Chapter 10

"Matt!" I hear my sister yell from downstairs.

"What the hell do you want?" I answer back angrily because she's bothering me and my friends

"You're gonna be on TV!" I look at my friends and I pull open my bedroom door. Ninety-Nine rushes out in front of me and Lucas and Jake follow behind me. When I get to the TV room, my mother is already sitting on the couch. I take a seat next to her, and Lucas next to me. Jake is forced to sit with my sister on the smaller couch. The advertisement finishes and then the news broadcaster appears on the screen.

"London Ontario is known as the Forest City. But did you know that their hockey team, the London Knights are including 18 year old boys onto their team ? Here is the first of the three boys Matt Vicarter." The Knights logo flashes on the screen, and then a shot of me and Sarah getting out of my truck flashes on the screen.

"Matt Vicarter is an 18 year old senior in high school." I hear John say. A new shot of me, Lucas and Jake appears on the screen.

"Duuude that's us!" Jake says, all smiles.

"This is the Snow Leopards locker room." I say on the screen. A shot of the locker room shows up and then it flashes back to me, standing next to Jake.

" This here is Jake Guay. My right wing. He likes to eat and hit on girls." I say. Jake on the screen, does some stupid wink and finger movement and then punches me. I move on to Lucas.

"This is Lucas, the sweet one. He's my left wing and is the one who keeps me and Jake grounded at all times. He's also the only one with a girlfriend." I explain. Lucas blushes next to me on the couch, and then the screen goes black. It comes back with John standing in front of my school.

"Matt, is the captain of Oakville High's hockey team. And according to his friends, he's not the typical jock..." The screen flashes back to in the hallway, where the group of boys stand waving at me, and the girls giggling.

"This is Matt Vicarter. Captain of the Snow Leopards hockey team and second line centre to the London Knights. He is also the coolest guy here at Oakville high and he makes all the ladies go insane. Let us show you." Jake says. The camera turns to the girls again and the guys.

"Matt here, is not the asshole popular jock that you typically know and love, he is quite the opposite, well other than the fact that he is a popular jock. Matt here assists in the freshmen gym class every morning. The freshmen love him." Jake continues. He just doesn't stop.

" Matt Vicarter is probably one of the sweetest and oblivious popular jocks you will ever meet. Also his mom is famous which is just way better." After Jake finishes to talk, we skip the whole scene with my sister and go straight to Lynni and Lyss.

"Oh look. Here are two of the coolest girls at this school." Lucas says, as he walks up to Lynni to kiss her. I remember that I was starring at Lyss like she was a porcupine in a balloon shop.  I walk up to Lyss, and awkwardly hug her form the side, sending her a shy smile as I pull away.

"Meet Alyssa, and Lynni." I tell the cameraman.

"What do you guys think of Matt ?" I hear John say from behind the camera.

"He's hilarious. Always cracking jokes and being sarcastic." Lynni says. I remember smiling and I still am.  

"He's super sweet. He always um, makes me and um everyone for that matter, feel special. He's also a great listener." Lyss says to the camera, looking rather shy and as if she was searching her mind for an answer. We hear the faint sound of the bell, and then we see people rushing behind us, and voices yelling. Lucas and Jake wave and walk away and so do I except the camera follows me and we head into the gym. Then the shot changes, and it's me standing against the wall of the gym, before the short interview that they did with me.  I answer the questions and then I find a few shots of me playing dodge ball with the freshmen, and smiling and that's when I notice the first time that the kids seemed to be enjoying themselves. They were all smiling, and I caught some of them, looking at me, as if admiring me. I love that feeling, the feeling you get after accomplishing something.  This interview is showing me that I accomplish a lot  with kids, that I make teaching fun. Then we see me at home, and we meet my mom, my sister, my dad for half a second.... we also meet Ninety-Nine and then they follow me to the Knights practice where there they interview Coach  Parks as well as my trainer Coach Jones and Louis. Eric has been out since the accident, he comes to the games, but  doesn't bother with practices other than conditioning.

"Damn. They made you look gooooood." Jake says, raising his arms, and placing them on the headrest of the couch. From a distance it would look like he was wrapping his arm around Sarah.

"Matt, you work well with kids." My mother says.

