One for All (Chapter 18)

Inko's POV:

I was humming waiting for Toshi to get home. He had another nightmare last night. I hope he gets better. Izumi is getting better at OFA and we are both happ----

The door slams open with Izumi holding something while her face looks like a tomato.

"Hun---" she runs upstairs to her room before slamming the door and I rush after her. "Izumi?! Are you ok?"

3rd POV:

Izumi was not ok. It was getting worse. This little crush she thought nothing of was now an addiction.

She cried silently to herself. All she wanted to do was apologize to Izuku. She would have done anything to get her brother back.

But now..... She craved him. She curls up into a ball on the floor a sobbing mess as he mother keeps trying to get in.

She looks at her brothers hoodie. She took it from the hideout after following them. She didn't even remember taking it until she was halfway home.

Her hand grabs her wrist right before she grabbed the hoodie.

'This is so wrong. What the fuck is wrong with me!!'

"What's so wrong about loving Izuku?" Said her voice from across the room.

Izumi looks around and sees her. Well herself in the mirror. It was in a cocky sitting pose unlike her curled up into a ball pose. The only other difference was the eyes. They were multi colored. (Like Daki's eyes from demon slayer but the color of the OFA users)

"Who are you?" Asked Izumi sacred.

"I'm you but better. I mean come on if you love Izuku it's fine. But the better you , which is me, craves him and isn't a pussy to say it. I mean what are people gonna do not like you? Hate you? Who cares!!!" She yelled.


"You are the daughter of the number 1 hero and the future number 1. Why do you care what a bunch of weak pathetic parasites think?" She said as OFA finally took control of the poor girls mind and broke whatever held her back.

She smiles as she grabs the hoodie sniffing it. She will have her pet back. No matter what.

(Inside OFA)

The first was laughing his ass off. This is so much better then working with his brother. He'll make sure this girl becomes the best hero so he can find another user.

He needs more. But for now. He'll toy with this girl. Just like all the others.

(24 years ago)

Miriai's POV:

"Ok we'll be expecting you tomorrow. I'm glad you spoke up. I know it's not easy talking about that monster." Said the kind lady on the phone.

"Ok thank you ma'am I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I hung up. I take a shakey breath. It's been a year since that incident.

I touch the eye patch on my left eye. He truly is a monster.

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you like it.
