Chapter 10 : Apologizes Not Meant To Be Said


I chanted a spell and my eyes glowed symbols. A pop was heard and I opened my eyes. In the mirror...I looked well human.

I had on a golden yellow tail tuxedo with a white dress shirt and black bow tie, slim black tuxedo pants, black dress shoes, and of course my floating top hat just a few inches above my head along with black gloves holding my cane.

Now my face was a whole other story, My sun golden hair was parted to the left, but a bit more on the right, I had a bit of a stubble, and I had a diamond shaped eye patch over my right eye. All in all, I was...what do humans call it? Oh yes, Sexy!~

'Oh, I can't wait for my plans to start, I even know how to get the fourth Journal from my little Rose here,' I smiled and admired myself in the mirror. I rubbed my hands together michisishly with a devil's smirk.

'My Little Rose, my poor little rose...Let The Games Begin!~....'

Chapter 10:

My eyes fluttered open to a wooden ceiling, my eyes the widen, this was not my normal bed room. 'Where am I?'

I sit in the pink-covered bed, but hiss in pain was my shoulder blade feels like it was being pierced. Then I look at the bedding, I was in Mabel's bed, at the Mystery Shack.

'That's right, I got the Manticore, the Manticore....THE MANTICORE!!!!' I quickly get up from the bed I was in, not paying any attention to the pain blossoming in my shoulder. 

'Where's Dipper??? Is he alright!?' I think while panicking and look around the room.

Then my eyes rest of the person sleeping in the other bed, Dipper's bed. It was Dip, he was okay. His right shoulder was bandaged and the color had returned to his face.

I let out a sigh of relief, he was okay. But then I remembered what else had happened that day...

'Bill that bastard! He tricked me into giving him the Dream Catcher, and then he left us there to die .....' I clenched my teeth and my hands turned into fist.
'He broke the deal, I will have my revenge on him, soon...'

I just need to cool off. Releasing my anger I sigh. Then look over to the bed, there was my set of clothes, my rose shirt and jacket they both were clean, not a speck of blood on them.

'Hmm, I guess they cleaned it up for me,' I put on my shirt, being very careful not to strain my shoulder or it's badges. Next I put my hoodie around my waist. When I was done I went over to Dipper and watched him, sitting on the end of bed.

'It was my fault he got like this, I should've been more watchful, I should've been there,' I think down on  myself and tears prick my eyes.  

'I-I should have been the one there, I would've handled it, if I had been there he wouldn't be here hurt and in pain,' I look at my hands.

'What am I thinking, I'm a monster...He probably won't forgive me or think of me as a friend anymore,' I sadly frown as the tears fall. I sob silently as I didn't notice Dipper was awake

"Uh, my head," I heard a voice, it was Dipper's. I turn to him and pull him in a hug.

"You're awake!" I hug him tightly. "I-I'm sorry, I should have been there! Please forgive me,"

"Ah, ah-Diana my shoulder," He gasped. Immediately I let him go and throw my arms to my sides.

"Sorry..." I mumble and blush while fiddling with my hoodie's sleeves.

"No, Diana I should've been more careful, and there's no need for you to apologize to me, but what happened after I got clawed?" He asked and looked to his shoulder.

"I carried you to the Mystery Shack, but when I was battling the Manticore I also got scratched, so when we got here I passed out, yet I really don't know who found us and took care of us though," I say.

"And y-you carried me?" He choked.

"Yeah, b-but you weren't that heavy," I look at him. His whole face was red as a beet, maybe even more if you compared them both.

"Oh-sorry to make you go through all that trouble," He rubbed the back of his head.

"Nah, it's okay, we are alive after all," I laughed a bit.

"Yeah, I guess we are," He chuckled along with me.

"Glad to see you two are better and alive," A voice said near the door. We both turned our gazes over to the owner of the voice, it was Wendy. She was leaning on the door frame and smiling at us both.

"Hey Wendy!" Dipper and I say in sync. I wave to her and she salutes back with her fingers.

"Anyway Stan wants to have a chat with both of you when you're ready," She said and went back downstairs. I turn to Dipper, and he does the same.

"Man, what are we gonna tell Stan?" He asks.

"We could tell him we got beat up by a gang of thugs because they wanted our money," I shrug.

"That's actually really convincing for someone like Stan, but won't the cuts be too big for a thug to make?"

"Not unless they have knifes or something," I counter back.

"We could tell him that, that thugs wanted our money, and when we said no they brought out knifes, but yet wouldn't that be too violent?" He put his hand to his chin.

"Well it's more believable than us fighting a manticore, then I made with a deal with a dream demon, and then wake up here," I say.

"Yeah, we're going with the first one..." He face palms and I giggle.

'This is going to be good...' I smile.

(I'm sorry, for the bad ending and for it being short, but I just don't wanna write what they talk about and stuff :| if I did, then it would be boring...)
