
He just stood there, not saying anything, it was completely silent. Until Jonathan stepped forward and two people from their family immediately stood up from their bench knowing exactly who he was. They made sure they had a good hold on him and held him back not wanting Jonathan to get any closer than he already had, afraid of what he'd do.

"Let me go" Jonathan yelled "Magnus tell them to let me go"

Magnus couldn't say anything he was in too much pain to respond, he was on the verge of tears. But he just clenched his fist and sucked it in and finally yelled what he's always wanted to all these years but not been in the right state, emotionally.

"Just like Alec told you to let him go when you strangled the life out of him, huh" Magnus yelled back

"Magnus stay calm this is all he wants, he wants a reaction out of you" Stiles said "Now get him out of here" the two people began to drag him out.

"No, no wait. Magnus please just listen to me" Jonathan begged

"What? You gonna ask me to forgive you? Because nothing will make up for what you did to him, what you took from us" Magnus said walking up towards him

"Listen, I'm sorry, just....just let me explain, please I'm-" Jonathan was cut off by Magnus

"Sorry? You're sorry? No I do not accept that" Magnus spat, anger now coursing through his blood "We let you into our life's, into our family and you betray us. You took the most important thing in my life" Magnus clenched his hand into a fist once again "Because of you I will never get to tell Alec that I loved him, as much as he loved me, one last time. Because of you my little girl will grow up without her father, she won't get the chance to have a relationship with him. You took away a husband, a father, a son, a brother who loved his siblings. He was innocent, kind, all in all a loving person all in one. And nothing you say, or do will fix that. You understand? Now go, get him outta here I can not see his face anymore" he yelled

They tried dragging him out once again but Jonathan wasn't having any of it, he tried breaking free of the hold the two men had on him. Magnus walked away from him trying to ignore what had just happened.

"No, no stop, I gotta tell you-"

"NO, NO" Magnus yelled scaring everyone in the room pretty much turning back to look at him "I will not listen to you, no one will. You're right to speak to us has ended, and so did you're life the second you took that tie and wrapped it around Alec's neck strangling the life out of him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME"

"Magnus I-I'm-" Jonathan said trying to get Magnus' attention as he turned around and was being dragged out by the two older men once again.

"Just ignore him Magnus" Stiles said

"No, listen. I got 3 words for you Magnus" Jonathan yelled taking a different approach this time

"Yeah, yeah what are they, come on tell me" Magnus shouted turning around to see him trying to get out of the hold the other two guys had on him.

"Just let it go Magnus, you don't want this" Stiles said

"Come on"

"Magnus don't"

"Come on tell me, what is it you want"


Magnus just stood there, it was like he was paralysed all over again. While everyone in their seats just gasped completely shocked and confused with what was just said.

"What?" Magnus whispered "No, he ca-no its- it's not possible"

"But it is" Jonathan said, that smirk making an appearance once again. Probably thankful that he was able to get that out.

"He's lying, don't listen to him. He wants you to believe him just so he can break you all over again" Stiles said placing his palm on Magnus' cheek.

"I'm not, I'm telling the truth. Alec is alive"

"That is ENOUGH" Jace screamed throwing his fist into Jonathan'sface causing him to fall over scaring everyone else.

"Jace" Clary yelped "Stop" She said holding up her dress and running towards them all by the entryway, almost halfway down the isle. But it didn't work Jace just carried on letting out his anger and no one stopped him, two reasons because either they thought Jonathan deserved it, or they were too afraid to get involved with it all and still shocked with what's happening.

"No" Jace said picking him up off of the floor his feet now barely touching the ground. "You killed our brother" he said directing to himself, Izzy and Max who was with their parents in the front leaning on the bench holding onto each other not knowing what to feel nor believe. "my best friend, and you will not get away with it I guarantee you that. Now go, leave this wedding you got no right being here" Jace threw him to the floor "Take him" they all watched as he got dragged out, followed by a lady on the phone shortly behind them, obviously calling the police. Once Jonathan was out of sight Jace turned around and walked up to Magnus putting his hands on his shoulders just like at the start, before this whole fiasco began "you Okay?" He asked Magnus not knowing how to carry on this whole thing.

He nodded physically being able to use his words anymore. The 4 walked back up onto the alter completely emotionless not knowing how to react anymore or wether or not to continue.
Published~ July 23, 2018
There you go another chapter, hope you liked it. Would you like me to carry on? Thanks for reading xx
