Chapter 9 - Once Upon an Elevator

Scott's heart pounded a rhythm he had only ever experienced in Lana's presence. His hands held her face firmly to him as he traced her lips with his tongue. When her mouth opened, he tried with all his might to convey the strength of his feelings for her. Every ounce of passion he felt was poured into the kiss, and he found it was even better than the first time she pressed her lips to his. The honey and cinnamon flavor he remembered tantalized his taste buds as he explored her mouth with his tongue.

Lana's arms wrapped tightly around his back, and he could feel the painful pleasure of her nails digging into his shoulders through his shirt. Using his impressive upper body strength, Scott used one arm to lift her into his lap, allowing her to straddle him and press their bodies more firmly together. His hands began to trace her curves, and he grinned against her mouth when she moaned. She began grinding against his erection, and the anger he'd felt for Dallas just minutes before morphed into hero worship. Being forced into an elevator with Lana was suddenly far less devastating.

Scott chuckled when Lana's eager hands began tugging at his shirt. In his rush to help Dallas, Scott had thrown on a pair of basketball shorts and a basic t-shirt, but even that many pieces of clothing seemed more than Lana preferred. Her petite hands slipped inside the garment and began tracing his abdominal muscles, and Scott shuddered at the sensation. Within seconds, he helped Lana remove his shirt. She licked her lips in appreciation of his toned physique, and Scott groaned in response.

His lips met hers again in another fierce kiss, and she melted into his touch. Scott gently lifted Lana from his lap as he settled himself on his knees. Kneeling in front of him, Lana continued to trace the lines of his muscles, giving extra attention to his pectorals. She giggled when she realized she had uncovered Scott's ticklish spot.

In response, Scott chuckled and began to trace kisses down Lana's neck, remembering the sensitive spot near her ear. She wriggled her body, attempting escape his iron grip.

"No, no," he teased, nipping at her earlobe. His hands began to wander, eager to unbutton the soft blue summer dress currently hiding Lana's luscious curves. He had successfully unbuttoned the top half of her garment when his impatience got the best of him. She was too far from him, and he wanted to feel her pressed against him. Gripping her thighs, Scott lifted himself to a standing position with Lana cradled in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he moaned at the heat he felt from her core. He pressed her against the wall of the elevator and moved his free hand down the front of her dress. He paused, massaging her satin covered breast as she franticly wiggled in his arms, desperate for release.

"God, I've missed you," he murmured.

Lana froze, tears suddenly threatening to fall. She stared into the gorgeous blue orbs of the firefighter before her. "I missed you, too," she whispered. She cupped Scott's cheeks with both her hands and looked in awe at the loving gaze that was shockingly evident in his eyes.

"Be my girl?" he asked, his tone desperate and full of emotion.

Lana grinned and nodded in reply. "Yes," she whispered, and Scott's lips met hers again. This time, his mouth caressed her with a tenderness she didn't know was possible. After several minutes, the kiss grew more heated, and Lana realized she was about to give herself to this man once more, body and soul. It didn't even bother her that they were in a public elevator.

"Make love to me," she whimpered in Scott's ear, her body shaking with all the glorious sensations running through her.

"Yes, ma'am," was his muttered reply. His fingers returned to her gaping dress, and she noticed they shook as he struggled to unbutton the rest of her buttons.

The sudden movement of the elevator pulled them from their private fantasy, and Scott quickly placed Lana on the ground, his eyes wide with shock. Lana began to refasten the buttons on her dress, while Scott quickly located his wayward shirt. Disappointment filled both of them at the lost opportunity, but Lana held a secret smile, knowing their rendezvous wasn't over. It was only postponed.

As the elevator doors opened, Scott twined their fingers and led her into the lobby. Lana was surprised the elevator had returned to the main floor, but she was even more astounded to lock eyes with a waiting Kinsey and Talon.

"I need to talk to Talon for a second, okay?" Scott smiled secretively, and Lana nodded, a blush on her cheeks at the realization that their friends probably knew what they had been doing in the elevator. She watched Scott cross the lobby with Talon and walk out the front of the hotel. She was intrigued by their sudden departure, but she knew Scott wouldn't leave her without saying goodbye first. She could tell that from just his response to her. He was as addicted as she was.

