It's Complicated: 22

===Tala's Point of View===

I want to take you on a date.

My stride falters momentarily, almost causing me to run into a tree. Yes, I've been getting used to my wolf for the past two weeks, and I think I'm pretty good, but catching me off guard like that while I'm training is not nice. I regain my footing and speed up so Conrad won't notice the temporary distraction.


What? Why not?

I don't respond right away because if there's one thing I've learned about Bo, it's that he doesn't like when I pull away from him. He might not always say anything about it, but I can see it in his eyes and his expression. Don't get me wrong. My feelings have certainly been getting stronger towards him, but I haven't been comfortable enough to do more than kissing.

~I'm a little busy right now Bo.

I jump over a fallen tree to get back to the clearing we practice in and skid to a halt, sending dirt and whatever else is on the ground all over Conrad. He gives me an 'are you serious' look before standing up to shake out his fur. I fight back the urge to laugh and plant my butt on the ground in front of my trainer.

What can possibly be more important than me?

~Bo, I'm training.


~I'll see you later! Please stop distracting me!


He grumbles, but quiets down. I glance back at Conrad to see him still working a few things from his fur which brings a small smile to my face. It probably looks funny since wolves don't smile, but hey, I'm not a real wolf.

I extend my paws in front of me and stick my rear end up into the air to stretch out my muscles, loving how the tenseness seems leave my body with the simple action. I've always loved running, but the distance Conrad has me running every day started taking its toll after the first week. Yes, even with the extra energy that seems to come out of no where, I'm not immortal.


~Oh my god! I am so going to strangle you!

Can't hurt what you can't catch.

I clamp my jaws together and take a deep breath. That boy...


~Go away!

You love me.

I can picture the cheeky smile on his face, where ever he is and whatever he's doing at the moment. Unfortunately, I still haven't been told how to block people out of my mind so I can't exactly stop Bo from intruding.

"Earth to Tala." I blink and look up at Conrad standing over me, wearing pants of course. "One, I do not appreciate the dirt shower." I flatten my ears against my skull and give him my most innocent look. He shakes his head, rolling his eyes at the same time, and continues. "It's harder to get out than you think."

~Hang on.

I dart back into the trees and pick up my stashed clothes. Quickly shifting, I slip on my shorts and t-shirt before jogging back to Conrad.

"Sorry. I didn't like no being able to respond verbally." I say, coming to a stop in front of him, but on two legs this time.

"Yes, because you not being able to talk was a bad thing." I punch his shoulder and he winces. "Remember, you're stronger than you used to be." He replies, rubbing the spot I hit him, and I smirk.

"I know how strong I am, but you're tough. You'll take it like a man." He rolls his eyes and straightens up.

"Back to the point. Your getting faster and your endurance is getting better as well as your strength increasing. You've been picking up fighting techniques and moves easily, which is honestly surprising us all."

"Gee, thanks for your confidence."I joke and he chuckles.

"It took your brother a lot longer than a month of being a wolf to be this skilled." I snicker.

"First of all, it's Barron. That should say it all since he barely passed the fifth grade. And second, I'm clearly the better and more talented child. I always excelled in anything I tried so why would this be any different?"

"Modest aren't we." He replies and I flash a smile.

"I've been raised to be proud of who I am."

"A good way of thinking." He reaches out suddenly and picks something out of my hair. He shows me a twig before flicking it onto the ground. I gasp in mock horror.

"Were you going to let me walk around with that in my hair all day?" He grins, showing off his pearly white teeth.


"And are you limping?" His smile falters slightly and he takes a quick step away from me.

"No and it's going to stay that way." I smirk and move on to my next question.

"So, can you please tell me how to block people out of my head?" He raises an eyebrow in question.

"What, is Bo too much for you?"

"He always seems to distract me when I'm trying to focus. Like when I was running just now, I almost hit a tree." I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight to one leg. I watch, unamused, as Conrad laughs.

"You know, I sometimes do that to mate, but it's to check up on her." I huff and exchange the weight to my opposite foot.

"You'd think he'd focus on school." I grumble and start my walk back to the house. We train every day, but with all the little kids, and there are more than I thought, Conrad moved us to a clearing a little ways away so we don't accidentally hurt any of them. The children range from three to seven, if I had to guess.

"You can't tell me you don't think about him all the time." I keep my face neutral, not wanting to show him my annoyance, and turn my head to look at him as he falls into step beside me.

