Under The Mistletoe (Inuyasha x reader)

Your pov....
It was Christmas eve. Snow was falling, people were singing, bright red and green lights covered store Windows and street lights.
I smiled and sighed happily. You could see my breath. I looked over at Inuyasha.
He was looking around in awe. His eyes had a twinkle in them. The kind of twinkle you'd see from a little kid. "Pretty, isn't it?" I asked. Inuyasha looked at me and nodded.
I stopped and held out my hand. Inuyasha looked at me funny, then got the hint. "Oh!" He rubbed the back of his neck. He reached out for my hand and held on to it tightly.
He looked up and his face turned a bright shade of red.
I followed his gaze. I felt my face become hotter.
We were standing right under th mistletoe.
"Uh..." Inuyasha began to rub the back of his neck, again. "Didn't you say, that when two people are under that," he pointed to the mistletoe. "They have to kiss."
I looked away and nodded. I heard Inuyasha chuckle slightly.
A finger raised my chin up.
I was staring wide-eyed, straight into Inuyashas closed eyes as his lips touched mine. I was blushing, but soon melted into the kiss.
When we pulled away, Inuyasha smiled. "You have no idea how much I've been wanting to do that."
He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I love you, y/n."
I hugged him. "I love you too."
