Chapter 3: Distractions

It was the day of the party. Harry was terrified. Harry was terrified because he didn't know what Malfoy would do. Or if he was planning on humiliating him in front of basically the whole school. But Harry didn't know, and that's what scared him. The fear of the unknown.

The day flew by quicker than he would of liked. It was dinner and he was eating at the Gryffindor table with Hermione and Ron.
  "Oh 'Mione, what time did you say the party was?" Harry asked looking up from his plate of untouched food. He couldn't seem to eat, his mind was too distracted by the upcoming party, and the incident with Malfoy."Oh I didn't, I forgot to mention it. It's at 11:00pm." Hermione said. "What are we doing at the party anyways?" Harry questioned. "Will there be food?" Ron asked with a mouth full of chicken. "Oh Ron, would you stop eating!" Hermione said, hitting Rons arm. "Ow" Ron muttered under his breath. "And to answer your question Harry, were just going to play some muggle games, Truth or Dare is the one I have in mind"
Something, or rather, someone caught his eye. Over Hermione's shoulder he saw Malfoy starring at him. Not in his normal disgusted look, but more in awe. He noticed Harry was starring back and Harry noticed a little bit of a blush show on his cheeks before his face quickly changed into the Malfoy, Harry knew. He scowled at Harry and turned his head back to his fellow Slytherins.
  Harry thought it was odd. He's never seen Malfoy look at anyone like that, let alone him. He brushed it off and listened in on his Gryffindor friends chat.
Sorry for the short chapter!
The next one will be the party.
It will be longer, I promise!
