Your gonna be ok


Tony sighed as he leant back in the seat as Happy drove. He sat up quickly when the car all of a sudden jerked when it had to be stopped.
"Happy?" Tony asked and frowned when he heard Happy sigh shakily.
"There was a kid... he just ran on the road.. he got out of the way quickly but, he looks like he's terrified of someone..." Happy said and Tony frowned, looking out of the tinted windows to see a small kid, not much older than 3 staring at anyone who neared him with fear. The man frowned, he recognised that look and slowly got out of the car, gaining a confused look from Happy. He followed the kid down an ally and frowned sadly when he saw the boy curled up in a corner sobbing.
"Hey...kiddo you alright?" Tony called out quietly and the boys head snapped up, he was about to cry more but his eyes widened when he saw who it was.
"Y-you...your iron man!" The young boy squeaked in surprise, a small smile coming on his face. Tony smiled a little and knelt in front of the boy when he was sure the boy thought he was safe.
"Yes... I am Tony Stark, iron man..." the man said amused and poked the boys side gently, smiling when the boy started to giggle and playfully pushed his hand away.
"So kid, now you know my name... would you like telling me your name?" Tong asked as he stood up, the boy standing up and smiling a bit more.
"My name is Peter Parker! But you can call me Peter sir!" Peter said with a big smile which made Tony smile too.
"Where do you live kid? I can take you home.." Tony said but frowned when Peters expression morphed into fear.
"No no! Mr Stark please! I can't go back there it hurts please!" Peter started sobbing and Tony froze, he had no idea how to comfort a kid and his past with his father didn't help that. Tony hesitantly picked up Peter and flinched when the boy buried his face in his neck, crying softly.
"Ok ok.. I'm not going to take you home...." he murmured softly into the boys here as he rubbed his back softly, walking back to where Happy was waiting. Happy looked shocked when he saw Tony sit in the back holding a child close to him, but happy knew that the kid was upset.
"Happy to the tower please... I need to get this kid a checkup and give him some food..." Tony said and Happy nodded and started to drive back, putting up the window screen to give Tony and Peter some privacy.
"Pete.. hey kiddo can you look at me?" Tony said in a soft voice he never thought he had, this caused Peters head to snap up, staring at the old man with sad teary brown orbs.
"Oh kiddo... it's ok... your never going back there if you tell me what is going on... I can keep you safe ok?" He said and Peter sniffled, wiping his snotty nose against his worn out hoodie.
"Pwomise? Iron man stay?" Peter said in a small voice that almost broke Tony's arc reactor.
"Yes Peter... iron promises to keep you safe.. as does Mr Stark..." Tony smiled softly when the boy curled up closer to him, not even caring about giving the man his own space.
"Mama told me to never go wid strangers... but... iron man is no stranger... iron man my hero..." Peter said softly and held onto Tony's top with his small fists. Tony frowned a little and rubbed the kids back, starting to get a little up upset knowing that there were people out there that were hurting this boy, but for what reason he will never know.
It only took a couple more minutes to reach the tower and Tony was getting a little bit scared, how could he have forgotten Pepper was at the tower waiting to see him? The man quickly picked up the small boy and thanked Happy before going inside.
"Hey kiddo... my friend is in here and she might be a bit mad at me but it's ok, cause I'll be here alright?" Tony tried his best to soothe the boy and smiled when Peter just nodded, curling up even closer to Tony.
"Tony! Where have you been you had a meeting over..." Pepper started to argue but stopped when she saw the small boy curled up close to Tony, looking at her with big brown eyes.
"Oh... where did you come from..." she gently rubbed his cheek, eliciting a small giggle from the boy.
"I found Mr Stark in alley! He let me come to his home!" Peter said happily with a big smile. Pepper smiled at this but that smile soon disappeared when she saw the bruises and cuts that were scattered across him. Peter seemed to notice this and started to tremble.
"P-Please don't hurt me! If I did something bad I'll make it up to you! I pwomise!" He cried out and that alarmed Tony and Pepper. However before Pepper could do anything Tony already started to beat her to it.
"Hey hey it's ok... you did nothing wrong kiddo... Pepper is just worried about the condition you are in... alright?" Tony said softly and rubbed his thumb across the young boys cheek, wiping away and stray tears. Peter sniffled and nodded, leaning into the touch.
"Your gonna send me back to the place I live..." Peter mumbled sadly and both Tony and Pepper shared a glance, noticing that Peter didn't say 'home'.
"Hey Peter... Mr Stark is going to set you on the couch and clean up your injuries... and I just need you to answer me ok?" Pepper said and Tony placed him on the couch and starts to tend to his injuries. Peter sniffled and nodded, looking up at the women.
"Does where you love treat you unfairly..?" Pepper started off softly and Peter bit his lip, thinking of the correct answer.
"N-no... they hurt me when something goes wrong... get drunk... please don't send me back! Please! I'll do anything!" Tears threatens to rise in his eyes again but didn't fall as Tony started to run his fingers through the boys hair in a comforting gesture.
"Hey hey... it's ok.... it's ok...." Pepper said and knelt in front of Peter.
"Your not going back... we are going to find you a nice new home...." Pepper said and Peter deflated a little, he didn't like the sound

//time skip//

Peter held onto the social workers hand tightly as they were taking him back to the tower. He didn't like the new family, why did Mr Stark make him leave with them. The social worker offered a kind smile to Peter which the boy returned a little. Peters eyes lit up a little when he saw Pepper and Tony stood in the kitchen of the penthouse. He ran over as fast as he could and launched himself at Tony's legs, holding on tightly. Tony jerked at the sudden weight on his legs and both him and Pepper stared down shocked to find the boy they let go months ago was back.
"Mr Stark... Miss Potts... we need to talk..." The social worker said and this caused worries glances to be cast down at Peter.
"Is it about..?" Pepper started and the social worker sighed.
"Yes it's about Peter... it seems that his recent family had cast him off to his aunt and uncle when they realised he has family left..."  the women started out which caused confused looks to be cast between Pepper and Tony.
"But why is he back here with you?" Tony asked and the social worker sighed.
"Mr stark... they were killed in a car accident... Peter is an orphan yet again and no one will take him because of his past... we came to know if you would watch over him..."
