Its none of my business

As we reached their house I got out of the car and then we walked in...and of course Amy was sitting there watching a movie while Sara was eating and then she looked up and her eyes filled with joy while her smile was wider than ever.

The next thing I know she pulls me into a hug " oh god Hailey !! I missed u so much !! " she was really exited while I was just smiling and hugging back " I missed u too " she finally pulls away and smiles at me

" I thought u were gonna go back home !! "

" what ?! No of course not !! I won't just leave u here " I smiled widely assuring her that I'm over it now, so she nodded and returned the smile. In the corner of my eye I could see Amy glaring at Ian angrily and pulling him away in the room...probably asking him why the fuck did he invite me over...but who cares what she thinks...
" Hailey can I talk to u for a second ?" Sara asked me when I was just about to leave

" yea of course " I walked with her to her room and we sat down

"...aren't u gonna show Ian the video ?"

I sighed and looked at her in a kind of annoyed look

"'s over ok ? I'm not just gonna mess it up for them...I shouldn't even bother, it's their lives and I shouldn't bug in...I know I love him and all but... I don't want to be selfish and be this annoying girl that just wants everything for herself...if he loved me or even liked me he would've just broke up with her when I got here...but they're together and I can't change that...can we just forget about what happened and just...move on ?"

" no...cuz I know u're not gonna go looking for another guy and just " get over " him...cuz u love him more than u love yourself and I know he saved u so many times...and it's hard to forget about your hero...that's why you're not gonna love another guy...and Ian is the one for u !! U know that if u just tell him...everything will be better...for EVERYONE...and it'll be like before..."

" you're right ok...? I won't love another guy....he's the only one that matters to me...but I don't want to do anything...cuz it's none of my business...just forget about what happened...please...?"

She sighed and nodded then went out of the room, and I walked out of the house walking back home...I know I want everything to be like it was before...but it's just...its their lives...




A/N idek what do u think ? Is she doing the right thing ? I mean...she could change everything if she just showed him the video...anyways !! I hope u enjoyed this chapter I love u guys ❤️! Byyyye

