The Talk

Janna likes messing with Marco
Disclaimer I do not own star vs the forces of evil
A.N: Hey, guys I know it has been months since I lasted updated, but so much has happened. I have officially transitioned from MTF and I was dealing with problems and school and home and summer break was just crazy. The good news is that I am back and I am going to try and start updating monthly again. Okay, now that is out of the way I just want to thank you all soooooo much for all the love and support you have given this fanfic. None of this would be possible without you guys and recently I have found out that this fanfic has gotten some pretty good rankings and it's all thanks to you guys or as Thomas Sanders would say all thanks to you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. I have 6k reads and I never expected for this fanfic to come this far and I am glad that there are people who enjoy it. So for those of you who actually read this all the way through thank you and now let's get to the part you have been waiting months for.

Tom stepped up to me and said, "I love you, Marco, no matter if you're a girl one day and a boy the next." I looked down again and I was a boy again, but it felt wrong. Somewhere in my mind I knew yesterday I was a boy, but today I am a girl. My formed changed back to a girl and we kissed. The dream ended and I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I lie there not moving. The memories from the dream flash through my mind. Please let be just my dream and not a dream Tom and I shared. The alarm was still going off, but no one made a move to turn it off. It took a couple of minutes, but Tom spoke up, "Marco I think we need to talk." My breathing started to rush and my heart began to race,"Talk about what Tom?" "You know what Marco. Let's just turn off the alarm and we can talk about what that dream was about." "What dream? I don't remember any dream. Well, look at the time I better get ready for school." "Marco" I got up and turned off the alarm and as quickly as possible without running went to the door to leave. "Marco we need to talk" I felt his hand holding my wrist and a shiver ran through my body" "Okay," I whispered. He pulled on my wrist into a hug,"It's okay, I don't care you are gender fluid. You are my fiancé and nothing will change that." "You didn't choose me. You are just saying that out of obligation." Tom held me so my eyes were looking directly into his," I might have not chosen this at the start, but I wouldn't give it up. I ... I love you Marco. I love you and I don't care what your gender is." I tried looked to try and see a hint of a lie, but I couldn't, but how did he know. I have never felt like this with anyone before how do I know this is love. "Marco you don't have to say that back wait until you're ready." "Thanks, Tom. So you really don't mind about me being gender fluid?" "Nope if there is anything you need just tell me. If you want me to call you by a certain name or anything I will always do anything that will help. In fact..." Suddenly fire burst into Tom's hand and I jumped. "Tom you know what I said about using fire inside the house!" He just laughed a soft cute laugh. The flames die down and in its place were two bracelets one blue and one pink. " I know colors don't have genders, but I hope this can help. Just were the one that matches the gender you are that day and I will adjust my pronouns and stuff accordingly." I almost start crying. Grabbing the pink one I put it on. "Thank you and... Margo." Tom looked confused, "What?" "Margo is the name I want to go by when I am a girl." Tom just smiled, "Ok Margo"

A.N. I know it is not a lot, but I wanted to get something out and this seemed like a great place to stop. The bracelets were not my idea I got it from LUCIFER_SHURLEYNOVAK so big thanks to them. Their friends did it for them and they told me about which allowed me to put this wonderful thing into my fanfic so once again a big thanks. I am still looking for artists to draw pics of what I write. I am thinking about reading this and posting on my youtube channel if I decide to do that I will need people to voice some of the other characters. Feel free to contact me if you are interested or if there is something you would like to see me do. I have come out with an original story called Lunar Magickku. Please read it; it is my first original story that I have posted and I would like it to go far. Hope you liked this will try and update at least once a month again.
Until Next Time.
