

As we left off, Omni-Man was flying off to go back to his home and to then have his talk with Debbie...and Mary as well about what is actually going on with him and who he actually is instead of being an actual he arrives home, enters the house...and to notice everything seems to sound quiet...too quiet...

Omni-Man: Mary?

He then floats upstairs and heads towards Mary's room, nothing, she then floats back to the kitchen...

Omni-Man: Mary. Debbie?? ...*sigh* what did you do.

Suddenly, he then heard a silent cream from the floor behind him, so he quickly reacts and to then and somehow grab something and lifting up, which happens to be invisible ...and then, it turns out to be one of Cecil's security men from GDA...

Omni-Man: Cecil!

Omni-Man smashes the guard's head to the floor and exploding his whole face, splattering blood and brains everywhere...then, more of them that are invisible started shooting at Omni-Man, as they did, the bullets weren't working for him as Omni-Man, Omni-Man then manages to grab one of the guard's weapon from their hands, and to jab the weapon all the way in the guard's whole face, and more blood spilling out, he then manage to throw brutal punches at two more guards, ending up killing then, as one female guard had no choice but to run away from the scene...but Omni-Man didn't let her go that easily as he then kicks her out of the house, which caused her to twist half her body around, braking her whole spine, as she uses her last breathe to even try to crawl over to a house...where Donald has been using that house to set up as a security house hold to spy on Omni-Man goes to that house...burst in the house as Donal trips back to the ground..

Donald: Shit! N-Nolan wait, just-

Omni-Man: You've been spying on me?! And my family?!

Donald: I-It's not what you think! It's for your family's protection-

Omni-Man: You we're always SO pathetic Donald, Cecil's little lapdog.

Final jumps over the table behind and to quickly grab a weapon underneath and to shoot Omni-Man to his face, Eh i it kinda affected him, and it made him angry as he rushes at Donald to try hitting him, but Donald manage to dodge Omni-Man away as he then Goes rushing over to the computer to contact Cecil, but was too late as Omni-Man appeared behind Donald, jabbing his whole fingers inside Donald's side gut, and causing him to lose a lot of blood and feel weaken...and so Donald uses his final moments...

Donald: I-It's been an honor...working with you sir...

He then presses a button...

Omni-Man: Heh, who are you talking to-

Suddenly r, the whole house self exploded, alongside with Donald and Omni-Man...back at GDA, Cecil and Debbie saw everything a floating camera they have activated to spy around on Nolan...

Debbie: O-Oh my gosh! Nolan! No! ...You monster...!

Cecil: He's not dead, even if he's not, we had to evacuate the neighborhood to keep the yield down. Best to do is knock his motor ass...or maybe not hurt him at all.

They then see the smoke clearing the way as Omni-Man survive that explosion, and then to fly off...

Debbie: H-He's going to find Mary, and I don't know who Nolan is anymore...

Cecil: ...Me neither, so we better find Mary first.

Meanwhile, in the woods, we then finally get to see Atom Eve, as she was flying through the woods, as she started living on her own around the woods, and to do hero stuff as well...but she then comes across with Invincible, who she was also looking for Eve...

Eve: Mary?? You came back-

Mary: (YN)'s missing!

Eve: W-Woah wait what-

Mary: I-I don't know, he was with me and William, and then at night, something happen to Will's friend, (YN) went off to look for him and..and...

Eve: Woah Woah hey calm down, look why don't you slow down, and talk through to me calm okay? That way I can be able to help you out.

Mary: Of course...thanks Eve.

As Mary calms herself downs and explains everything to Eve....we then take a look back at William, who he is driving home and yet worried for (YN) still, trying to go over to his house and to see if he's there...until suddenly, something came crashing down to the road as William hits the brakes...

William: W-Woah! The hell was that?!

Then, he notices it was Omni-Man, who he doesn't seem happy to see William, as he started walking towards him...and William getting nervous...

William: M-Mr.Omni-I-I mean Grayson, sir! Y-You look kinda Uh...recently on fire...

Omni-Man places his hand on top of William's roof car, and notices Mary isn't with him...and says to William in a threatening calming tone...

Omni-Man: Where's Mary William? ...You we're suppose to drop her off an hour ago.

William: S-Sorry, but a lot of things happen, (YN)'s gone missing somehow a-and she took off to go look for Eve and-

Omni-Man: Call her.

William: ...Her phones broken, c-cause there was attack at the college and all of the sudden -

Omni-Man presses his hand on the roof top with force, leaving a pump on it, scarfing William...

Omni-Man: Where's Eve?

William: U-Uhhhh, Mary says she's got a place on the woods, c-couple hundred miles western here.

William then notices blood stains on Omni-Man's hands...

William: That's not...blood on your is it?