"I actually have a life, er, at least I used to. I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies or the mall. Now that I'm thinking of it, I could really use some new shorts. I seem to keep ripping them when I get angry."

"I regret asking." Is his only reply, breaking the stone mask I had in place to smile at him.

"So are you going to tell me how to keep people out of my head?"

"Nope." He pops the 'p' and quickens his pace to get away from me.

"Why you son of a-"

"Daddy!" I cut off when Conrad's daughter runs up to him and he swings her up into his arms. He tickles her stomach and she giggles loudly. "Daddy stop!" He grins and sets Lisa back on her feet. She runs back in the direction she came from and I follow her with my eyes as she stops by a woman holding a baby. By her smile and the way her whole attitude brightens when she approaches, I'd guess that's Conrad's mate.

Lisa gets her dirty blond hair from Conrad, but that looks to be the only thing. Her eyes are a vibrant green and she has a cute, button nose. Now, I've never met her mother, but I'd guess her looks come from her.

"Saved by your kid." I tease and he chuckles.

"You shouldn't even be using that kind of language." I shrug and clasp my hands behind my back.

"Well, Lisa's adorable. How old is she?" I inquire.

"Five and now she has a younger brother. The day she first held him, she had the cutest expression of awe on her face." I smile as he talks about his family. It's clear that he loves them. A lot.

"She's lucky. All I've got is Barron." I hear a 'hey' from close by and turn to see the man himself playing soccer with a few of the younger kids. In the split second he looked at me, a kid kicks the ball and catches him in the side of the face, effectively knocking him over. I laugh loudly and hold my stomach when it starts to ache. Man, that was too funny.

"Right. So I'll see you tomorrow." He says before running the rest of the way and capturing his mate in his arms. I cross my arms over my chest.

"See you tomorrow." I say, pretty much to myself, and walk around the happy family to the house.

"So how bout that date?" I jump and place a hand over my heart, spinning around to see Bo. Where he came from, I have no idea. Taking a deep breath, I turn around and start walking once again.

"No." His arge hand comes down on my shoulder, sending tingles throughout my body with the simple contact. I push my exciting wolf back and turn to face him. His brows are puckered and I resist the urge to smooth out the place between his eyebrows with my finger.

"Why?" He asks, sounding genuinely confused. I roll my eyes and shrug his hand off of my shoulder, not sure whether to feel disappointed or happy he isn't touching me anymore.

"You don't just tell a girl you want to take them on a date." I reply, taking a small step away from my mate and crossing my arms in front of me.

"I'm not following." He says slowly, almost cautiously because he isn't understanding what I'm saying.

"I swear... boys." I grumble under my breath and dart around the nearest corner, out of his reach. Before he can catch up to me, I jog to the nearest set of stairs in hopes of reaching my room before having another encounter with Bo. If he can't understand that he has to ask me on a date, then it's not worth my time. Yeah, I would go out with him if he asks me, but just because we're mates doesn't mean he can assume I'll go wherever with him when he mentions it.

I can literally see my door and I let out a sigh of relief that I can shower and get out of my sweaty clothes, but I guess assumed I was safe too soon when I'm grabbed from behind and pressed into the wall. My door is mocking me from across the hall and I can see it over Bo's shoulder. I avoid his piercing gaze and keep my head firmly turned to the side.

"Look at me." He orders, his voice sounding husky, but I also hear a demanding undertone to his voice. I pray that he can't hear the frantic beating of my heart when he lifts a hand to place it on the side of my face. I shift slightly, preparing to put some of my new-found fighting skills to the test, but he seems to know what I'm about to do and forces his leg in between my own. Other than my chest's quick rising and falling, I am unable to move.

"W-W-hat-t are you d-doing?" I ask and silently curse myself for stuttering. Lighter than I though he would, he turns my face to look at him, and I notice his eyes are darker than their usual color.

"I'll always catch you when you run." He starts, but his gaze softens the longer he looks down at me. I, on the other hand, probably look stupid with my mouth partially open and my eyes wider then normal. "I've noticed you always run. Why?" I shut my mouth and swallow the lump forming in my throat.

"I'm not always running away." I state, focusing on keeping my voice even. He sighs and ducks his head so our faces are inches from each other. My breath hitches and I curse my body's reaction from our close proximity. No other guy has made me react this way before and for the first time when it comes to boys... I don't know what to do.

