Doubts about everything

Skellington house hold

Judy- I'm home

Sally- Welcome home my dear. How was your evening?

Judy- *Looks upset* It was okay...

Sally- *Confused* What's wrong? I thought you evening would be great after what your father told me.

Judy- Well it was then I went to talk to Shock an-

Sally- SHOCK?! I have told you a million times to not talk to the Boogie siblings. They are bad news.

Judy- Shock is different. She's not bad she just speaks the truth in my opinion.

Sally- Really? And what was this "truth" that she told you?

Judy- That I might be ready to be queen and if I don't figure out what I'm doing perfectly she won't follow me...

Sally- What?! That's horrible. Why would she-

Sally stops mid sentence and realizes what Shock is doing

Sally- Judy you have to believe me when I say this.

Judy- Okay?

Sally- I think Shock is trying to break you down so the Boogie family can take over again.

Judy- What?! She wouldn't do that and what do you mean by again?

Sally- Okay not take over by try to. You see Oogie tried to take over Halloween town about a month before you were born. He came very very close but Jack wasn't going to let it happen so he stopped Oogie and stayed in control. I feel like he is using he own kids against you.

Judy- that can't be. Lock is always flirting with me and Shock is like my best friend. Shock even said that she was having family problems lately.

Sally- Judy she was lying. People lie to get you to like them.

Judy- Why?

Sally- I wish I knew the answer.

Judy- ...

Sally- *sigh* Jack

Jack- Yes dear?

Sally- Can you come here please?

Jack comes in the room with two kids on his legs one holding on for dear live on his torso and one on his shoulders

Jack- Yes dea- Judy are you okay what happened?

Jack pulls all of the kids off of him and sends them back to the other room to play since he sees that this situation needs his full attention.

Judy- I was talking to Shock and she-

Sally- She told Judy that she is not ready to be queen yet.

Jack- What?! Sweetheart you are ready.

Judy- Are you sure? Because Shock said that if you guys didn't know what to do in a situation she wouldn't follow you guys.

Jack- Really? But we always know what to do we have like 19 kids. So we should know what to do even if we don't. Even if you don't know what to do Judy we will help you.

Judy- I know but you guys can't always help me not even a little bit. It will make me look weak.

Jack- Judy if you want to look weak then take the mayor's job because he can't do anything without our say.

Jack moves closer to Sally to signal that he is talking about the both of them.

Sally- What your father says is true. You are not weak. If you want us to help you with your decision making we can so you feel more confident when you are queen.

Judy- I would like that. Thank you guys.

Jack- No problem. Now you will never talk to the Boogie's ever again. I don't want them to put more negativity in your head about you not being good enough to be queen.

Judy- I think you guys are right. I won't talk to them but if they talk to me I'll keep the conversation short so I don't look rude.

Sally- I can deal with that.

Jack- Same here. I wouldn't want you to look like you don't care even if it is the Boogie's.

Outside the window that has been open the whole time.

Lock- Damn it! Shock's plan didn't work.

Lock paused

Lock- Shock's plan didn't work. He says with a smile.

Lock- I can't wait to tell Oogie about her failure.

~ I AM SO SO SORRY. I haven't been on here in forever and I feel like I owe you guys something so here you go. I'm so sorry again. I'm trying to get back on here. Plus 5K READS LIKE WHAT!!!! That's insane. Thank you guys who have been reading this story. It means so much to me. Until next time. ~
