
2 Months later

Jamie's POV:

We are back on tour. Playing with the boys is the best thing to escape my feelings. Sam and I are still a little bit weird with each other, the fact that Matilda is with us does not make it better. But I want her to be here, she is still my girlfriend and she has been at some gigs with us before. Sam ignores her most of the time and I am not in the mood to talk to him. "Hey Baby" says Matilda as she is coming over to me. She is very clingy the last time and I have to say that I do not really like it. It is not her. Lily has never acted like that, yes, she came to me and cuddled and kissed, but she was never clingy. Weird, I should stop comparing them, they are nothing alike. "Hey babe. I have to leave in a few minutes. The meet and great you know" I smiled at her, or at least, I tried. When I looked at her she had a kinda mad face. Why should she be mad ? "Everything okay Tilly ? You look mad." She sighed "Can you not just be with me and don't go the meet and great ?" She asked. Now I was confused and kinda mad. "Why ? This is Our tour. MY tour. And all these fans spent their money to see ALL of us" Matilda looked annoyed "Oh come on Jamie. They're all just coming because of YOU. Because they are in love with you. And they hate me, they want you to be with this daughter of Phil Collins!" I knew what she meant. Everytime she posts something from us she gets a lot of hate. Mostly from the 'Jamily' shippers. The ones that want me and Lily to be together. Matilda should be able to ignore that hate and enjoy the time with me. "Are you serious ? You wanna say that our music is not important to all these people ? It is only me ? And seriously they are fans and not anything else, not my girlfriends. You are my girlfriend no matter what anyone says or want!" I told her. "So you do not wanna be with that Collins daughter ?" she asked. Really ? that is the only thing she is interested in ?! I was so angry and said "Her name is LILY! And if you have a problem with the fans you shouldn't be here! She was shocked "Are you serious Jamie ?" "Yes I am!" and then I left to my meet and great.

Lily's POV:

I was on my way to the grocery store when a Paparazzi asked me if I am dating Nick Jonas. I just ignored him but thought 'we went to dinner once and we are good friends' I went into the grocery store and grabbed my phone to see what I need. *Message from Sam Bower* Sam and I build up the contact again. I know that they are on tour again and Sam likes it so far. He texted me before that Matilda would come with them and this is why I am so 'mad'. It should be me I think, but instead, it is her. I opened the message and read it. "Hey Mrs. Collins hope you are good and don't think too much about my stupid Brother. Btw he and Matilda had a big fight about something and I think he wants her to leave. I keep you up to date! Sam x" I wonder what Jamie and her fought about. Normally Jamie hates fighting and so he never does it. I think again about texting him. Come on Lily just do it. I need to finish my grocery shopping and then I will.

*20 minutes later*

I am sitting in my car not sure what to write. "Hey Jamie hope you are good. I feel teribble?" No that is shit. "Hey Jamie heard about your fight with Matilda" Never. After 10 minutes I decided to write "Hey James, I hope you are having fun on tour! Would like to hear your voice too. Text me when you have time, we should talk! Lily X That is ok. I click on 'send it' and it is done. Now I just need to wait.

Matilda's POV:

I can not believe that Jamie really did that. I mean, maybe I overacted a little bit but Jamie's fans are so rude. They only love...Lily..Ugh this name. Because of her Jamie broke up with me and because of her I am getting all of this hate. The fans ask me all the time for pictures but I do not want to take pictures with them. *Matilda searches for her phone and finds Jamie's* Oh no he left his phone. I should bring it to him, then he won't be mad anymore....wait..he has a message, and it is from Lily. Really ? Why would she text him ?! Maybe I should read it...NO that is not right but I am his girlfriend. *Matilda opens the message* Oh no! She did not write that! *Matilda answers : Too busy to talk. You know. Band and Tilly*! He needs his phone...I will just give it to him...later.

The one thing Matilda did not know, someone saw her.....
