Yuki's voice boomed with anger as he confronted Kaito with his gun drawn.

Yuki: "Kaito, release them now or I'll end you right here!"

Kaito, his face twisted with malice, scoffed defiantly.

Kaito: "You think you can kill me? Absurd! Watch as I end three lives today, including your wife's unborn child."

Naoki, stepping forward with resolve, warned Kaito with a chilling calm.

Naoki: "You'll regret making an enemy of the Irie family, Kaito. Police are on their way."

Just as Kaito moved to harm Konomi, a swarm of police officers surrounded him, forcing him to surrender. Yuki, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, turned to Naoki with a question.

Yuki: "Who called the police?"

Watanabe, appearing from the shadows, revealed her involvement.

Watanabe: "It was me, Yuki. I called them."

Yuki, grateful but puzzled, sought an explanation from Naoki.

Yuki: "Onee-chan, you knew?"

Naoki nodded with a knowing smile.

Naoki: "I already told Watanabe about Kaito. She took care of the rest."

As Kaito was led away by the police, he issued a chilling threat.

Kaito: "I'll come back for you, Yuki! It's a promise!"

Watanabe, displaying her authority, silenced Kaito with a swift slap.

Watanabe: "You'll never see the outside again. I'll personally see to it that you're sentenced to life without parole."

Naoki, looking at Kaito with a smirk, reaffirmed his earlier warning.

Naoki: "I told you, Kaito. You've picked the wrong fight with the Irie family."

With Kaito subdued and justice served, Yuki and Naoki breathed a sigh of relief, knowing their loved ones were safe once more.

Kotomi and Konomi were rescued, and they ran to their respective loved ones, overwhelmed with relief.

Kotomi: crying and hugging Naoki "Papa!"

Konomi: tearfully embracing Yuki "Irie-kun!"

Yuki held Konomi tightly, his voice still simmering with the remnants of his anger.

Yuki: "If he had hurt either of you, I would have ended him. That's the only thought that drove me here."

As they were walking back, Konomi noticed the gun in Yuki's hand. She stopped and looked at him with wide eyes.

Konomi: "Wait, Irie-kun! You own a licensed gun?!"

Yuki nodded, his expression serious.

Yuki: "Yes, Konomi. I bought this gun when I succeeded in the company. It's always fully loaded."

Konomi's shock was evident. She had never imagined Yuki using a gun.

Konomi: "I never knew... I never thought you would have a gun."

Yuki: "I hope I never have to use it, but in our line of work, and with threats like Kaito, I can't take any chances. Your safety, our family's safety, comes first."

Konomi looked at Yuki with a mix of concern and understanding, realizing the lengths he was willing to go to protect those he loved.

Naoki: "If Watanabe hadn't arrived in time, Kaito would have been finished. I wouldn't have hesitated either."

Watanabe, standing nearby, watched the emotional reunion with a satisfied smile.

Watanabe: "It's good to see everyone safe."

The group, still shaken but relieved, made their way home together. Yuki and Naoki continued to comfort Kotomi and Konomi, ensuring them that they were safe now and that Kaito would never hurt them again. The family, united and stronger than ever, left the scene, grateful for the protection and support that had saved their loved ones.

In the Irie household, Noriko, Kotoko, Shigeki, and Shigeo were sitting in fear, tears streaming down their faces as they prayed for the safe return of Kotomi and Konomi.

At the hospital, Tomoko, Marina, Motoki, Keita, Satomi, Jinko, Kinnosuke, Chris, Nobuhiro, the Head Nurse, Sudou, and Matsumoto were also praying fervently for the safety of Kotomi and Konomi. They anxiously watched the TV, which was broadcasting news about the rescue operation and the arrest of Kaito and his gang.

When the news of their successful rescue was announced, everyone in the hospital let out a cheer of relief and joy.

"Yes! Kaito should be sentenced to death; he should never be free again!" Kinnosuke exclaimed, his voice filled with anger and relief.

"Thank God they were saved," Christine added, tears of relief in her eyes.

Back at the Irie home, the front door opened, and Yuki, Naoki, Kotomi, and Konomi walked in. Noriko and Kotoko immediately rushed to them, tears streaming down their faces as they hugged Kotomi and Konomi tightly.

Noriko cried, "Dears, you came back! Thank goodness you're safe!"

Kotoko, holding Kotomi close, whispered through her tears, "I was so scared. I'm so glad you're home."

Konomi and Kotomi hugged their family back, tears of relief and happiness mingling with those of their loved ones.

Yuki, still holding Konomi close, looked at his family. "We're all safe now. Kaito is in custody, and he won't be able to hurt us anymore."

The family stayed together, sharing their relief and joy at being reunited and safe, grateful that the ordeal was over.

Tomoko called Kotoko and put her on speaker. "Kotoko-san, me, Keita, Marina, Motoki, Kinnosuke, Chris, Satomi, Jinko, and the Head Nurse are all here," Tomoko said, her voice filled with relief. "We're so happy both were rescued."

Keita chimed in, "Kotoko, be happy as always."

Motoki added, "You must be cheerful as always!"

Marina said, "Relax, Kotoko. Everything's okay now."

Satomi and Jinko spoke together, "We're here for you, Kotoko!"

The Head Nurse, her voice gentle, said, "Kotoko-san, take leave for a week. You need to rest and recover from this."

Kotoko, tears streaming down her face, replied, "Minna! Arigato gozaimasu for your concern!"

The support and love from her friends and colleagues warmed her heart, giving her the strength she needed to stay strong for her family.

                                                   To be continued....