Omni-Man ignores William's concern, as he then flies up to the sky, and to fly off searching for Mary...

William: B-Bye??

Let's take a break for a moment...and let me tell you about and take a look back at the guardians, now, all of the team are back from the hospital, especially Amanda, Monster Girl, soon they get a call from Cecil, as he tells them that they are his only hope to saving the world against Omni-Man...the team were confused on what was really going on out there...and yet soon they found out something about robot, who he then suddenly has became a real loving breathing human...and yet to steal a DNA sample from Rex and became a clone like Rex, only younger....reason why was because of Monster Girl, Robot has been carrying feeling for her since the day she became a member of the guardians of the globe...and you may be wondering, how was Robot able to turn himself into human, and have the original robot body being mind control still? Simple, he secretly had the Mauler Twins do his experiment, they helped robot turn him into a human just for Amanda...and afterwards all hell loses between them and Robot escaped and is history...
Okay,  now back  with Omni-Man, he was flying through the woods, still looking for Eve and he does, a light appeared and yet pointing at Omni-Man, and the light was getting brighter and brighter...

Omni-Man: You wouldn't dare...

Then, a enormous powerful light beam hit towards Omni-Man, and yet to cause a huge nuclear wave as well, destroying almost around the woods....this beam came from outer space, a huge heavy machine that shoots one powerful beam that can wipe out half the land....and which was build by the GDA...afterwards, the beam barely did some damage to Omni-Man, and so he goes flying after where the beam came from to for Cecil, he was surprised that it didn't finish him off...

Cecil: Hit him again.

The workers tried to hit Omni-Man again, but Omni-Man quickly goes after the machine, and started destroying it by dashing through it and causing it to explode....he then notice the small camera object floating around him, as Cecil and Debbie watched everything...

Cecil: Four hundred billion dollars on the worlds most expensive nose bleed.

Worker: Sir, Omni-Man continues to head over to the direction of Invincible and Atom Eve!

Cecil: *Sighs* Power up the teleport.

Debbie: B-But you said we couldn't teleport them yet?!

Cecil: ...It's not for them.

Cecil then walks away, as Debbie was concern on what was Cecil planning...
Back with Mary and Eve, Mary just finished explaining Every thing about the situation that happened...even with (YN) missing still...

Invincible: And that's why we came back to see if you somehow seen (YN) here.

Eve: O-Oh, well shit, that was...shocker to hear all of that. But no, I didn't see him around the city, nor here.

Invincible: *Sighs* Fuck...Fuck...

Eve can see Invincible worried sick for (YN)...

Eve: Hey, don't give up still, we'll keep searching for him, no matter what...besides...I can tell you really care for him, don't you.

Invincible: *nods* A lot...I just don't know what to do without him...

Eve: I feel you girl.

Suddenly, the two notice an explosion from a far distance up at the sky, which seems to be out form the atmosphere, and to be in space somehow...

Eve: What was that??

Invincible: I-don't know...*gasps* Maybe it's (YN)! Come on!

Eve: Right behind you!

And so the two fly off and to go over to where the explosion was and to see if anything happen afterwards...
Back with Omni-Man, he continues to fly through the woods and some ground land to look for Eve and Mary still...until suddenly...Omni-Anna gets shot, and yet to notice it was Cecil who shot him with a weapon...he grunts and floats towards him...

Omni-Man: You thought that could hurt me?

Cecil: No...that was just to get your attention.

Omni-Man dashes towards Cecil, but Cecil quickly teleport and appears behind Omni-Man....

Cecil: H-Hehe...Jesus Nolan right for the neck? After what we've been through.

Omni-Man: Keep out of this Cecil.

He again dashes at Cecil, as he again teleports away and Nolan crashing through boulders and Cecil appearing behind him again...

Cecil: You know I can't do that Nolan, heh, I face more deaths than I can count, but I'll be damned if I didn't put my nails through my throat, but...I just wanna why? The guardians risk their lives for you, over and over again....SuperMan too.

Omni-Man: I never needed their help, they were weak...and for Clark...never needed him since I met him-

Cecil: They were you're friends Nolan, and so as I!and Clark was more than your friend, he treated you as a brother of his, and I think you didn't kill then for the fun of it, you just have a wanna get it off your chest?

Omni-Man looked away....and to look back as he clapped both his hands towards Cecil, creating a wind wave as Cecil teleports away and appearing aside him...

Cecil: Fine, don't tell me...but what about Debbie? Doesn't she deserve an answer?

Debbie: Don't say her name, and keep her out of this.

Cecil: Why not? You hurt her, not me. I had that in common now. I'm a good liar...I'm a VERY good liar. But're better, you fooled her, hell you filled all of us for what? Years? Wait...does Mary even know that her own father is a murderer? Don't know? No? What happens if she find out? What she's gonna do?

