Chapter 30

“You guys are insane, you know that right?” I demanded as I stepped inside the house and made my way into the living room.  Garrett and my mom had run back to the couch, magazines flipped open to make it look like they hadn’t been paying attention to Dannon and me outside.  How did I know that, you ask?  Well, I heard Garrett trip on the rug and curse his brains out for starters.  And the magazines were both upside down. 

“Whatever do you mean?” Garrett asked, feigning innocence.

I plopped onto the couch between my two family members, shaking my head.  “Are you two going to watch every time I leave the house with him?”

“Yup,” they announced simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes, ripping the magazine that Garrett held in his hands away from him.  “What are you reading upside down?” I mused, beginning to sift through the pages.

“Oh, everything.  Because, you know, I can do that.  I’m talented.”

I sighed, continuing to flip through the magazine, trying to ignore the stares my family members were giving me.  They were itching to ask questions about Dannon and me, I knew they were, but I really didn’t feel like being questioned.  I kept my eyes trained on the lady who was wearing way too much makeup for her own good, trying to figure out how to break it to her that she needed to cut it down because she resembled something of a wannabe clown.  But alas, I couldn’t find a way.  So, I turned the page, immediately forgetting all about her.

“Brianne. . . .”

Choosing to ignore my brother, I flipped the page and was introduced to a questionnaire: How You Know If Your Crush Is Head-Over-Heels For You Too.  I half-smiled, looking down at the questions.  They were incredibly lame and corny, like, “Do you always catch him staring at you?” and “Does he laugh at your jokes no matter how incredibly lame they are?”  Either way, I scored a hundred.  May I just say that I was pretty proud of myself?

  “Why are you taking that quiz if you already know the answer?”

I flipped the page again, savoring the irritation I was causing among my family members.  If they were going to snoop, then they could deal with the consequences.  They should have already known what was going on; they’d watched the whole thing. 

“Are you going to speak to us?”  my mom asked, a little snappier than she probably intended.

I looked up from the magazine and smiled at them.  “If it’s not going to be about my relationship with Dannon, sure, why not?”

“This isn’t about your relationship with Dannon.”  Garrett smiled mischievously, and I immediately regretted my wording.  “I want to know about that kiss you two shared out there.”

I cocked an eyebrow.  “And why would you want details on that, exactly?” 

Instead of answering my question, Garrett began asking his own.  They were incredibly stupid.  They ranged from the type of kiss it was to which hand was on which hip.  Yes, because Dannon was really going to cross his arms while kissing me. 

“You’re questions are stupid, so I’m going to stop answering them,” I announced, standing up.  “Now, if you would excuse me, I have to go pack my bag for school tomorrow.”

With that I left the room, leaving my two family members to gossip about my relationship behind my back.

| It ♥ All ♥ Started ♥ With ♥ An ♥ Apple |

Saying that I was being stared at was probably the hugest understatement of the year.

Dannon squeezed my hand within his comfortingly as we made our way toward the school’s entrance.  At first I smiled slightly, but when I spotted a group of girls that were standing a few yards away, the smile slipped off my face.  They were glaring at me as though they could rip my throat apart with their bare hands.  “They’re so intimidating when they’re angry,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Yeah, they are.  But they’ll just have to get over it.”

“Yeah, Dannon’s right, Bri.”

I spun around, smiling brightly at the sight of Kyla rushing to catch up to us.  She’d called earlier, saying that she was running late so I would have to get a ride from Dannon.  Not that I minded.  “Kyla!” I called, laughing.

“Brianne!”  Kyla grinned, turning and waving to Oliver from the crew.  “Glad to see you got a ride.”

She came into step beside me, grinning at the girls who were now proceeding to flip me off very creatively.  “Get a life!” she hollered to them.  “Better yet, get your own man!”

I jabbed Kyla in the arm, glaring.  “Don’t get them even more mad!”

Kyla huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.  “They’re being immature,” she muttered with a pout.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Dannon smile, looking very amused to say the least.  I shoved him playfully, earning a shove in return.  “What are you smiling about?” I inquired, cocking an eyebrow.

