Nightmares can suck

Peter shot straight up. It was another nightmare, this time he was still trapped under the building but he watched Steve get murdered while he was trapped.

He had never been so horrified in his life. He immediately forgot how to breath letting out a silent scream. He then felt arms wrap around him. It was Steve, his Steve. Peter started sobbing into Steve's bare chest. Steve kept rubbing his back as a sign of comfort. "Baby, did toy have another nightmare?" Steve asked witha sweet voice. Peter couldn't breathe let alone speak so he just nodded.

After a while of calming down Peter Steve finally asked the unsaid question. "What was it about?" Steve lifted Peter face up to look at him. Peter only managed to pull Steve closer and begun.

"It all started on the night of homecoming with The Vulture. He clasped the building and I was trapped underneath it. But not only did I see Aunt May die, but he killed you too. And I couldnt save you, I wasn't fast enough," Peter said choking back a sob. Steve only held him tighter. "I'm alive okay baby?" Steve said in the same calming voice. "You can't get rid of me that easily," Peter giggled at that and snuggled in deeper to the man.

After a few minutes of cuddling Peter checked the clock and saw it was 4:23Am. "Stevez it's time to get up." Peter groaned. Steve just held him tight saying, "Its Saturday, we dont have training today so we can sleep." Peter giggled, the he snuggled back into the man. "Plus it's our days off," Peter added. The blonde man nodded with a short groan.

Then there lights started flashing, all peter did was shoot some webbing at the sensor and then lights tuned back off. "Let's sleep baby," Peter didnt have to be told twice.

That's how they found themselves waking up at noon mater on in the day.