"Thanks. I enjoy it. It's fun to go back to easy gym." I say laughing, as Lucas and Jake agree. Just then I get a text.

            I just saw you on TV. Lyss says. I read it over and over and over contemplating answering her. I lock my screen and shove the phone back into my pocket.

"I'm hungry." I say standing up.

"Let's go get some pizza." Lucas says, running over to the door and grabbing the keys to my truck.

"Bye mom. I'll see you in a bit."

"Don't be too be long. It's Tuesday your only homework night!" She yells, as I slowly shut the door behind me.

I'm watching TV with my dad after doing an hour and half of homework, when my mom walks into the living room. She has a huge smile on her face, and the phone is clutched in her hand.

"I have news." She says, bouncing on her toes. She's wearing Capri yoga pants, that are loose at the mid calf. She has her Guelph University sweatshirt on, and her hair is in a ponytail. For a mom she looks pretty young.

"Sarah!" She yells. My mom walks over to the couch where my dad is sitting and takes a seat on his knees. My sister comes running down the stairs.

"Is this important ? Cause I'm on Skype with Ja-" She stops as she sees me.

"Yes very. Whoever it is, can wait." My sister sighs and rests her palm on the top of the couch. She looks similar to my mom but she's wearing leggings, and my sweatshirt.

"The New York Times just called me. They said that I made it in their Teen Fiction list, and bestselling author list."

"Wow mom! That's awesome." Sarah exclaims hoping to leave.

"I'm not done." My mother starts. " I'm number one on both lists." She says. My dad lunges forward to kiss her. Sarah's face lights up and so does mine.

"Congrats mom. That's awesome!" I say genuinely happy. I hug her softly and my sister does the same.

"Also, their having a ceremony in a few weeks, so what do you say we spend Christmas is New York this year ?" My mother asks.

"Yes!" I yell, jumping to my feet.

"That sounds like a great idea sweetie." My dad says. We all turn to hear Sarah's answer, but she's gone.

"I think she would love to go shopping on fifth avenue." I answer. My mom smiles all giddy and then walks back into the kitchen. I stand up, ready to go to bed. I walk up the stairs Ninety-Nine following me and I come across Sarah's brightly lit room. I step in to close her door and what I see on the screen is something I never thought I would see, on my sisters laptop screen. His white t-shirt is clean, and his hair is wet.  He's smiling at my sister and I feel the anger boiling up inside of me. What is going on with them ? So I ask her, walking into her room, my face bright red. 

"What the hell are you doing Skyping Jake ?" She flips onto her back, and then stares at me in fear. I see Jake who exits out his Skype call and I walk over to Sarah.

"The hell Sarah ?" She looks at me in fear, but it quickly fades.

"Why does it bother you that I'm Skyping him ?" She asks.

"That's not what's bothering me. I want to know why you're Skyping him...." I say, backing up a little.

"I-" She stutters a little.

"Tell me Sarah." I demand. She looks down.

"Fine I'll call Jake." I pull out my phone and dial his number. The phone rings and rings until Sarah yanks it out of my hand and throws it on her bed.

"I'll tell you jeez." She sighs under her breath and looks up into my eyes.

"He called me first okay ? We've been texting for a little like close to a few weeks. This is the first time we've Skyped."

"That still doesn't tell me you're talking to each other." I say, my anger simmering down. She bites her lip and then looks back up to me.

"He asked me out a few days ago okay ?" I feel like the heat was just turned up because my anger boils back up, spewing everywhere.

"What the fuck. What did you say ?"

"I said no! I told him he should talk to you first.. I am your sister."

"Yeah, but if we weren't siblings what would you have said ?" She looks down and then back up.

"Yes." My hands fly up and then back down.

"Great. So now my best friend and my sister want to be together. That's just great."

"Matt, I'm sorry. I just, I kind of like him."
"No, you're not going out on a date with him. Not him." I say storming out of her room.  I send a text to Jake once I collapse on my bed.

            Stay away from my sister.

 I strip out of my clothes and then crawl under the covers, plugging my phone into my dock.  She is not going out with Jake. She's not going out with a boy two years older than her. No way.


soooo, who likes Jake and Sarah as a possible couple ? Yes ? No ?

Anyways, thanks for reading you guys, comment/vote (:

isint Matt just.... -------------------------------------->

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