“Nothing.”  His smile grew.  “Your conversations just amuse me.”

“Then that’s not nothing, now is it?”

Dannon chuckled.  “I suppose not.”

I sighed, tossing a glance at the group of girls again.  I knew that the fangirls would be upset, but I didn’t know that they would take the relationship to such extreme levels of anger.  I tried to empathize with them, but it was really hard when they were starting to piss me off.  So, out of irritation, I gave up and hastily turned away from them.

“Hey, is it okay if I come over tonight so we can work on the project?” Dannon asked softly.

I smiled, nodding.  “Yeah, sure.  But we have to do other homework first.”

Dannon smiled back.  “Of course!”

My hand still in his, Dannon pulled the door open and we entered the school.  As we maneuvered our way through the crowds of people—their evil little eyes glaring me down, by the way—I kept my eyes trained on the dirt-covered floor.  Dannon squeezed my hand again.  I took a deep breath, willing myself not to concentrate on the stares.  Dannon, Kyla, and I would come to the end of the hall, and Dannon and I would part ways—until lunch that was.  Everything would be fine.

However, Dannon didn’t separate from us as we reached the end of the hall.  Instead of splitting off into the next hall like he should have, he followed us up the stairwell, toward Kyla’s and my first periods.  I’d be lying if I said that I was surprised.  I mean, part of me expected Dannon to go against the plan in my head.  He always seemed to.  I blinked, looking up as Kyla flashed me a discreet smile while holding her hands up in the shape of a smile.  I pursed my lips, about ready to smack her.  We didn’t need even more attention—if that was at all possible—brought to ourselves. 

As we made our way up the (thankfully) deserted stairwell, Kyla chirped at high-speed about the prom.  Excitement seeped deeper into her voice with each word, her pitch escalating with each syllable.  Dannon and I watched her silently as she talked.  I’d completely forgotten about prom, and now it seemed to so close that I could almost touch it.  It was in two weeks. Two weeks. I could just tell that in those two weeks, I was going to be tortured beyond imaging with Kyla forcing me to go dress shopping with her and whatnot. I hated dress shopping with a passion.  Any idiot would know that about me.

“Brianne, remember next Saturday!” Kyla called suddenly as she skipped away from us, toward Mrs. Carl’s class. 

I blinked.  I had no idea that we’d reached the landing, let alone, reached our lockers.  I blinked again.  How did I do that?  Get so lost in thought that everything around me was blocked out?  It was kind of disturbing. 

But, my blanking off didn’t really matter at the moment.  What was I supposed to remember about next Saturday?  I had no idea.  I glanced at Dannon, hoping he’d know.  And, sure enough, he was turning red as he guffawed, his eyes alight with amusement.  “I’m guessing you know what she’s talking about then,” I drawled, grimacing.  If he was this amused by her comment, then I was obviously screwed.  “What am I supposed to remember about next Saturday?”

Dannon coughed, his laughter coming to an end.  “She said you and her are going dress shopping,” he told me, coughing out another laugh.

See?  Screwed.

We entered the science room, and everyone’s eyes instantly flicked toward us.  I bit my look, my eyes latching onto my fellow classmates.  The fangirls at the circular table, gawking.  Everyone else . . . well, they weren’t exactly gawking, but they weren’t just discreetly glancing either.  One glance at Brent, and I knew that he was about to blow.  His jaw legitimately dropped as he stared down at our hands in shock.  I was a little insulted when he did that.  At least everyone else had the decency to just show their emotion through their eyes.

Dannon led me to my seat, tugging me forward so suddenly that I almost fell over. I glared at him, whacking him on the shoulder. “Way to make me fall, Barone.”

Dannon grinned, letting go of my hand and seating himself next to Brent in my seat.  I crossed my arms over my chest, tapping my foot impatiently.  I knew that people were watching us act like immature five-year-olds, but I couldn't have cared less.  I smiled at Brent, but that smile quickly faded as he glared at Dannon disgustedly.  My arms instantly were crossing over my chest, my jaw working.  I was going to have to talk to him about that in a few minutes.