"You are, but know I'll follow you forever if I have to." He answers softly. "But right now, I would like to take you out on a date. So will you, Tala Taylors, allow me the pleasure of taking you to dinner?" My first thought: Now he asks me. It's not like he has me trapped against a wall in a pubic hallway or anything... oh wait, he does.

"Um-I-Uh-My-" My brain doesn't seem to be able to form a coherent sentence and a smile that can make any girl's knees go weak... including mine. If he didn't have me pinned to the wall, I think I'd have face planted by now. I curse the day my body betrayed my brain in the presence of boys. "I-"

"What do you say sweetheart?" He asks, moving a stray piece of hair that escaped from my loose ponytail behind my ear. "Will you go on a date with me tonight?" My eyes widen a fraction, but before I can reply, someone cuts me off.

"Just say yes so I can get into my room." I jump and Barron's distraction allows me slide away from Bo. I take a deep breath and peer up through my lashes at Bo's slightly annoyed, sightly disappointed expression.

~Barron, go away.

I tell to him through our mind link and turn quickly to shut myself in my room. I lock the door behind me so I don't get an uninvited visitor while I take a shower. No, I didn't answer Bo, but I think it's partially due to the fact I couldn't form a single sentence with him that close to me. Ugh... I need some girl friends to talk to. Guess that means I'm due for a call back home.

I take a short, but hot shower. Slipping on a pair of yoga pants and a loose, long sleeved shirt, I throw my hair up into a messy bun and grab my laptop from under my pillow. Sprawling out on my bed, I log onto my skype account and wait for it to load. I absentmindedly twirl a wet strand of hair around my finger and when I see both of my friends online, a smile breaks out onto my face.

"Hey!" My friend's faces appear on the screen, looking the same as ever.

"I swear you've been avoiding us." Tyler says, a pout forming on her lips.

"You wouldn't even believe me when I say how busy I've been, but I called because I really need someone to talk to." My smile falters and my friends immediately perk up.

"Talk to us, Tala, we're here for you." Hailey tells me and I nod.

"Well, you remember Bo? The guy I've been telling you about." They nod. "Well, he asked me on a date tonight." They squeal in delight.

"No way! Congrats! What are you going to wear?" Tyler exclaims, jumping up from her desk in excitement. "You better fill us in on all the details. You did say yes, right?" I manage a sheepish smile and Hailey gasps.

"Tala Marie! You did not turn that poor boy down?!"

"I never actually answered." My friends both give me disapproving looks. "That is cruel and you know it." Tyler scolds, but she's the one who flirts with every guy and only occasionally will go on a date with them. I love her to death, but I think her longest boyfriend was only a couple days. A week would be stretching it.

"Well what was I supposed to do?! He just asked me out of no where." I defend myself, but I can see I'm outnumbered here. Good thing they're in a different state. Can't make me do anything with thousands of miles separating us.

"You need to give him an answer! It was mean of you to leave without even replying." I huff.

"Fine. I'll go tell him I'm not interested." I start to stand up, but both girls scream.


"No!" I pause in my attempt to stand up and glance back at the screen with an eyebrow raised.


"You can't tell him no!" I frown at Hailey and Ty.


"Because!" They both exclaim at the exact same time, which is actually normal. We've been friends for so long, we finish each other's sentences as well as saying the exact same thing. Freaky to other people, but normal in the world of us three girls. I open my mouth to object further when there's a knock on my door. My head snaps in the direction and I debate whether or not to answer it.

"What was that?" Ty asks, breaking out odd silence.

"Someone's at the door."

"Well, go answer it!" Hailey orders and I sigh. Fine. I roll off of my bed and my friends wait patiently for me to return. I unlock the door and open it enough to peer out. Seeing no one, I frown and open the door the rest of the way. I poke my head out and look both ways down the hall, still seeing no one around. I take a step back to go inside when I look down.

Sitting in a bundle on the floor is a bouquet of light blue and purple forget-me-nots and white roses wrapped in plastic and tied with a thick, purple ribbon. I bend down and carefully pick up the flowers, noticing a card sitting on the ground underneath it. Picking up the items, I look down the hall again before slowly returning to my room. I sit down on the bed with the surprise things and both Ty and Hailey are eyes the stuff with huge smiles.

"So. What'cha got there?" Ty asks, resting her head on her elbows and leaning closer to the camera as if to get a better look.

