Chapter 17 Free E

Amanda's POV:

I jumped up to the sound of an alarm going off. My head was spinning but it was because I got up to fast. I rubbed my eyes and opened them again. It took me a minute to realize where I was. I let out a sigh and I laid back down in bed.

"Morning" I looked to my left and saw someone in bed with me. I let out a scream and tried to get away from the person.

I moved to the edge of the bed and remember my leg is wrapped up. Wonderful. I put as much distance from the person I could. Than they got up and turned around, I let out another scream.

"Jesus Mia! It's just me, Brooklyn!" Brooklyn said and moved the hair out of her face.

I let out a breath and put my hand down behind me. But there was no bed behind me. I felt myself falling and braced for the impact that I knew was coming. I just closed my eyes and waited. But it never came.

When I opened my eyes again Melissa was standing over me. Her arm where wrapped around my body, holding me up.

"You okay?" Melissa asked me.

"Brooklyn scared me and when I went to put my hand down on the bed there was no bed." I said looking Melissa in the eyes.

"Oh" Was all she said.

"Can you let me up please?" I asked.

"Right." Melissa said and pushed me back up on the bed.

Brooklyn just looked at me with judging eyes. I hate it when people look at me like that.

"Now I know you're defiantly not a morning person." Brooklyn said. I started laughing along with Melissa.

"Yea lets not do that again. What time is it?" I asked looking around the room.

"It's 11:52" Melissa said.

"Shit Demi is supposed to be here in like ten minutes." I said.

I flipped the blankets off me and looked for my backpack. It was sitting on the floor next to the bed. Melissa reached down and picked it up for me. I smiled at her and opened it up. I pulled out my Mac and camera and put them on the bed along with all of my chargers.

Than I just turned the backpack over and dumped the rest of my cloths out onto the bed. I pulled out a pair of basketball shorts, my mayday parade t-shirt, and a bra. I looked up and saw that Melissa and Brooklyn where both watching me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing." Melissa said.

"Where are my crutches?" I asked.

"Here" Melissa said and handed them to me. I pulled my leg off of my bed and got up. I put the crutches under my arms and walked to the bathroom.

It took me about 20 minutes to get ready. I got dressed fixed my hair and made sure I looked okay. When I was done I walked out of bathroom and went back into my room. The bed was made and my stuff wasn't on the bed anymore. My laptop and camera were sitting on the desk along with my chargers. My backpack was sitting in the computer chair.

I walked over to the chair and took my backpack. I opened it up and looked through it. I pulled out my medication, inhaler, notebook, money and wallet. I put the money in my wallet and put everything back into my backpack. I put it on my back and walked out the door.

When I got to the stairs I heard voices. I tried to listen and hear who it was but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Brooklyn?" I somewhat yell down the stairs. She didn't answer, so I was about to yell again but she was at the bottom of the steps.

"Want me to take you down?" She asked.

"Please?" I asked and smiled.

Brooklyn smiled back and came up the stairs. She took me in her arms and took me down the stairs. When we got down the stairs she put me down. I followed her into the kitchen. When we were there I took a seat in the chair at the island.

"Eat" Brooklyn said and pushed a plate of pancakes in front of me. I did what I was told and finished the pancakes in minutes.

"Do you know where my phone is?" I asked realizing I didn't see it in my bag.

"Yup here you go. Demi called saying she was on her way. I gave her directions. Okay so here is one pain pill. I'm not giving you more because they make you sleepy. Here is the bottle. There are 4 in here. Take one every four hours, otherwise your going to be in pain." Brooklyn said handing me the pill. I took it with a sip of my water.

She handed me the pill bottle and I looked in it. There are four little pills in it. I put it into my backpack and looked at my phone. I had a few messages from Ali, but none from my parents thank god.

"Thank you." I said to Brooklyn.

"It's no problem honey." Brooklyn said and smiled. I was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Melissa yelled from somewhere in the house.

I got off the chair and picked up my backpack. I put it on the chair and looked around the kitchen.

"I can I get a bottle of water?" I asked Brooklyn.

"Mia you don't need to ask, just do it." Brooklyn said. I smiled and went over to the fridge. I opened it up and got a bottle of water.

I put it in my backpack. I zipped it up and put it on my back. I walked out to the front door and saw Demi standing there. She smiled when she saw me.

"You ready to go Mia?" She asked.

"Yup." I say walking over to her.

"Mia I put our phone number in your phone if you need to reach us. Try not to be out so late okay?" Brooklyn said.

"Okay, we'll see you guys later." I said and walked out the door.

Demi followed me down the stairs. She walked me to her car and opened the passenger side door for me. I thanked her and got in. Demi walked over to the driver's side and got in.

"So what are we going to do today?" Demi asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

"I thought we were going to meet your band?" I asked.