“Dannon, that's my seat,” I said, letting my irritation fall away as my attention turned to Dannon as simply sat there, smiling up at me.

“I know,” was his genius reply. Well, I hadn't given him much to go with. “And it’s rather comfortable indeed.”

I sighed, tempted to sit on him.  He had told Garrett that I’d never sat on him before.  That could easily be changed.  But, I didn't want to chance the teacher getting mad.  Dannon might have the golden ticket around here with everyone, but I sure as hell did not.  One step out of line and it was to the office with me!

“Can I have it back?” I demanded, my arms that had just fallen to my side resuming their place crossed across my chest.

One of Dannon's eyebrows rose gracefully.  “You're asking for your chair back?”

I rolled my eyes. “That's what I just said,” I replied, ignoring the emphasis he placed on the word “your”. 

Dannon sighed playfully, earning an eye-roll from Brent.  I was going to throttle the kid.  He had no right to act so disrespectful.  My mind flashed back to when we first spoke after I turned him down and sighed mentally.  He was pretty jealous of Dannon and his popularity after all.  And to think that I’d joined in with his bashing on Dannon.  Oh my gosh.  I wanted to smack my old self.

Dannon stood up, shocking me a little.  I hadn't expected for him to give in so easily. “Well, it's been fun, but I'm afraid that I must go to my first period.”

Oh.  “Okay,” I said with a nod.

Dannon smiled, patting my shoulder.  I could see in his eyes that he wanted to do more than that (like wrap his arms around me in an embrace), but I also knew that he understood that I really wasn’t comfortable with public display of affection—besides holding hands.  I wasn’t comfortable with people staring, and if their jaws dropped to the floor by us holding hands, I could only imagine what they’d do if they saw us kissing.  They weren’t pretty pictures in my head, either.

“See you at lunch,” he murmured, his smile growing wider.

“’Kay,” I replied, stepping out of his way and moving back to my seat as he trotted out of the classroom.  I watched him as he left, only tossing my bag next to my seat and spinning to face Brent after he’d disappeared.  I shot him a glare that could kill, wishing that it would kill.  I hoped he knew the situation he was in right now.  If he didn’t—well, let’s just say, he wouldn’t be the smartest person the world had ever met.

Brent caught my glared, biting his lip.  “What?” he asked softly, all of his irritable-ness he’d displayed for Dannon disappearing.  He looked nervous, actually. 


“You know what,” I snapped.  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t act like an immature sixth grader when Dannon hasn’t even done anything to you.”

Inside I knew I was being hypocritical.  Just a little while ago, I was sitting with Brent doing the exact same thing.  But I couldn’t help it.  I’d changed so much—at least, in my opinion I did—since the day I’d thrown that apple.  And, I couldn’t help but feel happy about that.  I was happy I threw that apple.  I was glad.

It was Brent’s turn to scowl now.  “Look at you,” he snarled.  “You’ve turned into one of those zombies—one of them.”

Excuse me?” I hissed, totally pissed now.  I may have been head over heels, but I was not a zombie.  “All of you people are the same, aren’t you?” I ranted.  “All you see in him are his social status in his looks.”  I glowered.  “You’re no better than the zombies.  And I’m happy I’m no longer like you.”

Brent flinched, his eyes wide with shock.  “Brianne—”

I held up a hand, not at all in the mood to continue on with this conversation anymore.  All my respect for Brent I’d once had disappeared completely.  “Don’t even try, Brent.  I’m done with this.”

| It ♥ All ♥ Started ♥ With ♥ An ♥ Apple |

“Here are the lovebirds!”

I shook my head, letting out a small laugh at Shelley’s waving arms as Dannon and I made our way to the table.  Dannon grinned at my reaction, apparently amused by my facial expression (as he put it).  I rolled my eyes, clutching my tray tightly in my hands.  I sighed, plopping into my seat beside Shelley, praying that I wouldn’t be whacked by her as she continued to frantically wave her arms around like a maniac.  I spotted Kyla from her spot between Oliver and Meghan and waved.  She waved back, smiling.

