
After a day out for Izuku Midoriya's birthday he and his wife Wolf Midoriya just got home from a wonderful dinner, she took off her jacket" time for your dessert" she smiled. But Izuku had something else in mind as he stared at his wife's ass. He was now the number one hero and everyone knew they were dating when he was announced as the number one hero, they married two years after he was given the title. Izuku had become more mature and bold as he grew he had his moments when he was his shy, bashful self but now he became a bit of a perv and was very flirty with his then girlfriend now wife Wolf, for example him looking at her ass or chest, touching them. He said" dessert? I think I have something in mind," Wolf blushes red, she was use to his flirty words and actions but it still got her blushing every time after what Izuku said Wolf blushes and threw her coat at his face blushing red" m-m-maybe later.. since it's your birthday...if that is what you want... since we been so busy with hero work.. I haven't been able to shop for a present, whatever you want after cake... I'll do it as a gift" Izuku smirks" I'll hold you to that Wolf" Wolf left to get his cake" are your eyes closed?" She called from the kitchen, Izuku smiled" yes Ma'am they are" he had them closed as he took off the coat from his face then he opened them slowly and looked down after she said he could open his eyes. There on the table was an All Might cake and looked a bit sloppy but he smiled knowing Wolf made it and decorated herself even though she never cooked any thing like a cake before. She smiled shyly" sorry it's not perfect, I'm not use to baking and decorating a cake with icing I tried to keep my hands from shaking.." he was touched she tried for him. Izuku tears up after seeing the All Might birthday cake, he smiled, wipes them away and looks at his wife. Izuku smiled" I love it thank you Wolf, you're the best wife. I believe it will taste great" he smiled at her and pulled her into his lap and kissed her deep but softly she kissed back and she sung Happy Birthday to him and then they ate the cake her giving him the bigger piece. He hums happily" it's delicious, you did good on your first try" Wolf was relieved it didn't taste bad" I did my best to measure the ingredients just right and made sure it was cooked right. Just glad it turned out edible" Izuku kissed her cheek" it's perfect, now my gift~" he rubs her inner thigh, she blushes" I'll meet you in the bedroom, I need to cover the cake.." he smiled and left. Wolf did what she needed to do and headed to the bedroom where Izuku was already undressed except his boxers she blushed red over the years he began getting more muscular and abs and the scars on his left arm was hot and a turn on to her also she admired all he's been through when he got those. She undressed to but leaving her bra and underwear on she walks over to him and straddles him as he was sitting at the edge of the bed, they made out for awhile; sucking on each other's tongue, wrapping them together, exploring their mouths, Wolf would grind against him occasionally to tease and get him hard which worked quite quickly. Izuku pulled away and pants, their faces flustered and red, he said" I love you so damn much Wolf, I'm glad we met and you chose me" he smiled remembering his awkward and shy self back in UA blushing red and a stuttering self asking her out on a date then being her boyfriend. Wolf smiled" I'm glad to have met you to Izu, friends then boyfriend and girlfriend then engaged and now married, it feels like it all happened yesterday..." Izuku smiles" time sure has flown," she nods and they got lost in passion and love for the rest of the day and night.
