the jacket

I was walking on the north side I walked to the border ready to turn around but something caught my attention a serpent jacket

I grabbed it and crossed the border I was half way there when I heard a familiar voice I smiled to myself
"Hey what have I Told you about walking alone here" he said.
"Not to but I'm a rebel" I said
"Is that so?" He asked
"So where you heading short stuff?" He's said
"Well giant to the white wyrm" I said
"Okay 1 I'm not that tall and 2 why the wyrm"he asked
"Too return something mister tall serpent" I said
"I saw your jacket in the light" I said
"Your not afraid?" He asked
" nope I see us all the same I support the serpents but not the ghoulies " I said he chuckled.
" well short stuff your the nicest northsider I've ever met but I'm not letting you go in the wyrm" I said I got an idea. I turned around to face him.
"Well mr.tall serpent I have a deal for you" I said
"What might that be short stuff?" he said
"I won't go in IF you let me go on a joy ride on ur motorcycle" I said smiling .
"Sure but your not riding alone" he said
"DEAL" I said extending me hand he shook it then we kept walking.
"You know when I walk out of the bar you'll see my gorgeous face" he said I giggled.
"And you'll see my ugly one" I said.
"Well see about that and do you even know where the wyrm is?" He asked
" nope I was hoping you'd be here" I said
"Wait you went to the Southside not knowing where the hell you were going" he chuckled
"Yep" I said popping the 'p '
"And if I wasn't here" he asked
"If probably be dead you'd find me and all that guilt be on you then from hell i'd be like it was your fault tehehe " i said making him laugh. I laughed
"Were here stay by that bike over there it's mine" he said pointing to a bike I smiled and walked over tossing him the jacket I say on the bike a short boy about my age walked over.
"Hey what are you doing on Sweetpeas bike" he asked
"Sweetpea huh? Oh um his giving me a ride." I said the boy cocked an eyebrow I nodded.
" sweetpea our sweetpea tall guy giving you a ride" he said then he walked out and walked towards me.
"Hey fangs..." He said
" your giving her a ride? " he asked pointing at me
"Yeah?" He said
" Sweets you never give me a ride home" fangs said I was looking at sweets face is pretty I smiled to my self.
"Fangs I don't give you a ride because that would look weird and I'm gonna have that on my reputation" he said smirking.
"Fine but you owe me an explanation"fangs said walking in.
" so sweetpea" I smirked he looked at me.
"Shit there goes mysterious cover" he smirked
"But mines not blown yet" I said smirking
"I'll find out sooner or later your friends or brother will see me with you and scream your name angry that your hanging out with a serpent" he said
"Well my brother won't care he dated one" sweetpea shot me a look
"Tell me witch one" he said
"No then it'll blow my cover" I said
"Fine" he huffed getting on the bike.
"Hold on tight princess" he said starting the motorcycle this is gonna be the day of my life I smiled and did as he said.
(An hour of joy ride later)
He stopped at the border
"Here's your stop princess" he said I got off.
"That was fun thank you" I said.
"Will I be seeing you anytime soon princess" he asked
"Maybe sweets after school" I said walking off waving.
"Hey princess" he yelled I turned around.
"Yeah" I yelled back
"I've never been on the northside maybe I'll come" he yelled
"I'll be at the border waiting for that day" I smiled before turning around I saw Kevin walking down the street.
"late night talk with mister mysterious" he ask
" yes is dad home" he shook his head no
"thank god"