Dannon pulled his seat out, setting his tray down on the table before finally sitting down beside me, smiling over at Shelley.  “Is that what we're going to be referred to as now? Lovebirds?”

Shelley nodded, her blond, crimped hair bouncing as she did. It was comical, really. “Oooh I just can't believe it!  We've been telling Dannon for such a long time that he needed love in his life.  He's always said that he was fine, but now he found you!”  She clapped her hands in glee. “This calls for a celebration.”

I glanced at Dannon, unsure of what to think about this so-called “celebration.”  He must have been feeling the exact same way, because we shared a skeptical glance.  “What do you mean by celebration?” I asked slowly, turning away from Dannon and directing my gaze at Shelley again.

When Kyla began giggling I knew instantly that this was planned before Dannon and I arrived at the table.  I gave her a pointed look, trying to will her with my eyes to spill whatever concealed information she had.  But, she simply smiled, shaking her head.  Stupid traitor.

“Well,” Shelley began, regaining her composure as she folded her hands out in front of her, “you all know how my dad owns the ski resort in Auburn, right?  You know the one—Veronica Horizons?”

I blinked.  Everyone knew that, of course.  I knew that even before the crew came into my life.  Her dad, the owner of the only ski resort in close distance, named his ski resort after his wife, Veronica.  It was rather corny if you asked me.  But, no one did.  Obviously.

But, either way, I did not like the way this conversation was going.

Everyone nodded, smiling in satisfaction that they knew what she was talking about and Dannon and I didn't.  Whatever guys.  You’re cool.

“Well, he got us all a cabin for Saturday into Sunday!”  She clapped her hands excitedly.  “We’re going skiing, everyone!”

Oh, joy.

| It ♥ All ♥ Started ♥ With ♥ An ♥ Apple |

“Don’t worry,” Dannon reassured teasingly, “you won’t fall that hard down the hill.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him as he shut my front door, kicking off my Converse carelessly.  He followed pursuit, slipping off his shoes neatly onto the floor.  I stared at the organized shoes blankly.  I’d never understand why he’d take the time to make them look neat.  I could never be bothered.  Well, bravo to him for caring.

“Brianne, is that you?”

Garrett’s voice sounded distant, as though he was somewhere near—if not in—the kitchen.  He probably was.  Why he was in the kitchen, I didn’t really know.  Maybe he forgot to eat lunch or something.  Or, maybe he was just pigging out like he usually did.  And, to find out for myself, I trotted away from Dannon and entered the kitchen's threshold.  I found Garret rifling through the freezer, pulling out some ice cream.  I was tempted to take the tote from him, but I resisted the urge.

“What are you doing?” I asked, even though it was blatantly obvious as to what he was doing.

Garrett’s eyebrows rose.  “Is it not obvious?”  He paused to peel the lid off the tote and set it on the counter.  “Is Dannon here?”

I was about to answer, but Dannon cut me off as he suddenly appeared in the kitchen doorway.  “Yeah, I’m here,” he said cheerfully, crossing his arms loosely over his chest.

Garrett turned, smirking at the sight of Dannon standing in the doorway. "You two seem to be inseparable."

I rolled my eyes.  “We have this thing called a project to do.”

Dannon chuckled while Garrett scoffed.  Both of them knew that there was more to us hanging out than the project.  Whatever, Dannon.  Side with my brother.  That's cool.

“Well,” I drawled, starting toward the kitchen door, “while you two continue your conversation, I have some incredibly time-consuming homework I need to start on.”

With that, I slid past Dannon and trotted toward the couch, grabbing my bag I’d tossed onto the floor and plopping onto one of the cushions.  I dropped the bag onto my lap, pulling out my Calculus homework.  I’d always hated math, which was why I usually tried to start that homework first.  At least after I finished I could feel some-what accomplished. 

A moment later, Dannon was beside me, pulling his homework out as well. Thus, we began the treacherous journey of finishing our homework. It was hard—more than hard actually. Impossible. An hour and a half in, I was so sick and tired of doing it that I chucked the papers onto the couch, glaring at the ceiling. What can I say? I had a temper.

