pulled at the leg.

It's detached.

He reeled back, stumbling onto his boat, frantically untying the line, and pushing out. Waylon floated, breath short, listening acutely. His heart was racing.

He heard a noise. He jerks around. Nothing. Then suddenly, his boat rocks violently, he spins around and sees a woman, kneeling on the deck.

This is Victoria, a 26-year-old woman with chaotic red hair filled with leaves from the woods.

" Hello there," Waylon smiles at her. A dropped down behind him. He stood on the bow. It's James, a 30-year-old, pale white vampire.

But his eyes, unlike the Cullens, are deep, sinister burgundy, and lethal. His catlike movements are always on the edge of a crouch. "H-how did you do that?" Waylon asked.

"Always the same inane questions...," James sighed.

"Aren't you guys like the black-eyed peas?" Waylon tried to make the situation funny. The two looked at each other in confusion.

Terrified, Waylon spun around to see Laurent, 28 years old with glossy black hair, and black skin, lounging on his boat seat.

All three nomads were wearing frayed clothes and were barefoot. " What do you want?" James continued. "Why are you doing this?" Victoria added.

" ... James, must we?" Laurent asked.

" the question should be, will it hurt?" James smirked as Victoria grins sadistically. Then with lighting fast speed, the three of them violently lunged at Waylon.

-Next Day-Daphne's Pov-

"I'm so bored," I say laying on the couch, Milo sitting with me. It's sunny outside so we couldn't go to school. I had to tell Jessica that something came up.

She asked me to go out with her for prom dress shopping, and Tara and Walter are coming too.

"Just go hunting or something," Thomas said, while cuddling Abigail as she was reading a book. I get up with Milo and go hunting. After hunting for about an hour, I hear an animal roar in pain.

One of the Cullens must be hunting I thought as I walked.

I smelled Jasper's scent as I was walking. I still panic when I smell it, but I'm getting better, slowly. "Jasper!" I call out for him, Milo barked for him.

After a few minutes, I hear running, and him in front of me with blood on him, smiling. I chuckled at his face. "Hey Jasper" I said, smiling at him, chuckling lightly.

"Good evening ma'am" he says looking at me, wiping his face.

"What are you doing out here?" he asks, petting Milo. "Nothing really, I was bored," I said, laughing lightly. "You could hang out with me if you like?" Jasper proposed, looking up at me.

I smiled at him, looking at Milo. Milo barked, nodding his head.

"Yeah why not, I don't have to be anywhere until later," I told him as he looked at me puzzled. "I'm going to a prom dress shop with Jessica, Angela, Tara, Walter, and Bella later"

I said, walking around with him, Milo running around, playing around.

He nods, walking with me. Milo played around us, I laughed at him. "When did you guys get Milo?" Jasper asked while we walked. "We got him back in the 1980s. 1982"

I told him, and he looked at me shocked.

"Milo doesn't look that old. When was he born?" Jasper asked, I watched Milo play. "He was born around 1790" Jasper's eyes widened. "How" "Milo was a human, a vampire" I told Jasper.

"Milo has been trapped in that body since he was 18. A witch put him in that body, we don't know why" I explained, watching Milo.

"Since he can't talk, we'll never know" Milo runs up to me, rubbing his head on my knees. I chuckled, kissing his head. Milo ran off again. "Must be a nightmare" I chuckled, nodding.

Milo barked, catching our attention as he spotted a lake.

Big and smart sparkling rocks surrounded the water.

''How about a swim?" Jasper suggests, Milo barks happily, looking at me. "Sure, it sounds fun," I said, running to the lake with Milo, and Jasper laughing at us, walking after us.


Bella was antsy, and distracted, as Jessica and Angela tried on dresses. She pulled a Mapquest printout from her purse. Jessica flounced out of the changing room, posing provocatively.

"I think this halter makes my boobs look big," Jessica told us.

"What do you think, Bella, Daphne?" "I like it on you, Jess," Tara said, looking her up and down, "Yeah it looks beautiful, your boobs do look good" I add. Walter gave her a thumbs up.

Outside the window, a group of rowdy frat boys heads toward a bar.

As they knocked on the window when they saw us, two of them stared at Jessica in her low-cut dress. Embarrassed, she turned back to Bella. "Bella?" Jessica asked.

''It looks great," Bella lied.

"You said that about the last five dresses," I told her." Sorry," she apologized.

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Angela asked her. ''Maybe I should just go check out the bookstore and meet you guys at the restaurant later," Bella sighed.

"You sure?" Angela asked.

"We'll stay," I replied, Walter and Tara nodding.

"They need us!" Tara swooned as Angela swatted her with a scarf. Bella nodded and headed out. Jessica looked in the mirror again. "You are right about this halter, though," Jessica told me.

"It does look great." After a while, we went to the restaurant, Bella was not with us, and I was getting scared. As we exited the restaurant, Bella pulled up.

"Where were you?!" Jessica asked her. "We left you a message," I added.

"We waited, but we were starving," Angela added as they saw Edward climbing out of his car. We freeze. "Sorry for making Bella late," Edward told them.

"She ran into me and we got talking." I knew that it wasn't true, I was on their faces.

"I- we-understand. We were just... leaving, so," Jessica stuttered, We started to go as Bella was forced to go with us. "Okay, well. Thank you," Bella told Edward.

She started to follow us. Edward is torn, then stops her.

"Maybe I should make sure Bella gets something to eat," Edward told them.

"...If you'd like. Then I could drive you back myself." "That's so... thoughtful," Angela agreed. "Thoughtful," Jessica echoed.

"Very," I said, smirking at him, Walter and Tara smirking too.

"I could eat," Bella agreed.

As he guided her to the restaurant, the two girls shared a look and a noiseless scream of excitement.

I laughed at Jessica and Angela, getting into our car and heading home.