Omni-Man: This is pointless, you can't stop me.

Cecil: Yea you're right, I can't. But...I can do the same thing I've been doing since I figured out you're a lying piece of shit....and still buy some time...and you know what's funny? The fact that you weren't the only strongest hero, SuperMan was, he was way above you, even his boy, SuperBoy, and you had to use a damn crystal to weaken them and kill them? Heh, tell you the truth, and I speak for all of us here, and OUT there're nothing but a bitch-

Omni-Man rushes at Cecil again, and Cecil teleporting his way back to suddenly, couple of small space ships came crashing around Omni-Man...and suddenly, the undead cyborgs back at the college incident burst out from the ship, and to rush at Omni-Man and to start attacking him, punching and kicking him to the ground...

Debbie: What are those things?!

Cecil: Dead soldiers, surveying their country one last time, thanks to that monster right there.

Sinclair happens to be with Cecil, with a neck bracelet around him, knowing his jaw is broken...back with Omni-Man, he was still getting beat up by the cyborgs, until he then started fighting back, and knowing how strong they are, he manages to take them down, he rip one of them half their bodies, pummeling them down and to then go on and go after Mary and Even....Sinclair was upset that Nolan destroyed his experiments, and Cecil ask his men to get him out of here...and Cecil has one trick up in his sleeve...
Omni-Man was flying through the road and to keep looking for a Mary and Eve...until suddenly...something huge teleported infront of Omni-Man...and it was a Kaiju monster that he fought months ago...which blocked his way, and the Kaiju seemingly to grow very angry and aggressive...he stares at the floating camera robot...

Omni-Man: You must be desperate! I've beaten this thing already.

Cecil: Sure, but we removed its pain center, juiced it up with every drug and upgrade every enhancement we had, plus all of that really pissed it off, and blames you. Good luck, "hero".

And so, Omni-Man goes dashing at the Kaiju monster to fight it off, but the monster is so angry and aggressive, it manages to fight off Omni-Man and to take him down with its strong the monster deals with him, Cecil and Debbie started to realizes two helicopters approaching to the incident, and happen to be working for the news reporter, and have all television go LIVE at the incident...and they also notice Mary and Eve at the scouter map approaching to Omni-Man...

Debbie: Th-That must be Mary, and Eve! Call her phone!

Cecil: Phone, now!

Back with Mary and Eve, they notice something going on, and see it up close...

Eve: Woah! Is that a monster??! And wait! He's holding onto someone...I-is that-

Invincible: Dad!!!

Invincible rushes over to her dad and to punch the monster with her strength and letting go of Omni-Man...for Eve, she gets a call from her was Debbie...

Debbie: Eve! It's Mary's mom! I need to talk with her!

Eve: You just missed her, Eh-what's going on??!

Omni-Man recovers and to notice her daughter with him...

Invincible: Dad, you alright??

Omni-Man: M-Mary??

Invincible: Heh, invincible you mean, about time we teamed up.

Omni-Man: ...Mary-

Invincible: Come on, let's get this thing!

Back with Eve...

Eve: But I need to help her and her father-

Cecil: Don't. Head to guardians HQ.

Eve: Cecil??!

Cecil: Listen to me and do as what I say!

Eve didn't know what to do...but she had to do what Cecil told her...and leave....Mary and Nolan were having trouble dealing with the monster...

Debbie: Cecil, call that thing off! Mary's in there!

Cecil: ...I can't do that Debbie.

Debbie: Why not??!

Cecil: Because I can't. Nolan killed the guardians, Donald, shrugged off everything I throw at him, and now Mary doesn't know if she's working with her father, or against him. So I can't call off the one thing that can stop them the most.

Debbie: ....This is why I ALWAYS hated you!

Cecil: *sighs* That's why I hate me too.

Meanwhile, we then take a look back at a forbidden hideout, to see the Mauler Twins, which their base was destroyed by robot after helping him out become a human life form...

Mauler #1: What a dick.

Mauler #2: Wanna get revenge? Quit complaining and finish the build right here. I'm almost done here.

We then take a look at that the mailer towns were somehow got The Immortal's dead body from the grave and brining back to them for some reason....One Of them then approach with a neck device armor...

Mauler #2: It's charged, I built it exactly.

Mauler #1: Good, but how do we know he'll come back alive?

Mauler #2: Cecil couldn't bring him back though.

Mauler #1: Cecil's an idiot, he not called The Immortal for nothing.

The Mauler twin then grabs the neck collar device and placing it around The Immortal as it fits him good...

Mauler #2: What now?

Mauler #1: I don't know...he should be awaken by now...and he's not?