"Someone left me flowers and a card outside my door." I reply, carefully setting the bundle next to me on the bed and I stare down at the blank envelope in my hands.

"What's it say?" Hailey urges and I shrug.

"Kinda afraid to open it." The two of them give me a death glare and I roll my eyes. "Fine! I'm opening it!" I carefully rip the top open and pull put a folded sheet of crisp, white paper.

It reads:

      I understand you keep telling me no, but I'm not goin to let you go that easily. A little birdie told me that you like forget-me-nots and I thought it appropriate in this situation since I will never forget you. I hope you think of me as much as I think of you and I would be greatly honored if you accepted my invitation to dinner. I'll be waiting on the front porch at seven if you decide to accept. If not, I won't hold it against you, but know I'll keep trying. If I don't see you before, sweet dreams.                     
                            With love,                             


"What's it say?!" Ty asks, getting tired of waiting for me to say something. I reread the note before peering up at my best friends.

"Um, he still wants to go out tonight and will be waiting outside for me if I choose to go out with him." I bite my lip, knowing I won't be able to not go. I mean, I may be rude, but I'm not a cruel person to make someone wait for someone that might not even show up. I've been stood up before and I know how it feels.

"Aw! That's so sweet!" I let out a defeated sigh.

"I can't leave him waiting like that." They squeal loudly and I cringe at the sound. I'm still getting used to the better hearing and that sound rattled around in my head a little. Weird, but it hurt.

"Geeze! Stop that!"

"Our baby is going on a date!" Hailey gushes and I press my lips together to hide a smile. They're such little kids.

"I know! They grow up so fast!" Ty adds and I roll my eyes.

"You better get moving then chica. If I'm reading the clock right, you don't have a whole lot of time to get ready." I peer at the clock on my bedside table and the numbers say it's six thirteen.

"Yeah. I'm going to go then and I'll call you soon to tell you all about it."

"You better or I'm flying out to Montana to kick your butt." Hailey threatens. I roll my eyes and end the call before any more threats can be thrown my way. I shut the lid to my laptop and fall back against my mattress to stare at the ceiling. After all the times I said no, he managed to find a way for me not to say no. I sigh and roll off my comfortable bed to go to my closet.

With all the shopping I've done since I got here, my closet is filling up which means I have an outfit here somewhere to wear. After going through hangers of clothes, I settle on a strapless, light blue dress with dark blue buttons going the whole way down the front of it and a silver belt around my waist. It hugs all the right places to show off my figure, getting more toned with every week of training I have, and the fabric stops just above my knees. I pair the dress with a pair of simple, black suede heels and a silver charm bracelet my dad got for me last Christmas.

I decide to let my hair down and dry in its natural, semi-wavy fashion. As for makeup, I'm running short on time so I apply some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss before hurrying from the room. I grab my phone from the nightstand and send a silent prayer to the goddess that no one sees me trying to leave the house. It'll cause too many questions that I really don't feel like answering.

I creep from my room and move slowly as to not cause too much noise. Being on hardwood floors, I wince every time I take a step and my heels click softly against the floor. After a few steps, I take my shoes off and pad softly through the halls and down the stairs.

Coming up to the living room, I hear a lot of talking and the sound of a movie playing in the background. Listening to a few voices in particular, I hear my mom, Asher, Barron, his girlfriend, Jason and more that are harder to distinguish.

I hold my breath and tip toe past the open door way, praying no one turns around. I see some of the boys throwing popcorn at each other and some adults talking quietly nearby. The A-Team is playing on tv, which explains all the gun shots I was hearing. Hopefully it's enough to cover the sound of my walking by. A few shouts have me tensing up, but when I realize they're not talking to me I continue creeping along.

After what seems like forever, I duck behind the opposite wall and let out the breath I'd been holding. I never realized how wide the doorway was until now.

"Going somewhere." I squeak in surprise and turn to face none other than my brother.

"Um, no." He smirks and fold his arms across his chest.

"Well, it looks like you're all dressed up and trying to sneak out. Tell me, is there a boy I need to threaten?" It's dark in the hall, but I can tell Barron sees my cheeks redden slightly.

"Go away Barron." I mutter, unconsciously rubbing my arm. His smirk turns into a full blown smile, which I don't particularly like.

"You're nervous. Never thought I'd see the day." His voice starts to get louder and I quickly shush him.

