Chapter 1

Amy's POV

I was walking around in the mall, shopping and stuff when all of a sudden I heard someone, a lady say my name, I turn around to see,

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you since you moved two years ago" I said hugging her

"aw sweetie I miss being your neighbor and I missed you, how's your mother I heard her and your dad got a divo-" I cut her off

"yeah they did, um she's fine I guess she's not really home anymore" I said getting sad

"aw honey I'm sorry to hear" she said putting her arm around me

"it's okay... Eliza" I said, she laughed

"omg I remember you all ways use to call me that when you were little" Elizabeth said,

I laughed
She started to get a phone call, she sounded upset, she got off the phone moments later.

"Hey what's a matter" I said worried

"Oh nothing it's just me and my husband have plans for tomorrow with some of our friends we haven't seen in forever and my babysitter just canceled on me last minute, I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't have anyone to watch her" she said started to overwhelmed

"Well,... what about the boys" I asked

"Will is at school, Hayes is at a friends house all this week, and Nash is coming back tomorrow tonight but at like 11 at night and we are leaving in the morning or early afternoon" she said

"Well I'll watch her" I said

"No I can't ask you that" she said

"You didn't ask me I offered come on it's my pleasure" I said

"Ok ok fine, I'll text you our address" she said laughing

"Great" I said

I gave her my number and we went our separate ways, wow what a flashback OMG I haven't seen him since No what am I going to do. I can get through this I can I'm not as stupid as I was back then, I wasn't thinking straight back then, I was stupid to think I can trust him.

//Flashback\\//8 years ago\\

I just moved to North Carolina from the big apple, New York, we pulled upto our new home, I jump out of our car with excitement, I grab my Barbie skateboard and ride down the street


I came back so she doesn't have to yell

"Actually I do I did my research and grams house is right around the corner" I said

"When did you get so smart" she said

"Mom I'm 9 I'm pretty smart well smarter then dad at least"

my mom laughed

"Ok wise guy..... Don't make fun of me" my dad says

he's funny and a goof ball ... but you don't want to get him mad then he- he turns into a monster

"yeah yeah" I said

"ok go but take Dan with you"

"what I don't need any supervision I'm fine mom" I said

"fine just here take your phone with you ok call me when you get to the skat park up the street" she told me

"thanks mom" I said and skated off

I wanted to get a actual skateboard, but instead my mom got me this sparkly, pink, Barbie one which I don't care I mean I just want an actual one not one for little kids. I got to the skate park, I started to do tricks and stuff, most of the people here are guys but there little cause they have like smaller ramps and stuff here, no one is doing anything they all have someone with them holding there hands as they do some stuff, I didn't need that I was doing that when I was 5, I had my older cousin teach me they do lots of bmx stuff it's really cool they can do almost anything with a skateboard, like ollie's, pop shove's , kickflips, 180's, and so on, I was doing all that

"How can you do that I don't even have my ollie down yet" I heard a boy say

"practice" I said and continue to skate

My phone stated to ring

"Hello" I said in to the phone

"Hi sweet heart get home, dinner is soon" she said

"Ok mama be right there" I said and hug up

I started to skate back to my house then all of a sudden I got rammed into causing me to fall to the ground, not only did I scrap my knee but I landed on someone

"ow" I said lifting myself up

"oh I'm sorry, I'm Nash" a boy around my ago said

"hi my name is Amy and it's okay it happens" I said getting up

"hey your new here right" he asked

"yeah just moved here" I said

"your my new neighbors"

"oh yeah" I said

"can I walk you home well skate together there" he said

"sure" I said laughing,

His cute and his eyes wow, wow I'm too young for this stuff,

we skated to my house he was good well better then those other guys there.

"Thanks for walking well skating with me home" I said

"It's no problem"

"See you tomorrow" he added

I nodded my head and smiled, I waved goodbye to him he did the same, once I got in my house

"Dinners ready guys" I heard my mother say

Then I heard were footsteps running down the stairs I have three older brother, my older brothers are 12 which is Dan, then 15 is Austin, then 18 is Josh. Then we have three dogs ones a blue pit, I called him Big Blue then a red nose pit, I call her Daisy, and ones a pit mixed with a lab, Sparkles I got her when I was 3 she's 6, there so cute, the over ones are just puppies like 6 months. I went to the dinner table, to no food on the table

"We are going to the Grier house for dinner so come on everyone up and walking next door" my mom said

We all got up and started walking, we even brought the dogs, we rang the door bell

"Aw Jess your here" a lady said

"Yes I am and I brought my family too" my mom said

"Aw look at this cutie aw you even brought the dogs how cute are they" she said "come on come in" the lady added

We all sat down at the table the dogs were in the backyard playing, our families sat on different sides it was kind of funny our dads were across from each other so was our moms, I sat between Austin and Josh and right in front of me was... NASH what is he doing here oh my goodness,

"It's probably cause he lives here" I heard Austin whispers to me

"No really" I said sarcastically

"Yeah" he said in a girl voice

I laughed

"hi" Nash said

I smiled and waved

"aw Amy has a crush" I heard Austin whisper in my ear again and nudge me

"no" I whisper back

"ye-" he was cut off by Josh

"stop it Austin leave her alone"

"no your not my dad" he said

"no but I am your older brother and I'm just trying to stop you from hurting my little sister" Josh said starting to get mad

"our little sister" Austin sound sad, I wonder why

"right" Josh said

they stayed quiet the rest of the night I always talked and interacted with Josh more then Austin, I was closer with Josh then any of my slipping I mean I'm close with all of them I play or hang around and get along with all of them just more Josh then anyone else, dinner was over, Mrs.Grier and Mr. Grier talked with my parents about all my sibling except me

"so Amy what do you like to do" the lady said I think her name was Beth no Elizabeth aw I don't want to say that every time I'll just call her Eliza yeah that sounds kind of cool,

"I like to skate" I said

"Oh Nash dose that and his trying to teach Hayes how to too" she said I nodded

"is there anything else" she ask

"I play softball, soccer and do.."

I don't know why I'm so embarrassed to say it, I guess cause I kind of put myself out there as a tomboy,

"softball, soccer, what" she ask

"ch-ch" I stop myself and looked up at Josh
"She dose cheerleading and a bit dance" he said
I look at Nash's face his face is so shocked wow okay

"wow those are good sports to be in right guys" they all nodded there heads the night continue. The rest of the night was fun.
As the years went by Nash and I friendship grow we were close but not too close I wouldn't call him my best friend yet I would call him a close friend but like I said I don't know everything about him and he doesn't about me, we just hang out alone but it went from every day when we were 9 to once every two weeks when we were 12 then not at all its like once we hit middle school he had better things to do, I was 14 something happens this one day that will changed my life

//Flashback to that day\\

I was siting down at my lunch table eating my lunch with my friends then I had to go to the bathroom, I used it but when I was walking out I bump in to someone, not just someone, it's Nash

"oh sorry babe" he said

when the heck did he start saying that whatever

"it's okay" I said

"oh hey Ams" the hell Ams, what is this,
"so I'm having this little get together at my house, a swim party do you want to come" he asked like he hasn't been ignoring me for two years

"um sure" I said

"okay great" he said a hugged me

"okay huger I got to get back to lunch" I said, he laughed and let go

"see you tonight" he says I nodded my head and walked back to lunch.

(A/N~Hey guys I'm continuing this flashback in to the next chapter so yeah, hope you enjoy the first chapter of Is it love... Or nah~)
