Chapter 34

Ron's POV
10 years back...

During our vacation in Surat, we had the pleasure of staying at Mehul uncle's huge haveli as he invited us.

We all enjoyed being together in the beautiful haveli and having a chance to taste the delicious Gujarati food prepared by Mom, Aunty, and Maharaj Ji during our stay. The time spent there was filled with joy and laughter. 

I still remember that day, Mom and Aunty were busy in the kitchen helping Maharaj ji to make different delicacies to meet our never-ending demands for tasty snacks.

The haveli had lots of open space, enough for us to play cricket. So all the boys and men were playing cricket. The sweltering heat couldn't dampen our spirits as we enjoyed the camaraderie among friends and family.

  Laughter and banter filled the air,  The sound of leather meeting willow echoed through the neighborhood, punctuated by our cheers and groans.

Little did I know that a sudden cry would shatter the joyful ambiance, jolting me out of my blissful reverie. We were engrossed in the game, a heart-wrenching cry pierced the air.

I turned towards the source of the piercing scream, my heart skipping a beat as I witnessed a horrifying sight. A girl was hurtling through the air, falling from the terrace above.
I turned to see a terrifying sight—a girl falling from the terrace above. Without a moment's hesitation, my instincts kicked in, and I rushed toward her.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as my mind raced to process the unfolding danger. In that instant, instinct took over, and my body moved before I could even comprehend the gravity of the situation.

With lightning-fast reflexes, I lunged toward her, propelled by a surge of adrenaline. My arms reached out, fueled by a desperate determination to save her.

Who was falling??

Every fiber of my being focused on the task at hand as if my sole purpose at that moment was to intercept her fall.

The world around me blurred as I locked eyes with her, fear and panic etched upon her face. It was Mahi, Manik's younger sister.

And then, as if it was a surreal dance,  I felt the weight of her fragile body in my arms, she was trembling and seeking refuge in my embrace.

The surge of emotions that coursed through me was indescribable—a potent mix of fear, responsibility, and an overwhelming desire to protect her at all costs. Though we both fell on the ground due to the impact I didn't want to get her hurt at any cost.

Amid the chaos, everyone else, stunned into silence, rushed towards us, their expressions shifting from shock to relief as they realized she was safe in my arms.

Her dad arrived, his face etched with worry and anguish, a mixture of emotions swelled within me, he pulled her in his arms and hugged her very tightly. His eyes were shut and tears were flowing. She tightened her arms around his neck and cried out of relief.

Megha Aunty came running as soon as she came to know and had tears in her eyes, she hugged me and caressed my face thanking me. 

Even Mehul uncle hugged and thanked me. I was humbled by their gratitude, realizing the enormity of what had just happened.

Manik approached me with a mix of awe and gratitude in his eyes. We had shared countless moments together, but this one would forever be etched in our memories.

He clasped my shoulder, his voice filled with pride as he thanked me for saving his sister. It was a bond made in a life-altering event, and our friendship reached new depths in that instant. Even Mihir thanked me.

Their praises and exclamations filled the air and the impact of the situation began to sink in.

It was a potent reminder of how a single moment could alter the course of lives, and how fate had chosen me to be in the right place at the right time.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of fulfillment. It was a reminder of the strength that lies within us, waiting to be unleashed when circumstances demand it.

I was grateful for being there at the right time to catch her and prevent a tragedy.

For the rest of our stay there, I felt like a king, everyone was treating me so well, especially Megha Aunty, and Mahi.

However, throughout our stay, I noticed a change in Mahi's behavior.

Mahi was following me like a shadow as if I was some kind of superstar and she was my fan.

Soon I realized that she seemed to have started thinking of me as a superhero and I could see the way she looked at me with adoration, and her presence always managed to bring a smile to my face.

But soon, I felt that she was getting infatuated with me. I recognized the purity of her feelings and appreciated the effort she put into impressing me.

  But, she was Manik's younger sister, someone I had known since childhood and always treated with kindness and affection, but had never considered her in a romantic light.

She seemed to idolize me, and her innocent attempts to impress me hinted at an infatuation that left me feeling uneasy.

For god's sake, she was a child of about 12 years, how could I have romantic feelings for her?

  I couldn't reciprocate her feelings, as she was just a young girl of about 12 years, and I saw her as a sweet, innocent soul deserving of protection and care.

Despite my efforts to maintain a platonic friendship and gently discourage her romantic notions, Mahi's feelings only seemed to intensify. I realized it was essential to talk to her about her emotions, to help her understand that what she felt was natural but should not be confused with romantic love.

As much as I wanted to guide her gently, I found myself worrying about how to bring up the matter, I didn't want her family to misunderstand my gesture. 

Her innocent adoration made me feel cherished, and her gestures made me feel special, but I understood the importance of setting boundaries to protect both her heart and mine,  I knew I had to remain steadfast in my stance and prioritize her emotional well-being over my ego.

Mahi's relentless pursuit of my attention tugged at my heartstrings, but I was resolute in helping her find happiness beyond me. I wished for her to cherish herself and know that she deserved love from someone who could reciprocate fully.

I knew I couldn't reciprocate her feelings in the same way, and I didn't want to lead her on or give her false hope as I felt a responsibility to handle the situation delicately, without hurting her or jeopardizing our friendship.

I tried to maintain a balance between acknowledging her presence and gently discouraging her romantic notions, so, treated her with warmth and affection, but kept a safe distance, hoping that with time, her crush would fade away, and our relationship could return to a comfortable, platonic friendship.

Despite my efforts to ignore her romantic inclinations, I couldn't help but notice her. Her cute and sweet gestures were melting my heart and I developed a soft corner for her.  The way she used to look at me made me feel special. Her sweet gestures were making me aware of her.

I observed her attempts to impress me and win my attention, like baking cookies, wearing high heels, and trying to follow me everywhere. While I found it endearing, I hoped she would find her happiness without me, because I could not feel like this to a child.

Time was passing and I could see her feelings were getting more serious day by day, I was thinking of talking to her as soon as I got a chance.

I could see that she was experiencing a mix of emotions, including jealousy, infatuation, obsession, and desperation,  driven by her infatuation and obsession with me.


Good morning 🌄

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

Take care of yourself and have a great day.

Chhavi ❤️❤️❤️
