
Min Seo | she/her | Seungmin

Minnie | Min

Barista | prospective author |

Reserved | Creative | forgiving |


It had been the first text she received in the morning, and the only thought keeping her going throughout the day.

It's Friday. Date night.

It was Seungmin's turn to plan the date this week so she had no idea what it would be, although she hoped it was something away from people because man where they exhausting today.

Giving one last Karen her low-fat, sugar-free, soy, matcha latte whatever, she heads to the back room and unties her apron. Hanging it up, she has a party on the inside that her shift was finally over.

It's Friday.

The thought reentered her mind, putting a smile on her face as she waved goodbye to her co-workers. Making the short walk home, she ran up the stairs to her apartment. Quickly setting her things down on the kitchen table, she heads towards her bedroom.

There on the door, held by a small piece of tape is a piece of paper and 'dress comfy, I'll meet you at our spot' is printed in her boyfriend's handwriting.

Humming along to some random love song, she heads into her room to find a good outfit. It was nearing the beginning of fall so she should wear something a little warmer, but not too hot.

Deciding on a pair of jeans and a cropped sweater, she quickly checks her time before throwing her hair up in a ponytail and texting Seungmin.

'Ready or not here I come ;)'

Running out to an uber, she looks out the window as they pass the familiar sights. She sings along to the music playing on the radio, excitedly tapping her foot to the beat.

"Thank you" She quietly thanks the driver as she gets out.

Breathing in the scent of the fresh air, Seo wanders through the trees to the small clearing, also known as 'their spot'.

There her boyfriend sits on a cute picnic blanket, holding a small bouquet as she heads towards him.

He looks up at her as she gets closer, reading the look on her face properly.

"Rough day?" He stands up and gives her a quick hug, knowing it's what she wanted.

"Yeah but it just got a whole lot better"

They head over to the blanket and take a seat, picking at the food for a while before laying down together to look at the clouds.

"You know you're like my favorite person ever?"

She looks up at his face from her spot on his chest and gives him a bright smile.

"Youre my favorite person too."

"Yeah? How would you feel about possibly telling other people that?"

"As in?"

He pauses for a moment, switching to lay on his side so that he can face her.

"Would you want to reveal our relationship? Jinyoung pdnim wants to reveal all of them."

"All of them?"

"Yeah like every member. He wants the fans to actually meet our significant others."

"Don't companies normally just 'yep they've got a girlfriend don't be a jerk' and then pretend nothing happened?"

He lets out a laugh at the dopey voice she used for the company before trying to explain.

"Yeah, but he said it might make the fans more interested and more likely to accept you guys if they see us together"

"Well whatever gets us more time together I'm down for" she gives him a shy peck on the cheek and he wraps his arm around her shoulder while she points towards the sky.

"That one looks like a boat"

2 years and 12 months

always on the phone
with each other

Friday date night

Seo & Your OC↪