Then, one of them started pumping the immortal, hitting him...

Mauler #1: What are you doing??!

Mauler #2: Heh, even Frankenstein needed an extra kick to come back alive!

Mauler #1: Ugh, one, he's not Frankenstein, two, he came back from lightning, not from...whatever you're doing, and three, it's also from a movie.

Mauler #2: I know, but it also feels good! Hey Immortal! Wake up you useless murdered idiot!!!

As he kept hitting the Immortal to wake him up....Suddenly, we take a look at the Immortal's POV....everything was black...and suddenly...he started to get flashbacks from his past, of how he was just a warrior, then a knight, and then suddenly became Abraham Lincoln??? Meh, they do look alike somehow....and yet of how he became a super hero, the Immortal....and lastly....of how he was killed by Omni-Man...and afterwards...he suddenly snaps and awaken from his death...and is alive! ALIVE!!!

Immortal: AAAAAGH!!!

Mauler #1: Activate the collar now!

Immortal: Where the hell is he??!!

One of the Mauler twins try activating the collar to somehow mine control him and work for him, but it would seem that the collar wasn't working at all and the remote malfunctioned...

Mauler #1/2: Uh -Oh...

Immortal: Where's Omni-Man! Where is he!? I'll kill him!!!

Immortal flies off, with such pent up rage and anger to go and destroy Omni-Man for what he did to his friends and himself...

Mauler #2: Tch, Robot gave us bad schematics.

Mauler #1: No kidding...

Back with Invincible and Omni-Man, the two worked together to fight off the Kaiju monster, and to yet together punch it down to the ground...

Invincible: Hey dad, didn't you fight this thing before??

Omni-Man: Yea but it's tougher...Cecil sent it after me.

Invincible: Wait, Cecil??? Why would he do that??

Omni-Man: ...There's so much you don't know Mary.

Invincible: ...O-Okay look, maybe you can talk it out with me while taking out tentacles here?

Suddenly, the monster got up and to hit both Omni-Man and Invincible away from each other....back at of the workers notice the radar showing someone approaching towards the incident...

Worker: Sir, there's someone approaching towards Invincible and Omni-Man!

Cecil: What?! Damn it I told Eve to stay out of-

Worker: It's not Eve sir.

Cecil: Then??

Back at the fight, Omni-Man recovers....until...

Immortal: Omni-Man!!

He turns around and to see The Immortal coming after him, he then spears Omni-Man down crashing to the ground, afterwards, Omni-Man punches Immortal to the sky and goes after him as the two started fighting at the sky...Immortal started throwing punches at Omni-Man with full anger....even the helicopters were getting everything on LIVE TV, for everyone to see on their television LIVE, social media as well, they were shocked and surprised and hard to believe that they couldn't believe the fact they are seeing The Immortal alive and confused of why is he fighting Omni-Man...

Immortal: Murderer! We trusted you! You betrayed us!!!

Omni-Man then block a punch from Immortal...

Omni-Man: You should have stayed dead.

He then throws a brutal punch at the Immortal, sending him flying away, and to turn around and to see Invincible in trouble dealing with the monster, he then try to go help her, but the Immortal comes back and again started beating him up, Omni-Man started to throw his punches at Immortal as hard as he can to knock him down and to go help his daughter....but the Immortal wouldn't stay down, he kept on fighting back against for Invicnible, she recovers from the hit she got from the monster, and to fly off over to the electrical wires, and to snatch one off....and as she did and the monster appearing behind her by rushing up to her and landing a hit on her, Invincible uses the electrical wire to shock the monster with all the electric it has to manage to take him down...back with Omni-Man and the Immortal, Immortal manage to take the high advantage as he throw seven punches to the face and gut towards Omni-Man...

Immortal: I'll kill you!! HAAAAGH!!!

As he then tries to throw a heavy punch at him, Omni-Man dodges it, and to clench his fist and to throw a brutal punch towards Immortal's gut, and to burst his hand through his gut and behind as well, as Immortal spat blood out from his mouth....
And knowing the helicopter news reporters caught it all LIVE, everyone around the world has seen what Omni-Man did to Immortal, especially William, Amber, and the guardians as well...
Immortal was grunting and in such pain...but he still has little fight in he presses his both thumbs towards Omni-Man's eyes...


Immortal was about to pop his eyes off...until Omni-Man had to then chop Immortal's body to let him go...and so he did, with one storm chop, he again kills Immortal, and to shake his head and his eyes bleeding....
But he slowly turns around...he notices his daughter, Mary, Invincible...saw everything....she saw that her father killed the Immortal with no hesitation at all...and that scares her off...

Invincible: D-Dad..??!

Omni-Man: ...Mary, sweetie....we need to talk.

