Magic -- Erik Lehnsherr

Request: Can I request one for Erik Lehnsherr ( young Magneto), where the reader ( his s/o) is the exception to his I hate all humans rule? If you don't write for the character, please ignore. Thank you!

Requestee: LinhCinder98

Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff

Author's Note: This was very fun to write, though I am writing on a migraine and tired eyes. I hope you like it as much as I do

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Erik can't help but think about you as he and Charles play chess outside of the mansion. Everything about you is simply captivating to him.

He loves the way your brown skin looks golden in the sunlight, how your head fits in the crook of his neck when he's holding you, more than your unimaginable beauty, he loves how much you care about him.

"She is a lovely woman." Charles says, interrupting Erik's thoughts. The latter doesn't exactly understand what it is his friend is talking about, the statement going over his head. "The young lady you've been thinking about, she truly is quite lovely."

Though Erik doesn't enjoy Charles looking through his head, the thought of you makes him smile softly. "It's beautiful, really." Charles says. Now Erik's snapped back into reality, his eyebrow quirking, "Is there a reason you're searching my brain, Charles?" The telepath laughs, nodding at the board, "It's been your turn for three minutes, Erik. You seemed lost in thought and, well, I just wanted to make sure you weren't dwelling on a dark piece of your past."

Erik nods in understanding, moving his knight, "Well, now you can ease your worries, Charles. Nothing was on my mind but Y/N." Charles smiles a small smile as he transitions from studying the board to studying Erik. "She's not a mutant..." Charles says slowly, still smiling.

Knowing what his friend is going to say, Erik rolls his eyes, "No, Charles, she is not a mutant. Are you going to take your turn or am I just going to continue this game alone?" To appease Erik, Charles moves a pawn forward a block, but continues talking. "You know what, Erik, I am proud of you. Really. This is an entirely different leaf for you, and -"

He doesn't get any further than that before Erik cuts him off, "Don't get the wrong idea, Charles. My mind has not changed on the topic of humans at all. Y/N is my weakness, and I'm not afraid to admit that. Not to you, or myself. I don't find anything wrong with having something that makes you weak every once in a while."

Charles smiles at his straight-faced friend, the chess game long forgotten. "This is just amazing. It honestly is beautiful, Erik. Love is an amazing thing." Now Erik looks up at Charles, a barely noticeable smile on his face, "Yes, it is. But be sure not to tell anyone, I do have a reputation to keep up." The two men burst into a simultaneous laughter, "Well," Erik starts as their laughs die down, "While this was fun and all, I did promise Y/N I would be home precisely 2 minutes ago. But of course, you don't know that."

Nodding in understanding, Charles sends another smile to his friend. "Enjoy yourself, my friend." He says as Erik begins to leave. "I shall see you later, Charles." He responds before turning the corner.

* * * * *

"Y/N? Darling?" Erik calls, closing your door behind him. Instantly, he smells pie and pork steak, pulling him into the kitchen. There you are, frilly apron around your waist and your hair wild around your head as you stir something in a pot.

Walking up to you, Erik wraps his arms around you and kisses your neck. "Hello darling. It smells wonderful." He says with his chin resting on your shoulder and the scent of your hair products wafting into his nose and invading his senses.

"It smelt even better fifteen minutes ago, Mr. Lehnsherr." You fake scold as you turn in his arms. After giving him a quick kiss, you turn the stove off behind you. "Did you have fun with your friends?" You ask, busying yourself with making your plates.

Erik begins pouring your drinks, his eyebrows lifting as he answers your question. "They are not my friends. I work with them to defeat a common enemy." You roll your eyes and set his plate down at one side of your small round table across from your own. "Okay well, did you have fun with your friend Charles and his friends?" You ask, the two of you sitting down to dinner.

Now Erik shakes his head. "No. I don't go to have fun Y/N. Fun is what I come here for." He finishes with a smile on his face. This makes you chuckle, the sound ringing like music in Erik's ears.

"I love you. You know that, of course, but I just had to say it again. Charles caught me thinking about you today and said how lovely you are. It just reminded me how lovely you truly are." He says as if he's speaking nonchalantly, but his eyes are shining and the sweet words pull you out of your seat to go kiss the side of his head.

"I'm a black woman, Erik. I may not be a mutant, but I am magic. Please, still thank Charles for me. And for what it's worth, you are quite lovely yourself. If not a bit too stubborn for your own good."

Laughing, Erik turns and kisses you. "You should meet Charles. He will surely believe you to be magic." He says, no longer worried about dinner as he kisses you again.