"We are but not till like 4. You said you wanted to get some stuff from your house right?" Demi asked.

"Yea, if that's okay with you. I was also kind of hoping we could do two other things also." I said.

"Sure what are they?" Demi asked.

"1 need to get a new cell phone and number 2 I need to go to the bank." I said.

"Not a problem." Demi said with a smile.

About an hour later I have my new IPhone with almost all of my old contacts. The bank didn't ask questions when I withdrew all of the money in my account. I only left enough money in the account so it would stay open. Demi and I made small talk the whole time. I really didn't into detail though about my family. Demi understood that because she didn't ask much.

Right now we are on our way to my house to try and get some more of my stuff. It's going to be really hard to get in and out of the window though.

"Stop here." I said when we were down the block from my house.

"Okay are you sure that there not home?" Demi said as she turned off the car.

"Yea they're at work, their cars aren't here and I'm track there phones." I said looking at the house.

"Okay lets go." Demi said.

I opened the car door and got out. Demi was standing on the sidewalk looking down at her phone.

"Lets hurry, I don't know what time they'll be back." I said to Demi.

"What do you want to get?" Demi asked as we walked the sideway to my house.

"Some cloths, my guitar, my lacrosse stick and the bag of balls." I said as I walked toward the back gate.

My stomach is in knots and my heart is in my throat. I opened the gate and crutched to my window. I peeked inside and saw nobody was there. Everything was still in its place.

"Go to the next window and look inside. See if someone is in there." I said to Demi. She nodded and walked to the window. The window is my parent's bedroom.

If they are home they will be in there. Demi slowly looked into the window. She moved around a little bit and looked back at me. She shook her head no and came back to where I was standing.

"You need to go in first so you can pull me in." I said as I pushed open the window.

"You sure you want me to pull you in?" Demi asked.

"Yea. I know it's going to hurt like a bitch but I need to get inside. We can't use the door because there is an alarm. I don't know the password." I said.

"All righty than." Demi said.

She jumped up and pulled herself in the window. Don't get me wrong it's not that much of jump a few feet maybe. I gave Demi my crutches and started to pull myself up. Demi got me in the rest of the way. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would thank god for the painkiller Brooklyn gave me this morning.

Once I was inside I looked around. Everything was still in its rightful place. I went over to my closet and pulled open the door. I grabbed the biggest duffle bag I had and put it on the bed.

"Okay I only want to be in here for five minutes so we need to hurry. My guitar is under the bed can you get it?" I asked Demi. She nodded and went to my bed.

I went back to my closet and grabbed my lax stick and the balls. I put them into the bag and than started grabbing clothes. I didn't take much a few shirts, shorts, and jeans. Next I grabbed my converse, some underwear, bras and socks. When I was done I took one sweatshirt and put it into the bag. I zipped it close and looked around my room.

Demi was looking around my room. My guitar case sat on my bed along with the duffle. I went to my nightstand and got the two pictures I had on it. Both where pictures of Aiden and I. I stuffed them into the duffle and turned to Demi.

"I need to get one more thing then we are gone." I said and went to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Demi asked.

"I need to get something from my brothers room. His room is next to mine. You can come if you want, just put that stuff next to the window." I said.

Demi followed my instructions and meet me by my door. I pulled it open and looked around the hall. Nothing. I walked out into the hall and went to Aiden's room. I pushed his door open and walked in.

His room is still the same. It still smelled like him too. His bed was made and everything was neat and tidy. I went over to his closet and opened it. I got two of his sweatshirts. I handed them off to Demi and we left Aiden's room.

We returned to my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it. Demi went straight over to the window. She put Aiden's stuff into the duffle and closed it. I went over to her and picked up the duffle. I pushed it out the window and it landed on the floor with a thud.

"Go out first, then I'll hand you the guitar then I come out." I said.

Demi went out the window; a few seconds later same was the guitar. Next where my crutches then me. Getting out was a lot harder than getting in because I had to land on my feet. But Demi caught me. She put the duffle on her shoulder and picked up my guitar.

We walked out of my backyard and walked back to Demi's car. My anxiety was at an all time high. I'm surprised I didn't pass out yet. Demi put my stuff in her trunk while I got into the passenger seat. I went into my backpack and pulled out my inhaler. I shook it up and took a hit off it.

Demi's door closed as I took another hit. I put my head back on the headrest and took a deep breath.

"Mia are you okay?" Demi asked.

"I'm perfect." I said and looked at her. I gave her a smile and put my inhaler back into my backpack. Demi started the car and pulled away from the crub.

The smile on my face couldn't come off. I'm finally free of this place. The house that has caused many of my downfalls.

"I'm finally free." I said as we past my house. Well my old house.
