Chapter 6- 'Lion'

Ashton's POV

Everday for the past week, Michael's parents will come into the room, looking high and low. I've learned not to hide because they can't see me. I just watch them looking for something, I have no idea. Everytime he comes back, he asks if anything interesting happened. I think he forgot nobody can see me but him and I rarely leave his bedroom. The Pursuit of Happyness is the only thing that stops me from being bored to death, it never gets old. I've had to have watched it a million times. Yet, I still cry in happiness.

I was on the part where he was trying to get to the interview, cheering him on though I already know he never makes it. The door flies open, Michael's parents stomping into the room angrily. "Why can't we find it?"

"Daryl, you know hes always been good at hiding things." Who I learned to be Karen huffed in annoyance, checking under his bed. "I mean, where exactly do you hide a shoebox?" In the closet, behind all of his clothes and shoes and different shit, behind that piece of broken wall. I've seen it a few times and shrugged but now, I'm curious to look inside of it. "Ugh, lets just come back tomorrow."

"I hate this." Daryl sighed angrily. "How hard can it be to get over somebody?"

"He was very important in Michael's life, honey." Karen groaned, running a hand through her hair. They both seemed to look directly at me and I freeze. The one time I don't hide, they see me. "I could swear I saw something."

Daryl nodded. "Me too. Lets go." They leave the room and as soon as the door closes and I hear them walking down the hall, I leap off the bed and to the closet.

I scramble through his miscillaneous crap- oh my god, is that a porn CD- and pull the broken piece of the wall out. The shoebox sat there, kind of dusty so I'm guessing it hasn't been touched in a while. I slowly pull it out, blowing on it to see the few words on the top which was 'DANIEL'. My curiousity level hit its high as I crawl back out of the closet. As I sit on the bed, I crack my neck, preparing to see a discovery hit of 2016. I pull the top off and grunt in confusion.

A stuffed lion. I slowly pull it, the fluff of it making me smirk a little. Aw, Michael's such a kitten. Under the stuffed lion was a flashdrive and a sketch book. Detective mode on. Objective: find out who the actual fuck Daniel is? I grab his computer, clicking on his guest account. I push in the flashdrive, pulling the teddy bear closer to my chest. Damn, this thing was comforting. As the files load, I open the sketchbook and dog tags fall out.

"Dog tags?" I grumble in confusion. "Dog tags mean army..."

I look back at the loaded files on the computer, clicking on the first video. I squeal at Tiny Michael as he messes with his hair in front of the camera. He's so cute and cuddly and probably not unimaginably perverted like he is now. Aw, I'm tearing up at Tiny Michael right now. So innocent and small. He was wearing a black snapback face forward, white v-neck and I couldn't see his lower half. He continued fixing his hair before sighing.

My name is Michael Clifford, I'm 13, a single child for the most part have the bitchiest parents ever and kind of want to die. I don't have many friends yet Daniel tries to say that's a good thing. I'll get on to who Daniel is in a minute but I have to do this shit first. Last week, I was diagnosed as a sociopath or someone who shows no care, affection or any emotion shit for anyone. My parents then forced me into the Get-An-Older-Brother program.

That's where Daniel comes in. He's the older brother the program assigned me as weird as that sounds. He tells me I don't care for people because I feel like people don't care for me. I don't know how true that is but now he's forcing me to do a 60 second video a day. He says when I die, people will want to look back at my life though that's a ton of shit because nobody cares about what happens in my life, its kind of more than 99.9% boring and 0.1% percent fucked up.

Without further or due, fuck off.

Um, wow, okay. I go over the videos all day, chuckling every once in a while. He speaks about Daniel like he's the worst person ever but gets so excited when he does talk about him. So that's who Daniel is, Michael's older brother from a brothering program. I've slowly sauntered into his age 15 file and these are kind of slow because he says Daniel hasn't been around much. He won't tell why. The few right before age 16, hes beaming.

Daniel took me to the fair, like fucking finally. I've only wanted to go the damn fair my whole life but like I mentioned a million times before, my parents are kind of stupid. But he got me stuffed lion, *pushes the toy into the screen* and I decided to name him Daniel after my dear older brother. Isn't he cute, with his little cuddly body and shit. I might sleep with this bitch. But he also got me a sketchbook for times when hes not around.

And without further or due, I present you Daniel Wes (totally just used my last name).