"Walk away right now, don't say anything to anyone and I might not tell everyone through the pack link how you used to wet the bed until you were seven and that on the first day of kindergarten you cried for a full hour after mom dropped you off." I smirk as the smile falls off his face, knowing I've won this round.

"You're evil." I shrug and stand on my toes to peck him on the cheek.

"It's my job as your sister." I step back and see a small smile gracing his lips.

"Does this mean I'm finally forgiven?" He asks and I hear how hopeful he is. I've been tough on him since I was brought here, but I recently realized that I can't hold anything against him.

"Yeah." I turn away from him and grip the door knob lightly in my hand.

"Have fun, but not too much." He jokes before I hear him retreat back into the living room. I listen for another moment as his friends ask him where he went and he tells him he went to the bathroom. Gosh, I love him.

I check my phone just as the numbers change to say seven 'o'clock. Taking a deep breath, I pull open the door and slip out into the cool night.

My eyes adjust quickly to be able to see a figure leaning against the closest pillar holding up the second floor. Upon my entrance, or exit from the house, he turns his entire body to face me. A smile lights up his face and he takes a small step towards me.

"Right on time." He remarks, looking me from head to toe. I quickly do the same and see he's in a pair of dark wash jeans and a white, button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I admit it, for such a simple outfit, it looks amazing on him.

"Always." He takes another step to be directly in front of me and reaches out hesitantly to take my hand. "I can't believe you actually came." He murmurs, looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm not that mean." I see his shoulders visibly relax and he starts leading me off the porch to his car. I don't resist, telling myself I'm just going to go with whatever he has planned for the night.

"So you liked the flowers?" I nod, hen realize he's not facing me.

"Yes. They're beautiful." I smile slightly when he opens the car door like a gentleman. I slip into his car and settle down on his plush, leather seats. Once he's inside and driving down the long driveway, I finally ask where he's taking me.

"It's a surprise." He shoots me a mischievous smile and I roll my eyes. I kinda hate surprises, but he doesn't need to know that. That usually leads to future secret dates... if there are any, I mean.

He doesn't say anything else and lets the radio play softly in the background to fill the comfortable silence. I stare out the window, silently trying to figure out where exactly we're going, but I haven't been out of the house much. It's sad, but true. I've been training almost non-stop and then add school to the mix and that equals no free time to explore.

I sigh softly and discretely stare at Bo from the corner of my eyes.

His features are illuminated by the moonlight and the occasional passing car. His strong jaw and slightly crooked nose are more defined in the dim light as well as his hair looking a strange, inky black. His arms are well defined and visible through his shirt, not that I'm complaining. I've always liked a strong man that can handle himself, and he always seems to draw my eyes to him. I'm not sure if that's because we're mates or I have a crush on him, but I get this fluttering in my stomach whenever he smiles at me. I shouldn't even start on his smile, but I don't think I can help it.

He has the most freaking perfect teeth I've ever seen a guy have. Plus, he has three different types of smiles that seem to melt my insides. The soft, barely there, twitch of the lips is always refreshing and can instantly brighten my mood no matter what happened previous seeing him. Then there's the grin that splits his face and I can't help but return it without question. It brightens the room and makes his purple eyes sparkle with an unknown, but satisfying emotion. But of course, I cannot forget the mischievous, almost devilish smile he flashes in the most inappropriate of times. This look in particular makes my knees go weak and I want to push him up against a wall to kiss him senseless. Especially when he runs his hand through his long hair and it stick up at weird angles, but he doesn't care.

Oh my god...

I think I like Bo.

I have a crush on Bo!

I blink, surprised at my silent confession, and quickly make sure my face is towards the window so he can't see my blush or suddenly wistful expression. I almost had refused to acknowledge that I was developing feelings for this boy, but now that I finally admit it to myself, I can actually picture us being together. We'd hold each other's hands, have many stolen kisses as well as experiencing what true love feels like. Don't ask me how I know, but I can almost feel that if I let him in, everything will work out perfectly and lead to a happy life for the both of us.

"Tala." Bo says. His voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I turn my eyes to him. He's leaning back in his seat, sending me one of those smiles I love so much. "We're here." I look out the front window to see he parked his car behind a building. I can't tell exactly where we are since there's no sign, but I do smell a delicious aroma.

