Chapter 9

Heyyy ! I'd like to thank all of you ! I  reached the 200 viewsplus the comments are really what motives me to write. I love you all ! I'm really sorry for being late but I'm kind of overwhelmed with my homeworks.

   Alec slowly opened his eyes as he felt a soft weight on his left side. As his eyes adjusted to the light entering the room he realised that the weight was no one but Magnus. His new boyfriend. The warlock was sleeping soundly in the younger's arms , Alec found the elder really handsome with no makeup,  glitter and his hair down,  it made him look really peaceful as he was sleeping. Alec started caressing the man's cheek which made him move a bit. Magnus opened one eye and smiled when he saw Alec.

"Good morning." Said Magnus in a hoarse voice.
"Morning" answered Alec. "Did you sleep well? "
"Amazingly !"

  The elder stood on his elbows and softly kissed Alec's lips. The younger crossed his arms around the warlock who added:

"I have some work to do this morning , so I guess we will have a class this afternoon."
"No problem,  then I'll just stay in bed."

  Alec answered burying his face in the other's hair.
   The two warlocks stayed like this a little longer enjoying each other's warmth and then Magnus stood up. He gave a peck on his boyfriend's forehead who fell asleep again. Magnus grabbed some clothes in the wardrobe and headed to the bathroom.

  After a moment he left the room fully  dressed in a deep green shirt and a pair of thight jean with his hair spiked and a bit of makeup. The warlock glanced at the mural clock and realised that it was almost 9 am and his first customer was coming in half an hour.

  Magnus poured himself a coffee and started preparing what he would need for the appointment.


  When Alec entered in the living room he found his boyfriend talking with a woman, none of them has noticed him yet so he continued watching at the scene. Magnus was really beautiful thought Alec. He then looked at the woman in front of his boyfriend and felt jealous. The woman was short with a caramel skin and curly blond hair. She was really pretty and was also flirting with Magnus. A flood of anger spread across Alec as he started heading to his boyfriend. Alec stopped behind the man and held him by the waist. Magnus started as Alec said smiling :

"Hey you"
"Morning sleeping beauty"

  Magnus answered with a wink which made Alec blush. He then glanced at the woman who was looking at them wide eyed and it made the young warlock smirk. He gently kissed Magnus's neck and then left to go to the kitchen. Smiling visibly proud of his impression toward the woman. He started pouring himself a coffee as he remembered that he had forgotten to tell about his new relationship to his sister. He took out his phone and wrote :

A: Guess what Iz !

  The answer came almost instantly.

I: I don't know , what is it Alec :/
A: You were right , he feels the same !
A: Can you not use caps please Iz , it's annoying. But thank you a lot , it's all because of you !
I: What can I say ? I'm amazing. So what happened?!

  At this moment Alec felt his cheeks burning and he almost choked on his coffee in front of Magnus who chuckled. Alec calmed down and started typing.

A: Well , when you left I told him about my feelings and he said that he felt the same. We kissed and I slept in his room.
I: You JuSt sLePt ? ;)

  Alec blushed even more but answered:

A: Well we kissed and Hm..  he slept in my arms...
I: Alec ! You have to bring him here and introduce him to everyone.
A: Did you forget that Mom thrown me out because of my sexuality?

  The raven haired boy felt sad as he remembered how his parents did react about his coming out but the buzzing sound of his phone snapped him from his daydream.

I: Mom was doing that because of dad , she does love you and regret what she said... :(
A: I don't know Iz... Maybe I'll come later...
I: Anyway! I'm really proud of you Alec, I ship Magnus and you so much!❤
A: You what ? *-*
I: Never mind!  Love you :D

  Alec  turned off his phone with furrowed brows and took a sip of his coffee. It was going cold so he thought about magic. Should he try to re-heat it ? Alec looked at his boyfriend preparing a potion for the woman who was still staring at him in awe and then looked back at his mug. He lifted one hand over the mug and tried his best to concentrate and imagine how his hand could heat the black liquid. His hand was shaking as he was trying his best and after a while he saw a white flash coming from his hand so he tried harder and after a few more second put his hand back on the counter.
  Alec grabbed his mug and took it to his lips , he felt the hot liquid passing through his lips and jumped in joy :

"I  did it !"  Alec exclaimed joyfully
"Darling ?" Magnus asked "Is everything alright ?"
"Yeah" Alec blushed "Don't worry it's nothing"

    With that Magnus went back to his activity and Alec looked down at his coffee still blushing.
    After a while Alec finished his coffee and went to his now old room, he took some clothes as he realised that he had been in boxers the whole time in the living room. He blushed at that thought. He put on a black shirt with a dark pair of Jean. The man brushed his tooth and hair and went back to the living room and stopped next to his boyfriend and then said: 

"I'm going to the institute,  I'll be back for lunch"

  Magnus looked at the boy with wide eyes and furrowed his brows and Alec added :

"I'm just meeting my siblings don't worry Mags."
"Be safe"

   Magnus gently leaned and kissed the raven haired boy. He pulled away to a blushing Alec who then left the loft and started walking to the institute.
   After ten minute he was at the door , he texted his sister telling her that he was there and a few moment later she was hugging him in the doorway.

"Are mom and Robert here? " Alec asked pulling away.
"Just mom , dad went back to idris."
"Great.." Alec said "Could you please tell her that I'm here ? I'd like to talk to her."

  Izzy nodded and went inside the glamoured church. Alec sat on a bench in the garden of the institute near the entrance. After a while he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and his eyes met the blue ones from his mother, the young warlock stood up and was surprised to be taken in her arms.