The next person that comes into the screen looks at the most 26 and the least 21, buzz cut hair, bright blue eyes, wide straight toothed smile. He has what looks a scar right above his brow and from what I see, dog tags around his neck and an army green v-neck that is literally mirroring Michael's. A few tattoos peak from the of his shirt and bottom of his sleeves. This person is hot as fuck. Just saying, thought I should put that out there.


Sssshhh, Daniel, I'm introducing. *Daniel laughs a little*. This is my older brother Daniel, he's a Captain in the army on leave till sometime later this week. My Aunt says he's gods given angel because of his eyes and the fact that the arrogant bastard got angel wings tattoed on his back.

I mean who wouldn't-

SSSSHHHHH, DANIEL! *Daniel stops talking, looking at his brother fondly* Nobody asked you as far as I know, beesh.


Without further or due-


That's not how it ends Dan-

I found myself smiling till my cheeks hurt when the video ended. I click on the next ones before age 16, him cheesing like a mad man as him and Daniel do different stupid shit. They try on fake mustaches and try to do a whole video having a posh upper class England conversation. Everytime, they end laughing in each others arms and I find myself partly jealous because, Jesus, why can't I have a cute relationship with somebody? Such a fucked up world.

The first video on age 16 is dim. Michael barely looks at the camera but you can tell hes been crying. I clench the bear tighter, watching him as he repeatedly wipes his face. My stomach is twisting uneasily. He leans forward and stops the video, it flicking to another scene. The clock in the background had went forward about an hour but he's still sitting in front of the computer, head in his hands. Finally he looks at the camera, eyes red and puffy.

Uh, okay. *he sniffles* Um, so you all know my brother, Daniel. *his voice was shaking violently*. How hes the captain of the army and all that other bullshit. It turns out, there was a mishap- *his voice cracks and he quickly clears his throat* and the plane he was on was rigged crashed. And to make it worse, today is my fucking birthday. *he goes silent for a good 20 seconds* Its not fair. Its never fair! He had perfect health, he was good person, none of this bullshit is fair. If anyone is seeing this, none of this shit is fair!

But here are his damn dog tags...*he raises them into the screen* and his dumb shit will. I don't want...I don't want his will. I want my brother back. The only thing I have left of him is Daniel and its not...its not...*he pulls his knees to his chest, breaking down* its not fair. *his voice small*. I supposed I have to read the will, right, even though I don't want to.

*he clears his throat*


You know that if there was anything I could have done to prevent your eyes from ever seeing this, I would have. When I wrote this, I have no idea how I died but I can swear to your the last thing I thought about. Why? Because your my brother, my little brother, my favorite brother, my only brother. Everytime I go out, I pray that I can live just to come back and see your face again. I care about you more than you think, Michael. And so does your Aunt.

But we aren't the only ones who care about you. There are other people out there who love you, maybe more than I do. Stop swearing that I'm the only who cares because another person who cares about you could be right around the corner from you, better yet, right in front of you. So what you haven't found them yet? You'll find them sometime. Their probably looking for you just like your looking for them. You know I believe in fate.

Most importantly, don't stop caring. Don't be afraid to care about things that people say or things that you do. Live a little, have sex, drink some, don't get sick, live long which means don't drink too much. I know you sipped my beer once...half the damn bottle that is. Michael, do NOT stop caring. Don't stop showing affection. Don't stop laughing or beaming or playing guitar or drawing. Don't stop dying your hair or planning your future or being loud or being sassy or experimenting. And get married and have kids and live a very long and happy joy filled life.

Whatever you do, don't let me be the reason you stopped being yourself because I'd hate to hold that burden in my grave.


Daniel Levine Wes

*he looks back into the screen and laughs humorlessly* Asshole.

The video ends and the next ones are Michael doing nothing in particular except for either crying or talking about how much he wants to kill himself. In one video, you can hear his parents banging on his door and he's just staring at the camera, cheeks tear stained eyes dim of emotion. He clenches and unclenches his jaw before pulling Daniel to is chest and sighing deeply. In another one, he's arguing with his mom through the door and she's just talking the most shit.

And that's when you could see the snap. The ultimate snap. He let go of his emotion, crying. Grabbing Daniel from the bed, he marched to the door, camera still on and threw it open. "DO NOT SAY A FUCKING WORD ABOUT DANIEL! HE IS THE ONLY REASON I'M ALIVE SO DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! YOUR A BITCH MORE THAN A MOTHER SO I OWE NOTHING TO YOU OR THAT BASTARD THAT DECIDED NOT TO WEAR A CONDOM!"

There was one more video after that. He looked into the camera, smiled genuinly and pulled Daniel to his chest. "Deal, Daniel. I'll be happy."


