
It was a normal day for Juniper, gaming and doing his makeup with his friends.
Of course until it wasn't, They just finished up a game of bedwars and someone sent him a whisper asking for his discord, Juniper shot them back their user and tag and soon later accepted the others friend request.

skylar#0102 sent you a friend request!

skylar : hi

juniper : heyy

skylar : how r u doing :)

juniper : im goodo how r yuo?

skylar : im doing fine what ar you up too?

juniper : iactually just finished a roudn of bedwars lmaoosfjvinvfg

juniper : u wana play a round w/ me?

skylar : nonono im not that good at it aha sorry :(

juniper : oh alrigt asdfhvjnd

juniper : i gotta head out ill talk 2 u l8tr?

skylar : yea sure, cya :)
Authors Note

i dont even know where to start this will get better i swear, but i hoped you enjoyed chapter one :)

(151 words)
