Chapter 4

Miriam soon turned 15 and learned to cope with what life handed her. She learned fast that crying did not change anything but praying did. It was often that she could be found praying to the Creator for a miracle in the middle of the night. She just wanted her parents back.

Alhtough she was never materialistic she always loved nice things. But she quickly understood that possessions were temporary. As the year passed she begun to research ways to help her parents.

At first she had hit a brick wall. No change could be seen. But she refused to give up. Then early one morning it seemed as if the Almighty had answered her prayers. Her parents sat her and her siblings down, apologised for what they put them through and told her that they were going to change.

Within a month they had moved to a better place, her parents both had jobs and her world seemed all right again.

But would it last?

It was often that Miriam found herself thinking about Muhseen. After that night on the ride he began to text her. It was not a flowing conversation just random greetings or jokes. He somehow brought alittle light into her life.

She decides that as one human being to another she might just be able to tolerate him.