“I hate homework,” I mumbled.

Dannon sighed, setting his homework on top of mine.  Neither of us seemed to have gotten much done.  It was like the teachers intentionally gave us the toughest and longest homework that they possibly could as to prevent us from living our lives.

“Well, it's not due tomorrow,” Dannon said with a shrug.  He stood up, stretching his arms behind his head.  “I'm going to do something that I don't usually do: leave it all until tomorrow.”

I grinned.  “Sounds good to me.”

The ringtone for the song Gummy Bear came on, cutting off any reply that Dannon could have possibly thought of.  I held up a pointer finger and pulled my cell phone out of my butt pocket.  I wondered what Kyla was calling for.  “Hello?” I asked after bringing the phone to my ear.

“Brianne!” Kyla shrieked.

I immediately tensed.  She sounded freaked out.  More than freaked out, actually.  She sounded scared.  “What’s wrong?” I demanded, concerned now as I sat up straighter in my seat.

“Y-y-y-you and Dannon need to come over right now!” she cried, her voice shaking.

“Why?  What happened?”

I glanced at Dannon who was watching me silently with concerned eyes.  They widened when he saw my anxious expression.  I bit my lip, waiting for Kyla to answer.  She was frantic.  She was usually this energetic, but in a lovable way.  This was down-right frightening.

“I-i-i-it's running around on the ground and the cat's chasing it!” Kyla yelled, obviously crying now.

I strained my brain to comprehend what she was saying, but I couldn't. "Hold on, Ky,” I said hurriedly, knowing that I couldn’t waste time trying to figure out what she meant when we had to get to her house as fast as possible.  “We'll be right there.”


With that, she proceeded to hang up on me.

I sighed, turning to Dannon. “We have to go to Kyla's.”

Dannon nodded, hopping up from the couch and hurrying to the front door and shoving his feet into his shoes.  I followed his lead, slipping on my shoes as I shoved my phone into my butt pocket.  “Garrett, we'll be right back!” I called in afterthought, barely remembering that my brother was in the house with us.

Garrett barely got past the words, “Where are you—” before I shut the door, cutting off the rest of his sentence.

Dannon and I raced down the lawn. I pulled open the passenger's door of his car and slammed it behind me as I threw myself into the seat with more force than needed.  Dannon didn't seem to notice.  He dropped into the driver’s seat and started the car, pulling out silently with concern still present in his eyes. “What's wrong with Kyla?” he asked as he turned off onto the street.

I shrugged, butterflies slamming around in my stomach.  “I don't know. Something about her cat chasing something around the house.”

“Probably a mouse?” Dannon guessed.

Then it occurred to me. “Oh!” I shrieked, so suddenly that Dannon slammed on his brakes.  He chuckled at me slightly before beginning to drive again, shaking his head.  I let out a short laugh before continuing.  “Her brother's hamster! Kyla's terrified of the thing, and if he got out of his cage . . . .”

Dannon nodded, understanding.   “Okay, give me directions to her house.”

Ten minutes later, Dannon and I were hopping out of the car and jogging up Kyla's lawn. Dannon paused, as though to ring the doorbell, but I just opened it.  Kyla wouldn't care, nor would her parents. “Kyla?” I shouted as I entered the household.


I turned, staring as Kyla's younger brother, Ean, rushed forward, his face red and blotchy. Usually the ten-year-old was ashamed of crying in front of people, something about thinking that he was too old to cry.  But now, as his blond hair fell in front of his face, he cried to his heart's content.

“Ean,” I murmured, stepping forward. “What's going on?”

“Mr. SnappleCracklePopple got out of his cage!” Ean cried.  If this were any other circumstance, I would snicker at the name Ean had chosen.  Had he been watching that cereal commercial or something?  I totally forgot that it was named that!

“Where is the cat?” I demanded, thinking of the vicious feline that liked to bite and scratch everyone in sight.  That thing couldn't even be called a cat.  More like a beast.

