New Person

When I entered the cafeteria, it was looking exactly like that scene in mean girls. Oh god! I can't face any of those people again I've had enough for a day. So,I just walked like there was nothing like what it was actually and i was looking for a place to sit and could already hear people calling me maybe it was just my thinking. I went and just sat on a random table, actually they all were new and strange to me and there was no random but anyways.

I was just about to start my meal when someone touches my shoulders and i turn around and it was someone i didn't know. "Oh I'm sorry for interrupting but I was curious about you. You seem a bit too used to all this. Have you been to a school like this before?" "Well my life has been all about shifting to new schools and meeting new people and knowing the social life so I'm kind of used to it." "Oh so that must be a good experience?" "Uhm everything has pluses and minuses so yeah.' She seemed like the only human here. She was the only 'friendly' person here. Kidding. Obviously its my first day, too soon to comment on the social life. "Anyways, whats your name?" I asked, it seemed like we could become friends, "Oh right, I'm Miranda Cooper." "Well and my name is Clara Wingston." "Ok, Clara i gotta go i'll see you around?" "Yeah."

I was heading out when I see Zac and his gang coming coming towards me, and that's when i knew he's upto something. "Hey there Clara, we meet again. So where are you going now?" "I'm going back home." "Would you like to go the beach with us?" "Uhm.. I don't know.. I'm not a beach person." Oh i know you are. stop lying,." He turns to his friends "Guys Clara is joining us at the beach, get extra beers!" He shouts. "Ok Clara let;'s go to your house and then we'll go to the beach together. He turns around and tells his friends to go and that he'll be coming with me to the beach.

Please I need comments and votes for this story and i need to know whether this story is making sense. So if any suggestions please let me know. Please vote too.