"Hey, bitch," Kinsey teased. "Have a nice ride?" Her comment was laced with innuendo, and Lana cheeks reddened further.

"Whatever," Lana replied weakly. "I can't believe you did that!" she scolded.

Kinsey grinned, knowing the reprimand had no strength behind it.

"What are best friends for?" she smirked.

Lana chuckled. "Thank you," she offered with sincerity, and Kinsey's smile grew. The girls walked to a nearby couch and sat comfortably, waiting for their boyfriends. Before Kinsey could pump Lana for details however, Lana gasped and jumped from the couch. She ran across the lobby with a huge grin on her face and threw herself into Dallas' arms.

Kinsey eyebrows quirked in confusion as she watched the unfolding scene. She hurried to Lana's side, hoping to unravel the mystery.

"Oh my god!" Lana squealed, bouncing on her feet like an excited child. "I haven't seen you in years!"

Dallas chuckled and tucked Dani into his side.

"Lana, meet my wife Dani," he grinned.

"You got married?!?" Lana looked amazed, but the glee at her friend's happiness was evident to all. She looked to Dani and smirked.

"Girl, props to you. The stories I could tell you about this one..." she teased in a stage whisper, gesturing to a blushing Dallas.

"You two know each other?" Kinsey interjected, still thoroughly confused.

"Of course," Lana grinned. "We grew up together. I've known Dallas since I was in elementary school."

Kinsey narrowed her eyes at Dallas, but he just shrugged sheepishly.

"How are you doing, Lana?" Dallas asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Well, as of today, I'm doing really well," she grinned. "But what about you guys? Are you in town visiting or do you still live here?"

"We live in town," Dallas smiled. "Actually not too far from here. What about you?"

"I live a few minutes away, but Kinsey and I own a travel agency in the historic area downtown." Lana blanched at her faux pas. "Pardon me, I forgot to introduce you guys. Dallas, Dani, this is my best friend Kinsey. Kinsey, this is my friend Dallas and the woman brave enough to put up with him," she teased.

"Nice to meet you," Kinsey replied, holding out her hand and feigning ignorance. She didn't know what the hell was going on, but she planned to have a very serious talk with Dallas once Lana was out of earshot. How dare he not advise her he knew her best friend? And if Dallas knew Lana, shouldn't Scott? Talon did say, after all, that the two had been friends since diapers. If Scott went to the same school as Dallas, why did Lana recognize one and not the other?

"Uh, nice to meet you, too?" Dallas replied, his look questioning. Dani just watched with narrowed eyes, wondering what she was missing in all of this.

"So, how are the guys?" Lana asked innocently.

"Actually," Dallas answered, "I was just talking to Ricky about you and Michele this week. Did you know they still keep in touch?"

"Really?" Lana asked, eyes wide. "I always thought they made a cute couple. I kind of lost track of Michele since she went overseas, though. She's kind of hard to reach."

"Tell me about it," Dallas muttered under his breath. He looked at Lana and smiled. "It was nice to see you, Parker. We've got to get going, though," he said, tugging Dani's hand. "Maybe we'll see you around, though."

"Sure thing. It was nice seeing you too," Lana beamed. "And good luck to you," she winked playfully at Dani. Dani smiled.

"Nice to meet you, too, Lana. Maybe we can get together sometime."

"I'd like that, Dani," Lana agreed.

She sighed happily as she watched Dallas and Dani walk across the lobby to exit the building. Turning to Kinsey, she smiled.

"This has been an awesome day," she laughed.

"And it's only going to get better," a smooth, deep voice murmured in her ear. Shivers raced down her spine, and Lana turned to look into Scott's gorgeous blue eyes.

"I'm taking you to lunch," he smirked. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and twined his fingers with hers. Glancing at Talon and Kinsey, Scott smiled.

"See you guys later," he called, pulling Lana towards the door before either could reply.

Kinsey, still baffled, stared after the couple, determined to find out what the hell was going on.
