Ch.1 I.....won....

I sit in front of my computer, furiously typing out things that have no effect on most people. I listen to my parents fighting in the background, but quickly silence their noises as I slip my headphones on. I continue on to listen to Sexting. It's the first in my playlist on Youtube.

Why are you trying so hard on this? You know you're going to fail. You always will.

"Shut up, Jade." I mutter under my breath.

Hee hee! How do you know that? I think he's very good at pressing buttons! I sigh. Storm was about as useless to me as Jade was. Why had I desperately created them in attempt to never be lonely? Well, I guess their company was better than the shouts of those around me, and the absence of my careless brother.

"I'm not just pushing any buttons, Storm. I'm trying to win something."

Ooh! You are?! She cheers. I nod.

You'll stop cheering once you find out what he's trying to win...I grit my teeth. I could really do without Jade.

"I'm trying to be the grand winner. I've entered a contest in which I get to spend a week with Jayy Von Monroe!" You know how girl's voice get pitched higher when their talking about something they love, and their eyes get all dreamy? Well, that's how I'm acting right now. Jade shakes her head in disappointment.

Fool. Didn't I tell you to get over that fetish a long time ago? I pout.

Aw! Jade, you made him sad!

Huh! I couldn't care...I glare at her. No more kunai for her...

A bleep goes off on my computer. I read the words on the screen.

" are....the winner of the Meet Jayy Von Monroe event?!" Jade humphs, and flicks her long black hair back, making the red highlights and the white ends flickers in the light. She makes her way to my bed, and sits on it. Her jade green eyes are the only contradiction to her dulled attire. Baby...

"Yes!" I exclaim, jumping up and down like a giddy kindergartner.

Haha! We're all happy! Storm jumps up and down as well, her pink tutu bouncing up and down with her. I go off to pack my things. The ticket is online, so all I have to do is click on it. I stop my packing, and rush to the computer, clicking on it. It transfers me to the ticket. I print it, then set back to packing.

"I'll have to bride my brother to give me a ride to the airport..." I think aloud. I don't care I'd manage it somehow. But for now, my first smiles in a long time have reached the world.
