Light and Dark

Two formidable forces,

Facing each other,

Stood in the light of the day.

Riddled with dilemma,

A sentient Arjun stared,

The darkness of the act,

In his heart, making its way.

Omniscient he is,

Krishna's lips stretch into a smile.

'Fight my family!

Kill my kin!

O! Gopal

How should I?'

'Why, O! Parth

You mourn for evil?'

Calm voice of Krishna

Touched Arjun's disquieted heart.

'O! Gopal

End their lives!

Evil or not

How could I?'

Beholding Arjuna's distraught eyes,

Krishna smiled,

'Mortal form perishes

But not the soul.'

An uninitiated Arjun,

Joined his palms,

'O! Gopal

I lay down my arms!'

To quell the dark ignorance,

That filled Arjun's conscience,

Krishna proceeded to deliver,

The paramount sermon ever.

Universal teaching for the way of life,

A path itself from dark to light.

'Must follow the route of dharma,

O! Parth

Never should you give up.

I can erase the adversary,

If I wish,

A moment will it take,

But to spread the value of karma

Is why, in this war I partake.

Karma, your duty

You should conduct, O! Parth

Without fixating on the outcome,

But on the action, itself.

Consider my words

Then take a stance.'

Enlightened, Arjun lifted his bow

To fight the dark, his dharma,

To bring about light through his karma.