"Alec I missed you so much !" Maryse said in the embrace."Where do you live ? You know you can come back if you want , it was a stupid idea to throw you out... I'm really sorry Alec"
"Mom" Alec said pulling away 'I'm fine don't worry. I wanted to tell you something important" Alec smiled.
"What is it honey ?" Asked his mother worried.
"Mom" Alec blushed "I met someone,  it's an amazing person. In fact I'm living with him and we love each other"

   Alec blushed and looked at his mother with a worried look knowing that she wasn't  really ready to accept his sexuality.

"That's great Alec!  What's his name ? You know that no matter what your choices are I'll always love you" his mother said smiling at her son.
"His name is Magnus. Magnus Bane mom"
"Magnus Bane like the high warlock of Brooklyn? " Maryse furrowed.
"Yeah why ? Do you know him ?"

    Maryse placed one hand on her son's shoulder and said :

"Honey , this man ; you dont know him "
"I plan to learn to  know him mom" snapped back Alec.
"He has a lot of lovers in his life honey. Both men and women you know..."
"With me it's different. I can feel it" Alec answered talking louder.
"Look Alec I'm really proud that you found a man but i wouldn't attach too much to him if I was you."
"Amazing ! Now I should give up on the person i love. Thank you mom"

   Alec turned around ready to walk away but his mother grabbed him by the wrist and said :

"Alec it's not what I mean. I would really like to meet the two of you around a dinner really."
"Really mom ? You would do that? " Alec asked with sparkles in his eyes.
"I would be honoured" Maryse answered caressing her son's cheek.
"Amazing!  Mom you're amazing!" Alec hugged his mother and then asked "Look mom , I'd like to stay but I have to meet Jace  and Iz , do you know where they are ?"
"Yeah. They're in the library , let me lead you darling."

  Alec and his mother talked the whole way to the library and Alec had to admit  that he was glad that his mother didn't really hate him and that she was kind of accepting his relationship with Magnus. They entered in the room and Alec saw his  siblings ; Isabelle,  Max and Jace but also the redhead and the new vampire Simon. Jace came to his adoptive brother and took him in a tight embrace.  Alec was surprisingly happy to find out that he didn't feel anything anymore toward the golden eyed boy. They pulled away and Alec high fived his brother Max. After a while Jace said :

"We missed you bro"
"Yeah..." Alec mumbled "I missed you guys too, I'm sorry"
"Alec has something important to say everyone." Maryse announced.
"What is It?" Asked Jace and Simon at the same time.

  Isabelle was grinning from ear to ear meanwhile Maryse was proudly looking at her son who was blushing a lot.

"I.. hmm.. I have a boyfriend" mumbled Alec.
"That's amazing !" Yelled everyone in the room.
"Who is it bro ?" Asked Jace putting a hand in the other's shoulder.
"It's Magnus" announced the warlock with a big smile.
"Magnus like the high warlock of Brooklyn?" Asked curiously Max.
"Yup" answered Alec.
"Yeaaaah ! Told ya! 5 dollars Mrs.Fray" yelled Jace.
"But... It's not fair Izzy told you that they've kissed" Clary whined giving a bill to her boyfriend.

   After everyone calmed down their euphoria they sat on couches around the fireplace. They were drinking coffee that Clary and Simon brought back from the Taki's. Everyone was talking joyfully and after a while Alec added :

"Everyone, how would you feel about having a dinner at home with Magnus? "
"Are you serious Alec? " asked Izzy over excited.
"Yeah , I'll ask to Mags during lunch to plan a day." Answered Alec smiling
"Amazing !" Exclaimed Izzy.
"Well I think i'll go back home now. Do you mind if I take some things in my bedroom ?" Alec asked standing up.
"No go ahead" Maryse answered.

   Alec left the room and started heading to his old bedroom. He entered And a flood of nostalgia invaded him. He headed to his closet grabbed  a big sport bag and started packing clothes, some books and his now and arrows. He hugged his friends and family one last time and then headed to Magnus's loft.
   The boy entered  in the house and noticed Magnus sitting  on the couch petting The Chairman. Alec closed the door and went straight to his boyfriend. He leaned over the couch and gave a light peck on tye elder's cheek.

"Hey you." Said Alec in a hoarse voice.
"You're finally home" mumbled Magnus turning to have a better view of his boyfriend. "I prepared the lunch."
"You're the best Mags"Alec kissed the other's cheek
"Mags?" Furrowed the warlock.
"Yeah i don't know I wanted to try." Answered Alec innocently.
"No continue I like it"  Said Magnus smiling.

  Alec sat next to his boyfriend and The Chairman hopped of Magnus legs to curl up on Alec's laps who then started to pet him. After a while Magnus put his hand behind the back of Alec and rested him arm on his shoulder and said :

"How did it go with your family ?"
"Surprisingly it went pretty well. By the way how would you feel about having a dinner with my mother and my siblings ?" Asked Alec looking at the warlock with a nervous smile.
"I don't know,  they don't really like me so..." Magnus answered strangely nervous.
"I thought we could show them that this , us,  it's serious. And that what we're feeling toward each other won't go away"
"I like the way you're thinking. Let's do that. How about next Friday dear ?" Magnus answered caressing his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Yeah amazing" exclaimed Alec looking at his boyfriend "Thank you so much Mags. I'll text my mom" Alec lowered his voice and added "I love you"

  For only answer Magnus pecked his lips which made Alec blush. He smiled and took out his phone with sparkling eyes and texted his mother.