“In the living room!” Ean wept. “Mr. SnappleCracklePopple is hiding under the chair, but he won't last for long!”

Kyla rushed in, her own face streaked with tears.  “Brianne, help!” she cried. She held up her arm.  The long scratch only proved that the cat, which actually had the name Daisy, was in a bad mood today.

I winced. "Go put some peroxide on that, okay? Dannon and I will get the cat."

Kyla sniffled, nodding as she grabbed Ean's hand and forced him to go to the bathroom with her.  I turned to Dannon.  He nodded, stepping ahead of me and making his way into the living room.  How he knew where the living room, I wasn't sure, but I didn't take the time to ask. I followed, nervous as hell that the cat was going to severely injure us.

We found Daisy clawing viciously at the recliner at the far end of the room, meowing ferociously.  Dannon didn't seem at all fazed, for he continued forward, his arms outstretched. “Be careful,” I warned.

Dannon turned, smiling. “Don't worry about me. Just make sure to get out of the way once I get her.”

I nodded, biting my lip and moving out of the entryway.  Why did it feel like Dannon was trying to pick up a lion instead of a house cat?

Dannon brought his hands around the cat and pulled her up. I shrieked as she clawed at him, fearing that she would get his face. Dannon rushed out of the room, his arms outstretched as far as they would go. Daisy probably would have looked more comical in her position if it hadn't been for the evil glint in the thing's eyes. If she could, she probably would have torn Dannon to bits.

Dannon disappeared down the hall for a moment.  A door slammed and then he was back, scratch-free except for a small cut near his elbow.  I grabbed his arm, examining it.  It wasn't deep, but the sight of the blood was making me feel sick.  “Go wipe the blood off before you make me puke,” I demanded, acting stronger than I really felt as I pointed the bathroom.  “And tell the two weeping willows to get out here and catch their rodent.”

Dannon nodded, chuckling as he turned and trotted to the bathroom, seeming significantly more carefree than he had a few moments ago.

I sighed, looking at the recliner. I was about as big a fan of rodents as I was of water. They were just so . . . small and squirmy and furry. Holding those things grossed me out.

I screeched out of surprise when I saw Mr. SnappleCracklePopple peak his head out from under the recliner. The sight of him set me on edge, despite the difference in size. All of a sudden, I really didn't want to be alone in the room anymore. In fact, I was tempted to join everyone in the bathroom.

“Mr. SnappleCracklePopple!” Ean called suddenly, rushing forward.

The kid was an idiot.

Everyone knows that sudden movements scare the hell out of rodents! The stupid hamster squeaked loudly and scuttled away, dashing across the living room at incredible speed. Kyla, who had just emerged from the bathroom, screamed at the sight of it.

“Dammit!” Kyla and I screamed at the same time.

Ean scrambled forward, trying to catch his pet within his small hands.  He came closer than I thought he would, but still, he missed.  The rodent scurried away from his owner, apparently thinking it would be utterly hilarious to play tag with everyone without asking for their consent.

The hamster was heading straight for Kyla.  “Kyla!” I yelled.  “I know you're scared of rodents, but just catch it and quickly give it to Ean.”

Kyla wailed—yes, actually wailed—and caught the hamster within her fingers. At first I thought she was okay. She straightened up, her lower lip quivering. But, as she looked down at the hamster wriggling within her hands, she flipped.

She screamed, tossing the hamster out of her hands. Everyone, including myself, was screaming, hastily trying to catch the hamster as it fell from the air. Ean was crying, screaming not only out of fear for his pet, but out of anger for what Kyla had done. I couldn't be angry at her, even though it was an incredibly stupid thing to do. The poor girl was more scared of rodents than a usual girl was of spiders.

Ean let out a horrified cry as Mr. SnappleCracklePopple landed on the ground. His name became the actions of what happened. There was a snap. A crackle. And a pop.

Kyla and I froze, staring down at Mr. SnappleCracklePopple as Ean fell down beside him, crying freely. He looked up at Kyla with despair and anger. “You killed him!” he shouted. “You killed him, Kyla!”