"Sorry. I guess I zoned out." He chuckles and steps outside. I move to open my door, but before I can it's opened for me and Bo is offering me his hand to help me out. Speechless, I lightly place my hand in his and allow him to pull me to my feet.

"And Hailey says that chivalry is dead." I joke, glancing between our intertwined hands, and deciding not to pull away. The contact feels nice.

"My momma taught me how to be a gentleman." He replies softly, and my heart beats a little faster knowing how hard it is for him to talk about his family.

"Well, you turned out all right." I reply, quickly shutting the car door and starting towards the building with Bo following closely behind me.

"Just all right?" He jokes, tugging me back so that I crash into his chest. He spins me around to face him before taking my free hand in his and pressing them flat against his chest. My eyes flick up to look into his as I try to get my balance back. A light breeze kicks up and I flick my head to the side to get a stray piece of hair out of my face. After a while, I notice we're just staring at each other, and I clear my throat.

"Um, should we go inside now?" He smirks and turns me around, moving his hands to cover my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he starts to lead me forward.

"It's a surprise. Watch your step." He says suddenly and wraps an arm around my waist, moving one hand to cover both of my eyes. I can't help, but feel some nerves setting in. I've never had a guy plan a date where I didn't know what was going to happen. "Don't panic." He warns and I open my mouth to ask what he means when he physically picks me up. I make a noise somewhere between a squeak and a squeal as he begins to carry me up some stairs.

"What are you doing?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck so I don't fall. He's carrying me bridal style with both arms, but I keep my eyes firmly shut. I won't ruin his surprise after he went to so much trouble to get me here.

"I don't know how you managed to walk in those heels with your eyes open, but there was no way you were getting up a few flights of stairs with your eyes closed."

"You underestimate my skills as a girl." My mom started teaching me how to walk in heels when I was seven. I don't think stairs would be a problem.

"Sorry if I want my date to hurt herself." I don't reply as he continues to ascend the many, many stairs. I trip up the stairs two times and suddenly I can't be trusted to walk up a flight of stairs. After what seems like forever, he slowly sets me back on my feet and rests his hands on my shoulders to steady me.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" He laughs close to my ear and starts to lightly rub my shoulders. My sore limbs from training absolutely love the feel and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop from making any unnecessary noise.

"Go ahead." I wait another moment before slowly opening my eyes. I suck in a quiet breath as I take in where we are. I would never have guessed I'd be on a roof and when I say roof, it's not crappy or falling apart. It's particularly fancy like I would picture the rest of the restaurant inside looks like. Of all the places I've ever been on a date, this is the first time any guy has ever done this.

I take a step forward to make sure what I'm seeing is right and sure enough, there is a table set for two with a direct view of the town's lights in the distance. A single candle is in the center of a fancy table cloth and there are red rose petal scattered over the table. The stars are out tonight and with only the lights from the small town, the stars aren't being washed out by the city lights. I shiver slightly as the cool, night air blows a little harder now that we're above all of the buildings.

Something warm is draped across my shoulders and I peer back at Bo, pulling his jacket tighter around me. His alluring scent surrounds me and I give him a thankful smile. Stupid little me forgot to grab a jacket.


"Do you like it?" He asks, sounding nervous as we approach our table. I brush some hair behind my ear and stand on my toes to give him a quick peck on the cheek. He looks surprised for a few seconds before he recovers enough to pull out my chair. Like I said before, he's such a gentleman.

Just as we're sitting down, a man appears out of no where in a plain white shirt and black slacks with a notepad in his hand.

"My name is Leonard and I'll be your server tonight. Can I get you drinks?" I order a lemonade with no ice and Bo gets a sprite. Leonard smiles and goes through a door located behind me to where I'm guessing the food is.

"This looks expensive." I say aloud, looking around again. Bo shrugs and leans back in his chair.

"Don't worry about it." He tells me with a smile. I open my mouth to object to it all, as nice as it is, but he cuts me off. "Seriously, it's fine."

"Okay." We get our drinks and after a quick look at the menu, we give him our orders.

"Ready for a night you'll never forget?" He asks, leaning forward with an excited smile making its way to his lips.


Hello. I know it's been a month, but I hope this longer chapter can make you all forgive me :) I've been super busy and then I had writer's block, but I have it no longer :D Yay!

Hope you liked it! Until next time! I hope to post way sooner than I got this one up :P

I love all you reader :D

<3 Kristen
